Showing posts with label Railways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Railways. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 February 2022

'The Railways' and the Club.

In an effort to ignore the pain in my back I have taken to reading unfinished books.  Today I completed 'The Railways,' by Simon Bradley.  
This, I must say, is an achievement!  This is indeed one of those books you can describe as a 'classic.'  It is also very long, 551 pages before you get to the 'sources,' 'notes,' or 'Index!'  It is also very detailed, it has taken me five long years at least, to get through a highly interesting, and very detailed, work.
We have here a very good Historian who loves railways and is capable of describing how they grew, developed and where they were at when he finished writing in 2015.  Well illistrated with glossy pictures in the centre and a variety of drawn prints spread throughout the chapters.  
The book covers the beginnings of railways, the carriages, the engines, the varieties of classes and prices, and how the railways made use of the public.  The book covers the permanent way, that is the actual track to you and me, the variety of sleepers and the men working thereon.  It does not dismiss the dangers working on a railway offer, many men have died, and it is even today still the workmen who are in danger, rarely the public.  We read about signals and signallers, the land they crossed and how it was crossed, the variety of station buildings both great and small, the navvies who toiled by pick and shovel to create cuttings and bricklayers building bridges and sheds.  
Simon discusses the activities at stations, and the companies and people who were behind them, how the layout developed, the people making use of them and the staff operating the railway by day and by night.  
Railway travel made the UK in the 19th century.  Carrying raw material into industry and carrying finished goods to house or export, also carrying the people into work and home again, one of the great joys of life is commuting even today!  Raliways speeded up society, enabled travel to distant places for work or holiday, brought distant hamlets into daily contact with the world, usually by dropping off newspapers at stations.  Railways had more influence of the world in the Victorian days than the computer has had on our world in the last 30 years.  It is no wonder people are so besotted with railways, and flock to heritage lines to travel once again behind a steaming locomotive.  
This book contains many words, it took me a long time to finish, possibly I ought to use it as a reference book, however, every so often I did enjoy it.  I recommend it, if you have time...

Last night I took myself out to the club for a Spam meeting.  I only remained for an hour or so as sitting there was not helping my back.  It was good to see the old faces again but a bit uncomfortable.  As you would expect from such a loving group of men no sympathy was on offer!
It was 'Valentines night' so romance was in the air, though not obviously from the faces around me.  Two men brought the wife, how romantic, though one was ordered out early.   Valentines day always brings a difficult decision, is it 12 roses or just one....or do you just give her the whole tin? 
Today, somewhat surprisingly, things appear better.  I have forced myself to keep on the move, made use of ice once again, and at this moment feel better than last night.  The morning will tell.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Spotting from Home, or Bored!


Bored with rubbish football last night I tried my hand at 'Spotting from Home.'  This is something usually done by those railfans who cannot get out and about these days so instead take pictures from their laptops.  Sitting in bed, bored with Luton Town last night, I picked up my cheap mobile phone and snapped favourite places.  
I decided to do this when watching far off Deshler, Ohio, somewhere in the United States.  Here is one of my favourite views, though usually it is not covered in snow.  The US is under a freak downwards curve of cold air and while Ohio may be used to such scenes further along in Texas, and even New Mexico, they suffered a blanket of thick snow.  A slight dusting they can cope with, several inches brought anguish.  
The engine in this picture is awaiting the passing of a train heading East which crosses just behind the camera view.  This has not yet arrived so our man just sits there and cogitates.  This is a not unusual sight at this point.  These frieght trains have to be well planned before they leave, a train 150 trucks long takes up a lot of space on the railway!

