Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Monday 6 May 2024

Spring Rain Holiday

I'm beginning to think May is the wrong month in which to have May Bank Holiday. Mist and cloud greeted us this morning, rain followed, umbrellas are seen, damp streets and damper people pass by.
Have a nice day!

The council have taken to planting trees for one reason or another in the park, in 70 or 80 years these will be well worth looking at, today they are somewhat young.  These few were planted a couple of years ago and now are sprouting these wee purple flowers.  Not easy to see properly as the cloudy day hinders photography, but they look delightful.  No ide what they are but when the trees develop and increase I think they will look very good across the park.  The later trees remind me of those we see across France in Great War photos lining the roads.  They will be good in another 50 years.

Being a slow news day, as always, I spent some time watching lucky people travel about on steam trains!  Why they can make it while I only watch, full of jealousy, from afar I know not.  The steam gala included many large and small engines, some from afar, running back and forward, sometimes via the guards van, and all camera clicking men, and they were mostly men, were clearly enjoying themselves.  I could see that by the way none of them smiled and all appeared to ignore one another.  Tonight some volunteers will be working late emptying out all the ashes and preparing one or two engines for their return to home stations.  Lucky they!

Monday 15 April 2024

Spring Leaking

Spring remains in the air.  Indeed the air was full of Spring much of the day.  The west wind, curling round from the north blew heavily across the park encouraging a drookitness unpopular with the dogwalkers and passers-by.   I was OK though.  
Usually we say 'The farmers will like it,' but as we know farmers are never happy whatever the weather, and many have seen far too much rain this year already and the crops are not happy about it.  Mr Tesco and Mr Sainsbury are already increasing their prices even though they are as yet unsure of the particular crops involved.  
Cocoa in warmer areas has increased three fold in price, Olive Oil also, both caused by the weather and corporate greed.  Other fruits imported from the EU are suffering also.  That did not stop me buying some tasteless Spanish strawberries, know doubt covered in various chemicals to aid growth, for tea.  My health being what it is these preservatives may aid me rather than hinder.  

Friday 1 March 2024


Today, March 1st, is the first day of meteorological Spring!  Naturally, the rain is teeming down.  
Spring is my favourite time of year.  Daffodils abound, Bluebells sprout upwards ready to blossom, Blue Tits flit through the trees opposite, and a sense that good things lie ahead fills the air.  Sometimes, people even smile!
This of course does not mean we will not have rain or even snow once or twice yet, but it is a time of light mornings, days of chilly sunshine, and as today, days of rain and what the weather people refer to as 'showers!'  They did not mention the wind shaking the trees and dislodging the pigeons mind.
Ah Spring, a time when us young men's fancy turns to thoughts of love.  
I will be too busy with Spring cleaning.  Last years that has not been finished...
Ahead of us lies the promise of warmer weather, long bright days, sunshine, shirt sleeves and happiness abounding.  I will do my utmost to avoid all that!   The days lengthening is always good.  I can turn off the lights, blow out the candles, and sit near the window to allow light in.  No more switching on the oven to heat the place, they say we will have the hottest summer ever!  And the same people tell us their is no global warming.  Honesty is not something associated with the UK press.
Rejoice! Rejoice!  

Atkinson Grimshaw - The Thames Below London Bridge

Thursday 1 June 2023

Ne'er Cast Yer Cloot...

Being the first day of June, and having followed the advice of our forefathers, I had avoided casting oot my cloot until May was oot, this morning I threw oot my cloot!
It is freezing here.
The freezing cold east wind, referred to as 'cool' by the weather people, comes in my window and leaves me wrapped up in my cloot, which os no longer oot.  The electric heater under my feet came in, the washing came on, all this to heat the place in the Spring weather.  By the time lunch was prepared I was too hot!
Indeed, it had become so warm I was able to dry the washed sheets remarkably quickly.  Now they are dry the place is freezing again as I have had the windows open and the east wind has returned.  For those in the Atlantic Isles the idea of half the land having record warmth, and the others bathed in mist and dreichness, as happened yesterday, is common enough.  Those dwelling where the sun rises and sets, Spring brings warmth, wee flowers, singing birds and smiles, this makes no sense.  Spring is the time of year when a variety of seasons can arrive at the door hour by hour.  One moment the heating is on, the next we think we are in the Med!  At the moment, I am just south of Greenland.   
June!  Half way through the year and I still have not full-filled my potential.

