Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts

Friday 7 January 2022

Never the Twain

The other day, when in conversation with two of what I took to be highly intelligent men, I realised once again that I live in a foreign country.  It was clear their knowledge of Scortland was limited, and their reaction to Nicola Sturgeon reflected a message poured out by the 'Daily Mail,' 'Daily Express,' and BBC News.  This was disturbing but not unusual down here.
A hatred for Sturgeon that they cannot adequately explain is based on false information and a desire to oppose independence.  Yet some of these people voted for Brexit! and what they called and English independence.  
Sturgeon is no favourite of mine, however, she has handled Covid better than England, that means Boris, has attempted to protect people at all levels and while surely has made mistakes, though who would not in the circumstances, has been seen as a competent politician, one Boris dare not face.  
Scots who dislike Nicola do so because she favours the absurd 'trans' and 'gay' ideology, or is failing to seek independence.  It is likely she is happy with the situation just now as she remains happily in charge of her Cabal with no opposition.  However, 'Indy2' appears not to bother her whatsoever.  
In England dislike is based on tabloid media and ignorance.  Such ignorance includes a failure to understand how Scotland has been abused by England since the Lords took bribes and kept their lands by selling out to England in 1707.  This brought continued the peace brought by James VI & I taking the English throne (and ignoring Scotland) but almost killed Edinburgh and was rightly refused by the people.  No benefits accrued to Scotland until Scots took power in England's parliament.  Only then did money shift north, and probably into only certain pockets.
Financial figures, misreported and misunderstood seek to make Scotland a failed economy yet Denmark, Ireland and others with smaller populations succeed.  Joining the EU helps, but Scotland's  trade will improve without the Brexit folly hindering her.
Scottish nationalism is not based on hatred of England, as the London press keep repeating, but on love of country.  English nationalism is however based on xenophobia, hatred of foreigners and a belief they are still a 17th century imperial power.  This clearly is not the case.  Since Brexit all power has been lost, the English importance rotted away and all that matters is the pigs with noses in the trough, the nation, flag waving or not, matters not and is dying.
Will the English ever understand how Scots are second class citizens in their own country.  They will never understand why the BBC refers to 'British' football fans when talking about 'English' ones.  They note a tennis star who was 'Scots' until he won Wimbledon and became 'British,' and numerous daily occurrences similar to this.  I queried one newsreader when she mentioned the train leaves Kings Cross for Scotland.  "Where is this station called 'Scotland'?" I asked.  The next time she appreared it was amended to Edinburgh though she missed out the 'Waverley' bit.  Unconscious racism is bad when we are black, but not when we are Scots.  
Boris Johnson himself is known for his antipathy to Scots and has published many such statments in his writings.  Possibly action ought to have been taken here?
Scots know much more about this foreign country than the English know of Scotland, for a 'United Nation' we are very disunited, may it become permanent soon.