Unlike the engineer, that's 'driver' to you and me, I got fed up waiting so I moved to  Waupaca, Wisconsin, no, I have no idea where that is either, and discovered the foundry there was still working, possibly because this engine had just moved some of the trailers, filled with Coke standing in the background, into the furnace area.  This looks to me like one of those little 'wild west' towns that has little to build on but the foundry.  Quite why this town exists is not made clear but it appears to prosper.  Small town America lies before us here.
This, somewhat darker than it is in real life, seaside image, makes a change for those who do not appreciate the joys of railways.  Videos, sometimes live, of beaches wordlwide are very relaxing I find.  Here we can enjoy the birds gobbling up wee beasties we cannot see, but they know are there hidden beneath the sand.  There is something relaxing about the sea, the light reflecting of the water, the bird life, the air, all gives a relaxing feel to the mind.  I miss it.  
I used to see this view, from the side, regularly.  Crossing the Forth Bridge heading home with North Queensferry beneath us (give Gordon Brown a wave as we pass) the two road bridges to the right, and a few ships loading content to or from various refining plants.
In the past the Royal Navy at Rosyth, to the right, had half the fleet stationed here.  Vast numbers of ships, including BattleCruisers, were docked all around the area.  In the 50's when I passed a great many ships were still to be seen and Battleship gray covered the area.  Today these have gone, moved by John Major to who tried unsuccessfully to win a seat in Plymouth, thus leading to the loss of thousands of Fife jobs.  Who said the Union was a good idea?  
Not everyboby gets to see this view.
What?  Fed up with railways?  Heartless people!
OK, here are some Black Swans, somewhere in I suppose Australia, swanning about in a quiet, gentle, long video, one I often have on in the background.  Lovely to see and enjoy.  The colour obviously is better in real life.

I do like a lot of the old silent movies, hand cranked in the streets, while modern life, before 1914 that is, moved about for our entertainment.  This looks like France, a train arrives and all make a dash for it, the hopeful passengers, the men jumping off as the train slows, a great number of porters and station staff, and overdressed women, must be ones with money, pushing the men aside to get the best seat.
Fashion, you will note, doth make fools of us all!

Friday 30 October 2020

Absent minds...

My mind has been elswhere this week, it has as yet failed to return.   
This morning, urgently, I sauntered round to Tesco.  I was congratulating myself on how quickly I was gathering the few needfuls when I realised the manager, and an accolyte, were chatting in front of the chocolate (I need this for my calorie controlled greed).  Without thinking I indicated I wanted in there and helpfully grabbed his arm and pulled him aside as you would do a friend.  His sarcastic answer I did not catch, and only later did I realise what I had done.  Mind you I could have mentioned that he was not just taking up space but failing to wear a mask, I wish I had now!  In fact I think he was teaching a new manager how to cheat, how to lay out goods to entice the unwary, and increase sales, something stores do all the time, that is what increases his opportunities for advancement.  He will be on £30,000 or so I reckon.  
I returned home, gleefully dumping the shelf filling stuff and resting my laurels and planning the next job.  This entailed hobbling to the charity shop which asked for books.  I had gathered a few aged books of no worth and those that I decided I could live without and packed them in a couple of bags.
This was not easy, it is not easy to put books out, especially as in the next 12 months I will probably buy one or two back again!  These books were, it must be said, no longer any use to me.  Funnily enough, Waterstones have indicated I need to buy now or my £10 voucher runs out.  That comes next.
It was as I left the charity shop, something to do with heart attacks, I realised I had forgotten to buy a Digital timer for the night heater, the old one having died of excess.  So into Tesco I go, upstairs by 
escalator, downstairs by creaking, find what I want and on to queue up alongside large bottles of spirits going cheap to use the self service machines.  This, as you realise is not wise.  Two items and I struggled!  The blasted machine would not let me move on!  I banged it intellectually, thumped the timer on the bag space, and muttered sayings from of old.  Then the young lad came over and indicated I was doing it the wrong way round.  I had put the items in the bag space and was trying to transfer them to the basket space.
I cried.

I have spent the rest of the day watching trains to calm down, once I found a railway that had trains running that is.  

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Virtual Railways.