Monday 15 May 2023

Trump, Tech and Spring!

Once Joe managed to get his aged head in the White House it was hoped the end would come for the fat, orange blob.  However, in spite of insurrection, rape allegations, court decisions and obvious mental health problems, Trump once again heads the count for the Republicans as Presidential candidate.  We think the UK parliament is in a mess?  
How does a man who supports the Russians in Ukraine, use and abuse women so openly, talk like a 14 year old taking his first drugs, and lie so obviously retain this position?  Uncle Joe is no hero and some of his statements are somewhat dubious, but with a choice between a semi dementia man with some decency, and a Nut Job who considers, and probably believes, that the world is there for him and him alone, which would you choose?  Joe would not lead the US into a war, against the Ukraine, Trump might!  Trump, with the monetary understanding of Liz Truss, could demolish the worlds economy in less than her 43 days.  Yet, many US citizens will vote for him!
The west has been morally degraded by the policies of great wealth and false liberalism.  The 'Stonewall' type freedoms have deluded many, the creation of wealth and the removal of that wealth has left many distressed, and Covid did play its part here.  It is interesting how immoral governments and economic distress go together.  The stability built up since 1945 has been gradually eroded.  The west has nothing to hold it together now.   And a return of both Trump and Johnson is on the cards.
Sleep well.

In the real world Spring has produced a lively concoction for the wee beasties.  Buttercups and these white things that I can never recall the name off, these abound round the park.  Yesterday, my body failed to make Kirk, so I wondered across the park enjoying the greenery.  The council cut down the dead daffodils and allow the space to be filled with all this beastie attracting growth.  They do manage it well, and this replaces the areas killed off by front gardens being turned into car parks.  No wonder the number of sparrows is diminishing.  

I love technology, I really do!
I love how technology enables my laptop to manipulate the anti-virus in such a way as it logs itself out, logs itself in, all unasked, and then slows everything down while it contemplates what it is doing.  This, I only understood after uninstalling 'Avast,' and then re-installing the thing this afternoon.  Why did it do this?  Was it attacked by a virus?  Anyway, all is now well, apparently, but every day, and in everyway, we are being driven mad by the technology that was discovered to aid us and make our life easier!   

Thursday 13 April 2023

Spring, Irish Biden, Google Spit!

Blue sky above, freezing wind below, yet the birds are chasing one another about the branches, and the buds are beginning to bloom.  By the weekend we may have leaves once again adorning the trees.
Spring is the best time of the year.  The future is ahead, the blossoms and wee flowers begin to appear, the weather heats up, soon, and Blue Tits gorge themselves on thousands of would be butterfly's.  
How enjoyable simple things can be.
Nothing else has happened as most are on holiday.
Big fuss by the 'Daily Mail' concerning a junior doctors strike leader going on holiday when the strike is on.  They do not mention the Secretary of State for Health, who ever he is, is also on holiday, but that appears OK.

Joe Biden continues to astound, he fails to comprehend the Prime Minister, though neither do we, he mistakes the 'All Blacks' New Zealand rugby side, for the 'Black & Tan!'  He continues seeking US pretend Irish votes by stressing his Irishness, if he can find some, and talks down the UK just because he needs those votes.  'Special relationship' indeed.
Maybe he just forgot?

I have used a lot of swear words this day. 
I am trying to amend the war memorial and it just will not work.
First it does not allow me to insert what I was inserting, unless it is giant size.  There is no means to reduce the size.
Then while attempting to amend things the whole portion disappears! 
Where did it go?  No idea!
The arrow button brought it back, but where was it, and why did it go?
Eventually, I decided to delete that portion and start again.
This I did.  I copied the words, deleted, reinserted the words, and then the picture item as before.
As before it would not work.
In doing this several pictures decide to join in for some unknown reason.  Much of the day was spent trying to unjoin them.  Why do this?  The old system worked perfectly, so a 14 years old improved it so it does not work simply.
Now, after several words I have not used for years, I find I am close to success, except the next portion has disappeared!   A photo I wished to insert there, is also huge, and now deleted.  
This is not the time for a would be councillor to knock on my door and suggest voting for them!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  I left it unsaved and with work to do, later.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Spring is in the Air

