Friday 5 February 2021

It's a Disgrace!


It's a disgrace!
For no reason at all, well, for a small reason, Twitter have banned me!
They use the word 'Suspend' but I know what they mean.
I logged in this morning and found a complaint, whether from a real person or from Twitters automatic responses I know not, but I think the latter, re a gentle suggestion I made to a woman having problems with her 15 year old son.  
"Give him a slap!" 
I suggested.  
However Twitter thinks this advocates violence and not required discipline.
Had she used such sensible options previously it is likely the brat would have behaved himself innit?
Twitter is however, to 'woke' for that sort of thing.
I tried to get back in, followed the order on the email that I eventually found, but could not get a response while following orders.  I went to query this and found I must enter my mobile number, but I have no wish to do so, I returned to email and found instructions to ...enter mobile number.
Modern technology has its limits.
So, I logged in a new Twitter site.  This meant a different email, a search for important contacts and long minutes waiting for little response.  
Eventually I was sort of happy, ready to explain the new name etc.
However, in playing about with this I logged out of the new Twitter and when I try to get back in the blasted thing will only go to the one I am suspended from!
Ah well, maybe someone is telling me something...


the fly in the web said...

I said that you were public enemy no.1.....

Your cartoon reminded me of the old New Statesman, which used to have a competition in the back pages, one of which was asking for suggestions on how to bring up children.
The one whcih caught my eye was the entry which proposed to set up danger parks, with live electric wires, tiger traps, ropes swinging out over an abyss, etc...which the author thought would quickly rid society of those thick enough to ignore the warning notices and prevent them breeding more like themselves.
I wonder what Twitter would make of that...

Dave said...

You and Trump now have something in common.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Danger Parks sound good to me, but I suspect Twitter may disagree.

Dave, Ho Ho Ho!!!

Mike Smith said...

Twitter has become a cesspit of bile anyway. I had all kind of abuse directed my way last year for daring to suggest all lives matter. The world has gone mad...

Adullamite said...

Mike, I agree. In the past the local loudmouth, usually drunk, could state his views and few heard. Today they fill social media. I find I expect many of my views to be opposed, usually by organised groups, however, individuals can be quite cutting and in some cases dangerous. Look at Mike Dean hiding his family for instance!