If you thought my life was too adventurous as it is I have discovered a new line of excitement, live Railways pictures!  What's that you say?  Too exciting for you?  Oh!  That's not what you said...
Anyway, I have had hours of fun watching huge US frieght trains rumble across America! 
Virtual Railfan covers a host of US rail cameras.   Many static, some with operators ensuring close up shots of depots and passing trains as they hoot their way through.  And do they Hoot!  Horns blast all the way, no excuse for being on the line when they arrive.  All stations have their 'anoraks' offering useful information, usually in an unknown language, most also using radios to keep track of the trains.  
I avoid them. 

The pictures come off the laptop so are a bit dull.
The train we see here, four 6000 hp (I think they said) engines, pulling 113 trailers.  I was amazed at the number of units pulled along, I counted 175 on one train, and almost all have double deckers units, box cars are at similar height.  Clearly US railroads do not have low bridges to go under and glancing at the passing railcars you get an understanding of the nature of the USA at a glance.  This tells us the land is big!  The size of the train indicates the line was laid before anyone got there to block it.  It also, as History tells us, was pushed through in spite of opposition.  Nothing was to get in the way.  This ensured free passage of trains, even the mountains did not hinder travel.
Box car number 113 passes by in the rain.
Another thing made clear from these pictures re the huge size of the States is the weather.  Laramie, in Wyoming, was deep in snow and remains that way, California was hours behind and in bright sunshine.  Of course they also have different natural problems, Wyoming is near mountains, California has forest fires endangering the station!  In minutes I can fly from one state to another, and this is almost like seeing several different nations rather than one. There, I suppose, lies the problem.

I suppose having been inundated with 'soft propaganda' over the years we already understand the US mentality, however looking at the land we see it is possible to gain a clearer conception of how that mentality came about.  The size of the towns pictured varies widely, the top picture comes from 'Big Sandy' in Texas, a small place, a mixture of good houses and what I might refer to as 'White trash' in the run down streets.  Hardly a blot on the landscape, while up the road more complex cities are found, all with that rigid street pattern inherited from the Romans.  
Even the Heritage line seen here, real coal used in this engine, indicates something of the US mind.  It is easy to imagine the sight of early trains steaming across wide open spaces, chasing Buffallo and scaring resentful Indians (oops, Native Americans).  At a glance we see the incoming migrants, the ones who now oppose migration, removing the locals and transforming the land by sheer hard work.  In only 300 or so years the wide open spaces have been concreted over and a new people emerge.  Quite whether that new people realise they are all Americans is as yet unknown.

Here at Fort Madison, the reconstructed fort is just out of sight to the right, I first saw a train carrying a great number of doubled decker white containers, followed by similar green ones and a variety of other goods.  Much later that day a similar train appeared in another state, although I do not know if it was an adjoining state.  Yesterday the train appeared again and tonight, not that long ago, it passed through Elkhart, Indiana!  Is this the same train I wonder?  Is the driver lost?  Is this one of those Soviet style trains?  You remember, Soviet rail freight ran from 'A' to 'B' even if there was no reason for this, the Plan said it must happen, and no-one questioned the Plan.  Is this train just wandering about?  Could it be a train journeying across the whole of the nation?  If so, how do they know when to drop the containers off?  How do they divide them up?  And if the driver is pulling 150 trucks how do the brakes work?  Are all these trailers brake equipped?  Do they have a wee man in Brake van at the back desperatelly truning the Brake wheel and losing his mind?  Just asking. 

Several UK stations now have similar cameras in place.  Crewe has three, but I cannot find number 1, York also and there are others.   It is a similar set up, controlled from somewhere, I as yet know not where, followed by a variety of people, mostly male, who like trains and in some cases have no life. I know how they feel!    