We awoke to snow, wind and sleet this morning.  This of course had been foretold by the weathermen, supported by the screaming headlines in the tabloid press.  The vile tabloids are the reason we see the weathermen exaggerating the forecast.  In times past there have been storms, snow, floods heavy rain and bad weather which have caused difficulties across the land.  Screaming headlines demanding action, which quickly disappear when the sun shines once again, force the forecasters to make clear that winter weather can bring snow, rain, fog, and even a storm or two.  Such weather conditions appear not to have come to the knowledge of the vile people at the tabloids.  
My favourite is the 'Daily Mail.'  A couple of years ago screaming headlines warned of three months of approaching bad weather.  The indications were terrible, we might suffer and die if we did not take careful action.
The comments below were wonderful.
"It's called 'winter' DM."
"Three months, December, January and February, DM?'  
"How old is the writer?"
And so on.
Each year the same story appears, slightly different and with worse grammar and spelling than what you see on here.  It typifies the tabloid approach to anything, not just weather.  A screaming half truth, exaggerated out of all proportion, large headlines, pictures of storm damage (often with misleading scrawl underneath), and occasionally an outright lie.  
It is no wonder such papers are dying.
Anyway, we have this for a few more days.  I will be reluctant to venture out, and endure the comments from way up north where the sun is shining brightly!  
How unfair!

Monday 30 May 2022

Mumping Monday

The sky offered the usual Spring deceit today.  As I stumbled up towards Sainsburys the chill in the air was hidden behind the blue of the sky.  By lunchtime I was sitting indoors with my jacket on wondering if I ought to make use of the heater!  Instead I did the laundry, at least drying the ageing T-shirts over that heater warms part of the house. 
Sainsburys, the checkout lass informed me last week, are planning to change things around.  Out will go several checkouts, replaced by larger, trolley sized, self-service checkouts.  Hooray!  Instead of people like me struggling to get a dozen items through a self-service machine soon people with trolleys will be struggling to get over a hundred items through the checkout!  
They will soon be off their trolley.  
Since John James Sainsbury established his grocery shop in 1869, somewhere in London, the company has been one of the leading supermarkets in the land.  Tesco long ago overtook them as 'top dog' but this company is still in their fighting and increasing the prices on their 'own brand labels goods.'  Anything to help the poor Qatar's who own 15% of the shares.
Having hobbled back I noticed changes downstairs.  Later, when I had finished my reduced (but not by much) Chicken Kyiv lunch I heard strange noises again.  These emanated from a man holding a heavy item half way through the downstairs window.  Naturally, as a keen helpful type I wished to offer assistance, my back however, wisely warned me not to interfere when a man is having fun.  So, I ignored the foul language quietly escaping him and settled back down to read the online press. 
This was not encouraging, it rarely is.  Much of the media is dominated by the queens Jubilee.  Now having been monarch for 70 years is clearly an achievement to admire, especially when you have no official power, and many will admire her for this, though not her son obviously.  Parties are planned, two days off have been granted (Thursday & Friday), pubs have longer opening hours and the police more overtime to clean up the mess.  
The church is having a 'special' service for her, including a lunch and a fun time afterwards.  Some cruel cynical types asked me If I would be helping out!  I have made clear I am unable to attend as I will be with the Young Communists, burning 'Butchers Aprons,' on Sunday.  This, as you may imagine, has not been believed by the Brexiteers amongst us.  I fail to see why.

I spent the day sending one or two begging emails, none of which have provoked a response as yet.  And also 30 minutes listening to my sister chatting.  While informative, this leaves more tinnitus in my ear than AD/DC ever did!  I gave her a second hand laptop, quite good enough for her needs, so I could email her rather than use long phone calls.  This she cannot work, her fingers are too aged to cope, and the email has not been set up properly, even though her grandson works for the phone people!  Kids huh?
Now, with no football to watch, I am left wondering what to fill my empty head with.  In the evenings tiredness leads to watching things that require no energy or thought.  Football often fits perfectly here.  Tonight's TV offers 'Britain's Got Talent,' a misnomer if ever there was one, 'Jurassic Park,' and 'Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun.'  I am not convinced this is my kind of TV.
OK then, it is time to read books...


