Thursday 16 May 2024

Prison Thoughts

Some noise has erupted regarding the early release of prisoners to reduce the pressure on overcrowded prisons.  Indeed some very dangerous men and women have been released early, and the pint sized PM denies this fact.  Clearly something is required to deal with this, but how did we get here?
For a start a society with no moral leadership at the top will fail to encourage considerate living.   A corrupt government, and this one is not just corrupt but makes no attempt to hide it, a lack of respect for authority, and authority that lacks respect for those they deal with, all fail to improve society.  If, say some, the MPs can rob us blind, if supermarkets can increase profits by 30%, if power generators can raise prices to ridiculous needless levels, then why can I not walk into a supermarket and help myself?  Why indeed?
Privatised rail companies, water companies fouling the rivers and seas, gas and electric providers along with the retail world all rip us off daily, and the government does nothing.  Failure at all levels is rewarded, so why should those with less not join in?
Add to this the removal of services for no good reason by George Osborne.  He cut the magistrates court cash, Boris indeed sold of many to friendly developers along with fire stations, prison staff were reduced, and private prisons use less staff than any other, the probation service was privatised so badly it had to be renationalised yet still is underfunded and overworked, and lawyers attending prisoners are paid badly.  Yet with little chance of rehabilitation, little support, and dwindling money what else could we expect?
The situation will only get worse.
The next government, masquerading as 'Labour,' will have little chance to change things, that is if they wish to!  Money is scarce and intellect scarcer!  The basis of a moral society has been taken from us to pursue business money.  That is billionaires form elsewhere lead the movement to a Class War, society suffers as the rich get richer and the rest become serfs for them.  The upcoming 'Freeports' will encourage this.  
Those at the top, the ones now in control care nothing for the 'liberal' policies of the past, they care nothing for the people or society satisfaction, they care only for themselves.  This hospitals are made to make money, not treat patients, prisons are for removing political objectors, and unions are an enemy of the state.  Soon what freedoms we have will be lost and we will have voted for this.
There are no giant politicians today, they have been lost.  The UK, like the rest of the world, is in the hands of intellectual pygmies.  The society we grew up in has long gone and will not return.
Any society that considers men can be women and vice-versa, that abortion is OK, and refuses to stand on reality will die, by self imploding.  The UK and most of the west is heading that way fast.  It is not prisons that require care, it is the whole of the west outlook.  It is now too late however.
But I worry not.  This allows Jesus to make his move among the people.  Churches are growing, though the press hide this.  People between 20-40 are moving in, the emptiness of this life has opened the way for considering a stable real life.  The church will suffer persecution, but it will grow.


the fly in the web said...

The moral compass has gone...shot down by politicised education, the gross example of enrichment for the undeserving...Thatcher's 'no such thing as society'... putting basic needs into the hands of crooks.... watching genocide happening before our eyes and unable to force our government to act...
The justice system has collapsed...we are back to the days when it was open to all - like the Ritz hotel...
I am so glad to hear that younger people are hearing the Wore.

Adullamite said...

Fly, I see no improvement ahead.