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Steam Dream


Another day with nothing to report, so here is a picture of the 'Night Scotsman' departing Kings Cross in the 1930s.  I acquired it on the web forums and canny make out the name at the top to acknowledge the pic, looks like 'Lake,' a photogrpaher.  It is an excellent image, full of action, striking at first sight and it is about railways, steam railways and this is always good.  
Just imagine the train journey in the 20s or 30s.  This train, which I have discovered by 1932 only took passengers beyond Edinburgh, Edinburgh had the 10:35 service with 1st and 3rd class sleeper cars, this train, with varying coach numbers dependent on the season, could take 14 coaches half of which were similar sleepers, through the night to Glasgow, Perth, Dundee and Aberdeen.  The Mail coach went to Edinburgh.  
Imagine being cooped up with a stranger in a twin bedded 3rd class sleeper?  It would be hoped you got along.  If you used the sitting accomodation, six or 8 persons in a compartment, probably full of smoke, someone chattering, another snoring, the train rattling along at night with smoke coming in the window opened for ai, worse if the trip took you through tunnels, some wishing it closed, another wishing it open, the hazards of communal life.  
Consider also the war years when travel was restricted and the train over crowded.  Men in uniform sitting on kit bags in the passageways, smoke again filling the air, draughts however would get in somewhere in the corridor, they always did.  Of course during wartime no lights could show, just in case you were attacked, this would increase the crowded 'fug' all around.  
For myself, a quiet compartment and a seat at the window so I could look out at twinkling lights in the distance, not during the war obviously, would be cheery enough.  A sleeper would be nice, if I could afford the 1st class price and avoid snoring companions.  Not much of a view however.  The noise of the steaming train, the occasional whistle sounding warning, the shaking and 'clickety-clack' on the rails would lull me to slumber.  I'm in the mood for a late night train journey now.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Hot Politics and Railway crash.


Only 'Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.'  Having gone out in the midday sun, some 88% or so hot, and not being English I, er, ...well anyway.  Few in park as I passed by after dumping the old beer  bottles in the dump.  This is excellent weather and it gives me the chance to get my money's worth from last years sun tan spray.  The say thunder tomorrow like they have had up north, that will clear the air.

Sad indeed to hear of the crash way up in Aberdeenshire.  This is a winding line and passes through many areas where landslides must be a temptation in heavy wet weather.  The rain was very heavy in places, Edinburgh had floods also, and the 'Royal Mile' saw water cascade down the slope.
Strange to see how the engine, if indeed there was only one, usually HSTs have a power unit at either end, strange to see this standing there while the coaches were thrown about.  Sad that the driver and two other s have died.

Ruth Davidson returned to Holyrood today.  You recall she took time off to be with her family and was found 400 miles away sitting first, on Theresa Mays knees, then, uncomfortable for him, on Boris Johnson's.  While they saw her as useful which she rarely actually was, the media played on her, implying she may get a seat in the House of Commons, or as the 'Daily Mail' often said, possible a leader of the Tory Party!  As if the men in suits would have allowed that?
Anyway once Boris arrived she was out and knew it.  Dumped in the Lords, where she enters next year, she has decided to follow London's orders, remove the present leader of the Scottish Conservatives and replace him with Boris's boy Douglas Ross!  Not only is he the MP for Moray but he is not a member of the Scottish Parliament so he is unable to question the First Minister, which is just as well for him.
In his place temporarily sits the Glasgow Mouth Ruth.  This woman who has attended only one surgery in her constituency now claims to lead the Scots Tories on his behalf.  She started today, indicating the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon should not be loyal to her Education secretary John Swinney.  Nicola returned the point by indicating that a back stabbing meeting between her and Ross removed the then Conservative Leader and brought her back did not indicate 'loyalty.'  Sturgeon also pointed out that next year she and her party will go democratically to the Scots people while Ruth puts on Ermine (borrowed I suspect) and enters the un-elected House of Lords. Ruth has no answer.  This does not bode well for her.

As I was practising my growling this morning I had an email from the far of London seller.

 Dear friend,

Pls don't worry, I will urge the logistics for you later.
Hope you can receive it soon.

Best Regards

We await with trepidation...

Thursday 12 March 2020

Railways, a Book and a Trip

I have just finished reading ‘Eleven Minutes Late,’ by Matthew Engel, an excellent but rather ungainly titled book on UK’s beloved railways. ‘Beloved’ is the word I used but we must remember there are commuters who may disagree somewhat with that term.  This is not a book full of technical details, I would be dumb before it if it was, but an enjoyable romp through the growth off and present state of the railways in the UK today, well, in 2009 when the book was published.  