Friday 1 April 2022

April Spring Day

Here, in what they laughingly refer to as the 'United Kingdom,' it is always possible to recognise when Spring is in the air, it snows!  Today, the 1st day of April, a blizzard rages outside my window, Arctic snows lash the land and indeed, come through the window in the west wing.  
Excuse me while I rush to close this.
The snow swivels around, apparently coming at us from all directions but mostly from the north, and takes great delight in covering those unfortunate to be caught out in the open with a delightful white, wet covering upon them.
I wrap my frozen fingers around the coffee mug in sympathy.
Having had the heating on low all night, and it required to be on last night, I am wary of making use of heating anything again today, after all the energy price increases begin from this morning and all the energy companies are rejoicing in the shareholders profits.    
Jings!  It is definately Spring!  The blizzard has gone, the sun is out, the daffodils shine brightly and all is (almost) well with the world!  40% F. now with an 18 mph northerly wind coming through the cracks in the window frames.  Very Spring like weather.  This is of course quite normal.  Many years ago I went to Fulham to watch George Best playing for them  I spent the entire game with flakes of sleety snow in my face.  As you know, 'The Battle of Arras,' which began on April 9th    1917, included many days of deep snow lying all around, not welcomed by any of the participants at the time.
If this weather keeps up, and it will over the weekend, I may have to rise and start doing things to keep warm!
I worked today just to keep warm, this failed...

Friday 9 April 2021

Spring Advance at Arras, and Phillip.

In between the clouds today I noticed the buds appearing on the trees opposite.  Naturally, the picture does not show any!  However, the park was filled with kids today, plus guardian parents, none of whom appeared to wear masks while chatting to one another.  We forget, or ignore, so easily.  The young kids are better behaved than those that come later, the 'Chase me! Chase Me! crowd' of adolescents that gather to shout and scream in the darkness.  For a few years they have been reasonably quiet, this years lot may be louder.  They leave behind the same mess as all the others while also going on demonstartions to 'Stop Climate Change' and 'Save the Planet!  
It is understandable that those trapped inside, especially kids, wish to be outside making a noise and having fun so it is difficult to complain.  I wish I could do the same!  The lessening of the chill, it was cold when I visited Tesco early on, means people are fooled into thinking Spring is hear again.  I will cheer them all up by telling them it will soon rain all night and into tomorrow.  It is Spring!

Vimy Ridge, 9th April 1917.  This was the beginning of the Battle of Arras, a battle with a higher attrition rate than the Somme but almost nobody has heard of it.  Fought begrudgingly by General Haig to support a French 'Push' which was a disaster, it began in good style, the Canadians taking Vimy Ridge mostly within the first hour.  Hard fighting thereafter.  The British 3rd Army under General Allenby attacking south of Vimy advanced over three miles before being slowed by enemy resistance.  As the fight stuttered Allenby was removed by Haig much to his disgust.  Sent to the Middle East by Lloyd George he was happy to support the PMs later attacks on Haig.  
No celebrations occur in the UK re this battle, though it is seen, possibly wrongly, as the birth of an independent Canada.  The Canadians did fight well during the conflict, we could not win without them, yet are often ignored by the UK media.  No surprise there. 
Three local men died on that day, Private Ernest Arthur Clark, Private Bertie Charles Cooper, and Private Horace George Green.  There were to be several more in the days to come.  Cooper was one of four men from one family who was killed in action.  A fifth brother survived simply by being sent to India with a Territorial Unit and avoiding the war.
Not sure if you noticed but 150 posts on Twitter have indicated the Duke of Edinburgh has died at 99.  This is no surprise to anyone, he was sick, aged, and while well looked after, all knew it was likely.  
The media have gone into overdrive, endlessly repeating the things we all know, one or two dodgy bits about his comments ('Slitty eyes' anyone) and ignoring anything that makes them look bad.  Saturday's press will not be worth buying as it will contain the pre-prepared pull outs full of what has already filled the TV today. 
Personally I am raging!
The Heart of Midlothian game against Alloa was to be shown on BBC Scotland Channel tonight, this while the BBC channel is showing the same programmes, as is STV and SKY, so they have removed the match from TV as this is considered 'light' programming!
Since when was football Light programming?
Absurd decision, and another attack on the Heart of Midlothian by the Glasgow BBC.

