Friday 31 May 2024

Friday Faff

Spring has been sprung upon us, although I think this may be summer now, and rain has fallen constantly since yesterday.  As it begins to ease up I notice the other half of the country is in sunshine all the while!  I may consider moving.
The weather men tell us it has been 20% wetter than usual, less sunny but with less frosts.  As if we had not noticed.  On the other hand it has been slightly warmer than usual, but not much good when it is wet also!   Summer may well be warmer, as the seas are much warmer than usual.  Watch out for more disaster headlines in the days and years to come folks.

I may consider stopping Twitter for a while, nothing but lies and counter lies from politicians and their lackeys.  So many fill the screen that there is little room for football or other important happenings.  The only other major story is of course Donald Trump being found guilty, such a surprise, and hopefully being jailed soon.  
On the other hand, the more the electioneering continues the less I like Keir.  Lying about GBEnergy, which was all Scotland's energy anyway, each day he appears more under the control of Big Business.  The cuts will continue, by people taking thousands in backhanders from big business, and the nation as a whole has yet to be informed re Freeports, why?  Goodbye Tory gangsters, hello Labour ones.

'Mothers Pride' was always one of the notable items in any shop when I grew up.  Though I remember always being sent for a 'sliced loaf' when required.   Sales are falling as there are so many better tasting breads to be found these days.  They may not be any more healthy, and they are certainly more expensive, and these type of loaves have lost their fame.  Possibly because mum was dealing with kids sliced white bread, the cheapest, was sought.  Her potato soup and slices of bread kept us alive as kids, and I have never been able to make soup like hers.  None of the woman have ever succeeded either.  
The problem here is the packaging, they say, not the bread.  The weeks without the loves may mean people forget about it altogether.  Maybe this was the plan?


the fly in the web said...

I caught a brief glimpse of Wes Streeting on Question Time...the shadow health minister whose office is funded by a private medical firm! He looked like a lunatic.
And as for Starmer's purge of any candidate left of Hayek and Rayner's 'more austerity is good for business' agenda, I'd rather vote for Pol Pot.

I lost a tooth in a Mother's Pride sandwich....

Adullamite said...

Fly, Feed Mothers Pride to Wes Streeting, he looks like he needs it.