This brought to mind all the memories of good days on the railways, back into the nostalgia of the days of steam.  Obviously, none of my readers will be old enough to remember that grime filled time period.

Entering into the glass covered yet somewhat dim Waverley station via the long slow ramp, taxis lined up at the side, or by the wind-swept steps off Princes Street was always a pleasure, it still is!  Possibly it was dim in my memory because we usually travelled early in an Edinburgh July!  The confined spaces, taxis and cars passing by, people crowding John Menzies bookstall, crowds of people confused as to their platform, as indeed we were, possibly it is just my memory. 

Dad would make for the wooden ticket office in the centre of the station, a marvellously decorated hall, leaning down to the ridiculous small window from which tickets were dispensed at that time.  As kids we were just excited to be heading for Cowdenbeath or Dunfermline for a summer holiday glad to be out of school and in an adventure. 

Ah family, living off them is such fun, at least for us.  As I remember it my aunts and uncles then were all marvellous and quite used to children in the house.  Many had passed this way before us.  

After much fuss at Waverley we would head for Platform 18 where we approached the dark maroon carriages of British Railways.  How old were they I wonder?  Corridor trains that possibly came in to service before the war?  On occasion I would ask about the man in the blue, dingy oil covered uniform, to be informed he had been ‘under the train.’  This was a concept that intrigued someone well under 10 years of age.  The idea of crawling about under the train intrigued.  Had it been possible I would have ventured down myself to have a look.  This was not however encouraged.  These men were merely the crew ensure oil levels were correct, all moving parts greased to the driver’s satisfaction before leaving thus ensuring the dingy black engine would reach the final destination without hitch. 

I did not realise that such engines were no longer maintained to their best condition, the policy was to just keep them moving for a few years before diesel, the answer to all rail problems, would begin.

Another flawed railway policy.    

Inside we settled into a compartment, much to the delight of those who had got in previously who now contemplated the delights of travel with children!  Today I feel for those people.  

I would be entranced by the ridiculous system for opening the window on the doors, all leather strap and strength, however they usually remained shut, the small window of the compartment itself was half open, to allow air to enter and steam and grit to remain outside.  Some preferred sitting with their back to the engine to avoid such intrusions. 

The pictures above the seats, aged prints of highland glens, lochs and other delights unknown to those from Edinburgh’s corporation housing estates, sat next to the dim lights covered by even dimmer lampshades.  Switching them on made the compartment even dimmer still. 

On occasion a jolt would tell us the engine had taken its place at the front and soon we would be off.  

There is little to compare with the noise of an engine, whatever size, chuff, chuffing its way out of a station.  People who dislike train travel who come across such an event will be unable to pass without watching as the iron monster belches out steam from far too many parts and slowly noises its way up the track.

The leaving of Edinburgh heading west or north takes the train through the garden’s underneath Edinburgh castle high above.  Those sunbathing, for a few weeks of the year only, would watch the clouds of white steam rise as each train puffed its way along.  Then would come the short, dark, tunnels, always an engine driver’s delight as he was engulfed in the steam alongside any watery drips falling from above, tunnels always have drips falling from above.  The two dark tunnels, lit by dim lights at regular intervals, wound under Edinburgh taking us quickly to Haymarket station where the populace filled the time while waiting for their train by discussing the latest design for renovation of the site above. 

They are still discussing this today!

Trips in the sun by steam train were always special for a child.  He has no understanding of the problems around him, except the shortage of sweets to gobble on the way.  He does not comprehend the effort of the fireman stoking tons of coal into the fire, expertly keeping the pressure correct enabling the driver to work the steam power.  Real men’s work in those days. Today, some lines that run occasional steam trains often have two firemen to fire the boiler.  Even these men are not strong enough to work single handed on some tough lines as in the days of steam.  Just how strong was a fireman on any such engine?