Monday 29 March 2021

In the Soup

As I walked out the other morning the weather she was gray, the sky cloudy, the wind chilled.  Frozen, I wandered around 'exercising.'  Today, trapped by the smelly washing and then making chicken soup I am stuck inside while the sun hits the 60's F.  Innit typical!  
The soup came from a chicken of dubious heritage, or is it just that no chicken today provides nourishment?  Yesterday I prepared the chicken and turned on the oven at 20 minutes to ten, then sat at the laptop awaiting the oven heating up.  At 20 minutes past 11, I remembered the chicken and placed it in the oven!  An hour and a half of warm house but uncooked chicken!  It was nearer one before I could eat.  My whole day was put out by crass stupidity, and not for the first time.  I could not hobble to the church this morning, too far for me today, though they were open, and could not find a proper service online, it being hours before our online one arrived, so I filled my time with listening to Alistair Begg again.  This however is not the same as meeting people, even wrapped up according to the orders, but he is always worth a listen. 
With the clocks marching forwards we see Spring in action properly, the gas and electric folk want a meter reading!  This means clambering down the awkward stair and then clambering slowly back up again tomorrow to read them.  Have they no heart?  Can they no longer employ people to read meters?  No, they cannot, that costs money the shareholders want!

Friday 26 February 2021

Spring is in the Air


Yes indeed!  It's that time of year again!  The time of year when Dafooldils fill the page as they are the only bright things within miles!  The ones opposite me have been pushing through since December, today these ones at the far side of the park are almost completely out and brightening the world around them.

Mind you as the world around is dominated by the rather boring Town Council offices it does not take much to brighten things up.  I had to get out, with Spring jacket on no less, and walk across the park to enjoy the day.  What always comes to mind on such days is a remembrance of one Spring day in Kensington Gardens years ago.  A great many people were out, many walking dogs, rich and poor, old and young, and the first real day of Spring caused even Londoners to smile at one another.  For thousands of years the Spring awakens us to life once again, we know snow wind and rain, mist and fog will come again before long but we also realise that the warmth is with us now and good days lie ahead, even if locked indoors.

However, I could not wait here, I had to approach the butcher for minted lamb chops and huge chicken bits.  These were available so I added a huge pack of bacon just in case Brexit stops it coming over from er, somewhere in England it turns out.  Anyway, once home I chopped all up, packed the freezer and realised there is no more room!  This means I canny order that nice man's pies this week!  Tsk!  It also indicates I have nothing for lunch, some fool forgot to buy what he needed again!

Last night we had a Zoom operation.  A church gathering comprising people with the technical ability of those over 50 years of age.  Only one entered in without trouble, she is in her early 20's.  It was noticeable that everyone had a clean house, at least in the bits showing, although until she disappeared one woman only had feet to show.  Knowing which way to point a laptop is difficult isn't it?
It was also noticeable just how many men got on reasonably quickly by ensuring the wife logged on for him.  Zoom, while not perfect, is at least a way to meet those who we have not seen for a while.  It does make proper discussion difficult, in my case partly because the neighbours were in downstairs and I was trying not to talk loudly.  They think I am mad as it is just because I talk back to the TV, football, politicians and most other things I log onto, tsk!  Only hearing one side of the debate mwy fox them somewhat.  If they want madness I can show them that also if required.  Tee Hee!

I for one canny wait for the charity shops to reopen.  I expect it will be a few weeks before they sort out the vast quantity of goods that will be dumped on their doorstep when they do open.  I, however, will be awaiting the chance to check out the many jackets dumped by those who have found them shrink hanging in the cupboard while on lockdown.  That said I have a bag that is already overflowing with rotten stuff goods I wish to donate. Some charity shops, like Oxfam, have been working online like everybody else. 

Monday 22 February 2021

Drizzly Spring Musings


The hazy bright morning sun promised Spring warmth, as I write the drizzle is busy trying to rear Daffoldills which cower under the bare branches of the trees.  Tsk!  At least the gas is not on, the heaters are off and I no longer need to wear my coat indoors. 
As Spring deepens, it is claimed fewer people will be rushed into hospital with Covid, therefore Westminster will rush children back to school, pubs opened, shops, barbers and sundry businesses urged to return and by the end off July we shall see the hospitals full once again!  Of course it may be true that the vaccinations are having an effect, but there again it may just be those 'unnamed' people pushing in the press and on social media for a return that are behind this 'confidence.'
Nothing however, will take the smug grin of Hancocks face, as long as he is making money he cares not about the rest.  That is a sure sign of this bad government.
I believe we have an opposition but I have no idea where it is.

'Worcester II' by Charles William Wyllie (1853-1923).  'Worcester II' was a redundant R oyal Naval shipthat moved into the Thames in 1862 and took its place as a RN training ship.  She remained there until 1945 when replaced and moved by the navy to moorings elsewhere.  Unfortunately she was not used and slowly rotted away, capsizing and being slowly eaten by the tides.  Such a shame for a ship, but there again it saves cash in dismantling her.  
I have a penchant (whatever that is) for pictures of the sea.  Charles William Wyllie and his more famous brother, William Lionel Wyllie, both painted such works. Charles sadly moved into more mythalogical fantasies, usually featuring bare breasted women, I know not why.
It may well be more such pictures fill the empty spaces of this blog until I get out and about a bit more. Not that we can go far anyway these days...
News is hard to come by these days.  The papers will fill space with everything and anything.  Here we see an item taken from the web, that appears to be where the press get their news these days, the item is all about a woman who saves money by searching the shops for reduced items.
Gosh!  Who would have thought that by seeking out the 'yellow stickers' you could save money?  
What surprised me is that she saves (she said) £50 a week on her total shop!  £50?  Maybe you were buying things you did not require, using expensive brands rather than 'shops own' and squandering money in a flagrant manner?  Just saying like.
The disabled, the unemployed (some 850,000 it appears), the poorest using food banks, and pensioners have been doing this for years.  But hey, anything to fill space in the media.

Friday 3 April 2020

Friday Frittered...

It took a while but I have finally worked out 'Voicemail!'  The cheery voice at the other end told me to change my pin, he did not tell me I had one in the first place.  What he meant was 'Make one up' but he did not state that!  However I worked it out, entered appropriate numbers, and found two boring voices.  Was it worth it?  No!
I am getting the hang of this now, making use of 'Whatsupp' as it costs nothing, not counting all the info they have stolen from me and sold to China, unless China already knows all that useless info of course.  
My laptop suddenly ran slow also.  This took 24 hours to fix.  Once I remembered the trick was to switch the router off, then back on, all was well.  I was getting 30, now I am back to 71 at the moment!  It must be said there is not much going or or much that is worth searching for, especially now that football is dying.  
Maybe I ought to try my hand at fixing that VCR/DVD player...?

However, Spring, if you look out the window, is here.  Grey clouds may cover much of the sky but light is getting through.  Little plants abound, not that we are allowed out to look, and the sky is light early in the morning.  Good times!
This weekend will be warm they say, don't even think about hitting the beach!  I may rebel and wander across the park!  At the moment it is 12% and some sick person thinks it may reach 15 tomorrow.  Lots of exercise outside Tesco for some I see arriving.  

Thursday 19 March 2020

Thursday Mutterings

Following instructions from higher command, e.g. the Archbishops, all Anglican churches are to close and if possible go online.  Now I understand this is a wise move, however I also feel the church ought to be open for prayer at times such as this.  Even if one church, in the centre of town, was to keep open at certain times for such prayer it would be a good thing.  This would help, Jesus would intervene, usually in ways we do not expect, and offer a moment of peace for those who would not come at other times.
Churches opened throughout the wars when they felt it would do good.  A very different enemy of course.  However people are in fear at the moment, I say that knowing many are fighting in supermarkets for the last bottle of sanitizer, while others are sitting in pubs happily forgetting fear of virus's or indeed anything else.  There is a fear culture developed in the world, another friend has gone on a 'cruise of a lifetime' and not been allowed off the boat, seen nothing but sea and is worried they cannot get off to fly home.  The unseen enemy hinders all.  Mind you I would be happy at sea for two weeks, not sure about a cruise boat mind you.  An open church, a short quiet prayer, a cheery word, who knows what this may do?  Self isolating with others!
On Sunday the St Paul's facebook page will offer a service of some sort online at 10:30.  Quite how he will manage this I know not!  I will be watching, without the need to dress up, walk down there, or indeed even wash, no-one will see me, so I can follow in a relaxed manner...