The railway headed west until the outer reaches of Edinburgh, soon after turning towards the north, leaving the main line to run on towards Glasgow, we looked for the lights at Turnhouse airport, always hoping unsuccessfully to see aircraft come and go, very different today of course.  Fields full of green crops, sheep or indifferent cattle passed by and usually without stopping at Dalmeny we raced over the vast cantilever bridge that crosses the Firth of Forth.  

The ‘Forth Bridge,’ never to be called the ‘Forth Rail Bridge’ by anyone born within Scotland, is one of Scotland’s greatest feats of engineering.  Of course, few Scots actually built it, but we will ignore that little problem.  Erected in such a manner as to ensure it would not collapse in a storm as had the Tay Bridge not long before when the centre girders collapsed in a violent storm taking a train and its contents with it.  The engineers were not going to risk that and so far no storm has endangered the bridge.  The only danger came from down south when a proposal to close the bridge to save the cost of painting it constantly. Typical southern thoughts.  Now, to save money, the bridge wears a new coat of paint that will last 25 years – they say! 

From the bridge we would look down on many light blueish grey Royal Navy ships lined up on both sides of the Forth, part of the fleet based at Rosyth.  Further upriver at Grangemouth more blue grey ships were based, and under the centre of the bridge on Inchgarvie fortifications that once defended the port lay deserted but enticing to every young lad on the train high above.

The rocky outcrop at North Queensferry soon opens up on the right-hand side of the train to a view of the bay beyond.  Here, throughout the 50s and well into the 60’s it was possible to see the shipbreaker's yard.  Always two large ex-Royal Navy ships lay together, large chunks cut out as Britain’s huge war effort was diminished to fit in with her more realistic political position.  Navy ships no longer stand there but the yard still exists, work permitting.

Then it is on past Inverkeithing, slamming doors, cries from the porters, sailors abounding leaving and arriving, and onwards into Fife.  Again, fields of cattle and sheep, many gardens featuring huts that once were railway trucks, a sight rarely seen today.  How long these had been in situ it was difficult to tell, nor was it asked how they had got there.  Also no longer seen was the use made of the land at the side of the tracks.  On many occasion vegetable gardens were seen at the end of small gardens attached to smaller houses. Possibly some of these had been installed during the war and remained until much later British Rail little Hitler’s arrived to end the practice.

Today the view from the train contains more houses than sheep, more roads and cars than cattle, this is in my view, last noted some years ago, less interesting.  Progress I suppose.

The station at Dunfermline Lower was a magnificent building according to my memory, today the Edinburgh platform has seen the waiting rooms and covering shed demolished and replaced by a Scotrail bus shelter.  I hope that has improved since my last visit.  Dunfermline ‘Upper’ has long gone along with the engine sheds and sidings that once sent the clang, clang, clang of railway wagons being shunted across the night sky.  Now recently built overpriced houses fill the space, the only clang coming from pots and pans wives and girlfriends pass over their man’s head.  

Our journey ended at Cowdenbeath, once the ‘Chicago of Fife,’ the centre of the Fife coalfields and home to several coal pits.  In 1851around one thousand souls worked the land around Beath Church, Iron Ore and then Coal were found and by 1914 25,000 folks lived there, most worked the mines.

The house now lived in by my mother’s eldest sister was also the miner’s cottage where they were all born.  Granddad had managed to get through three wives and ten children, only one child of whom did not survive. That meant after my grandmother died, in childbirth like the others, granddad had a two roomed house, a kitchen attached at the rear with a tap, an outside toilet and nine children!  Not uncommon for the time, my mother was born in 1915.

The ground behind the house sloped downwards towards the large football ground.  This was built so large as the expectation as for the town to continue growing.  It is claimed some 70,000 could fit in when completed!  Not now!

Next to the football ground entrance stood Pit No 7.  Here my granddad and his sons all found work.  There was no other.  For generations the family had been miners, coal being found in the 1500s in Fife, and they were to be the last generation of miners.  All the boy’s sons were forced to learn a trade, none were allowed to endure what these men had to endure for 50 years!