Spring has arrived.  According to Google, who must be right, it begins today.  According to everyone else it begins on Friday!  I am well aware Spring has begun, the low lying gray cloud overhead, the chill in the air, even though it claims to be 'mild,' and the drizzling rain that fell when I took the rubbish out does indicate Spring is in the air.    
Now, well into the dark evening, the rush hour stour fills the air, dankness hangs around and the cheerful weather girl promises chilly weather.  Spring has indeed sprung...

Sunday 24 March 2019

Spring has Sprung!

The chill wind sneaking across Essex from the North Sea did not hide the fact that Spring has Sprung and brightness is upon us.  We can look forward to more light, longer days, blossoming flowers and concentrate on such things while ignoring Brexit.  The birds chirp in the trees while eating the new buds as they appear, the wood pigeons chase each other keenly and the Sparrows have worked out how to hang onto the feeders.  
I contemplated this a wee bit as I trudged down to church to be renewed in spirit and cheered by all the young women ("cough") asking after me.  I had to be there as I was reading.  I made use of my best North Edinburgh voice in between coughing fits bringing a 'thumbs up' from one, a 'cracking voice' from another and 'Scots git' from one of the Ukip persona.  Tee Hee, she does not like me interfering with the Ukip stuff he puts on facebook, she attempted to bite me twice!  I was glad she was in a good mood.  

I was a bit worried last night when I noticed the early Sunday papers were suggesting a coup would take place removing Mrs May and replacing her as 'temporary' Prime minister one Michael Gove!
Michael, the man who stabbed Boris in the back because his wife told him to, has become famous for his weasel ways and interesting ideas.  Some make sense, most do not appear thought through and those that are become presented simply to make him look good, they will never be put into action.
Even worse appeared this afternoon when Theresa called a meeting at Chequers her PMs country hideaway.  Several important personnel were invited to push through the next step of the plan she does not have.  Who attended?  These are who:-

Boris Johnson, the would be PM with the integrity of a louse.

Dominic Raab, the one who did not understand how important Dover was to the economy.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, the millionaire member forthe 1700's who has already mad several million from Brexit and advised his people to put their money in Dublin, where his now lies.
David Davis, the Brexit secretary who did not read his briefs, or any paperwork or indeed do anything but got well paid for it.
Iain Duncan Smith, dearie me where do we start....?
Damian Green, fired for watching porn on his Westminster laptop, many others 'history' was cleared soon after, and a May loyalist.  
David Lidington, in theory next in line to PM but does not wish to be PM.
Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay, who?
Chief Whip Julian Smith, didn't he whip the party and then voted against last week?
Conservative Party chairman Brandon Lewis, have you heard of him?
Steve Baker, ?
Alistair Burt, ?

Oh and it appears Rees-Mogg brought along one of his sons to take part or nick things is not clear.

The big cars sit in the drive, the millionaires with little comprehension or care re normal people cogitate and fight for position inside, the people await the result, knowing it will change as soon as the cabinet meets on Tuesday.  
I wonder if Kim Jong Un could drop one of his missiles on Chequers?

The Venomous Bead sums things up well.

On a brighter note Scotland beat San Marino by two goals to nil today.  This is the fourth time they have played them in San Marino always winning by two goals to nil.  Better teams than tonight's have obtained this result but people still complain the manager is bad the team is bad and they know what to do about things.  They don't actually.  This is the same nonsense we always have because Scotland considers itself a Big Team but it in these days merely middle ranking.  However we are supposed to stuff little teams by many goals, something we have rarely ever done.  Certainly there are glaring problems but removing the failing manager will not answer those.  Many changes required behind the scene, these will not be happening and we had better hope we produce a higher quality of man or just get used to things being as they always are.