Behind the house, we rarely went out the front onto the street, lay the path up to the bridge we crossed as we came in.  From here we looked down the embankment at the constant flurry of railway life passing by.  Trains running from Aberdeen to London perhaps, fish trains also passing, leaving behind a stink, many long coal trains, heavy wagons with no brakes, controlled by a guard at the rear, local passenger services running around Fife, goods trains abounded and we waved at each one and never failed to get a response. 

Today there is a much-improved rail service for commuters.  For a while it was pretty dingy.  Many complaints can be heard but few can complain about the view, either from the crossing of the Firth of Forth or the many scenic views when running along the coast towards Kirkcaldy.  Fife is worth looking at, even if they say “If ye sup wi a Fifer, do it with a lang spoon.”

Friday 11 October 2019

Friday, Pay and Railways.

Friday night, rain or not, the citizens of this municipality are running around unconcerned by the Turkish invasion and possible genocide in Kurds land, the Irish discussions re Brexit that so dominate the media, nor indeed the 'TERROR' attack as the 'Daily Mail' put it in Manchester.  This is Friday so it is time to enjoy the end off the week they say.  Who can blame them, possibly those who have to work Saturdays I suppose.  It can be very annoying to see the majority enjoying the 'normal' time off when you are left working.  During pleasantries with the lass in B&M yesterday I mentioned how she would soon be free for home.  Her somewhat disgusted reply informed me she finished at 8 pm!  The poor lass, she still had so many hours of joy ahead of her.
B&M are one of the shops who have a large turnover of staff.  'Basic pay,' very possibly poor management, certainly not much fun with many of the customers, and little sense of 'fun' to be seen from the staff members.  Other shops local to this have similar turnover and I suppose they care not as there is always someone desperate to try a short while working here.  There is not a great deal of choice!
Sometimes I wonder at the poor work I have done, the inept management, sometimes corrupt and self seeking, at other times very efficient and capable but not with money to spare.  I wish I had trained in something when young but when young I cared not, to be honest I would have soon been dumped anyway as I lacked what was required until Jesus came along and gave me a kick.  Then I chose low paid work like Hospitals and charity work, unpaid!   I enjoyed that more than lining my pockets however.  Some things are worth more than cash even if I did little.  I am now a 'Jack-of-no-trade' and fail to fix everything I break.  This is a regret but too late now.  
I sympathise with those looking to another ten years or much more in such work.  I doubt Bojo's latest wheeze will do such people much good, in the EU or out of it.  The Hedge fund managers, not on low pay, will be encouraging him however by flashing cash in front of his face.   

I suddenly feel the need for a railway picture.  This one is of Edinburgh Waverley Station in 1914.  It is to be regretted that all the trains have left for their destination, on time I expect, and as the photographer, whoever he was, coaxed his glass plates into place several would be steaming through the tunnels beneath his feet in either in or out direction, on different tracks I hope.  

Seen from the other end, the southerly direction via Berwick and on to Newcastle and London, we have a picture from I think the 1870's.  It may be the 1890's however as some fool has forgotten to mark the date on this one.  My grandfather was driving engines at that time while living nearby, possibly one of these.  The 1881 and 1891 census has him listed as 'engine driver,' a highly skilled and dangerous operation.  At that time drivers might work 12 or more hours, in all weathers, on passenger and goods trains.  Both could be troublesome and both had timetables to obey.  Passenger safety was very important to the railway companies, they said, but as you see the carriages are short, made from wood, had no heating it appears from these pictures and I cannot tell if these had gas lighting or oil lamps installed.  They might just be 3rd Class of course. 
The drivers and firemen joined 'ASLEF' 'Associated Society of Locomotive Steam Enginemen and Firemen' rather than the 'NUR' the National Union of Railwaymen,  as they wished to be seen as slightly above the common railwayman.  Class is not something that comes from above but from within!  Together they changed the pay structure and hours of the men but the ability to get yourself fired, for almost anything, was great, and the dangerous working conditions for many improved only slowly.  There is no way conditions and working practices of the 19th century could be imagined these days in the UK, Brexit of course might bring them back.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

The Fast and the Slow

I was perusing a 'Cab Ride' video while I awaited the plumber to check the one year old boiler.  This brought to mind those days of long ago when travelling by train to Edinburgh was part of my life.   The video that is, not the plumber.
Escaping work to sit looking at the world passing, sun shining, happy quiet coach, provisions in front of you, and hours of enjoyment ahead was always a delight.  In those days it was the 'Deltic' type '55's' which pulled the dark maroon British Rail coaches, the sun as we left meandering slowly into the Kings Cross tunnels a sharp comparison to the rather dark and somewhat dreary Kings Cross shed as I remember it.  The station, built in 1852 on the edge of London, stood on what had been land used for a smallpox and fever hospital, where did they go after that I wonder?  A wooden station had been erected at York Road in 1850 by the Great Northern Railway while the navvies built the gasworks tunnel under the Regents canal and allowed entrance to the new station.  Kings Cross was never in my view an attractive station, functional yes, but not one to set the heart racing.  It did its job and still does very well but then it appeared dull and as I waited for trains pretty crowded also.  Trains to Leeds and Newcastle, local trains round the corner and smoky diesels heading for elsewhere polluted the air.  So did the people I suppose.  Once the 'ding dong' and the garbled announcements concerning what the train was and where we were going had passed we knew a new world was about to open for us.

I wish I could say I was there in the days when Gresley's giant 'Pacific' engines made their way north, steam belching, noise waking the dead amongst much admiration from all around.  While the 'Deltic's' could produce enough blue smoke to also fill the huge shed the image was somewhat less romantic.  The aroma of railway stations filled with belching engines remains with me today, there is nothing like it.  There is no doubt today's electric engines are the way forward, no doubt they are cheaper, easier to operate and do not require the foreman to shift half a coal mine on each trip, however, we all prefer to see a steam engine pass rather than a diesel no matter how efficient.

During the late 70's the HST's took over.  These 'High Speed Trains' regularly reaching 125 miles an hour on the long straight lines in the south.  For the first month or two the guard, remember guards and not conductors, the guard would announce "We are not travelling at 125 Miles per hour."  This would produce murmurs of appreciation as we sped through stations watching to see if anyone was daft enough to stand ahead of the bright yellow line on the platform.  It was naturally difficult to know which station we were passing through, the only name board that could be read was 'Gentlemen!'

I find sitting in a railway carriage while the world passes by a terrific manner in which to see the real world.  There is little to see or keep you awake driving down a motorway, what scenery exists is hidden behind embankments and if there is a view it soon leads into a city bypass which as you know are delightfully attractive places.  The view from the train takes you past fields with crops or animals at various times of the year, the very colour of the ploughed ground speaks volumes re history, geography and life as it is lived.  One noteable sight is the Black Earth seen around Peterborough.  Once 'The Wash' came all the way up to here, now long drained and shrunk the black earth is a result of what was washed in many years ago.  The land has to be monitored daily as the shrinking earth affects the height of the railway track.  One day it might sink in!
Once passed the flat lands around York we see changes in the line itself.  The further north we go the less straight the line as the land slowly begins to rise around us.  While crops are still seen, sheep and cattle will appear, especially if you can see the far off hills from your seat.
Buildings appear different, the brick that abounds in London is changed to stone way up north.  The design of houses built in the far past reflects local architects while more recent housing follows a general pattern of the day.  One housing estate is much like another now.

The latest 'Scotch Express' is formed by a Hitachi class 800 Azuma.  This will be somewhat faster than the aged diesels that once pulled the 20:00 hours to Aberdeen, not stopping at Edinburgh where it actually stopped at 3 am and where I left the train and the sleeping soldiers on their way to die of exposure in the Cairngorms.  That aged train had aged compartment coaches and as it was quite empty I always had one to myself, lights dimmed, feet up and joy all the slow way home.  As the Azuma does a non stop journey in 4 and a half hours Kings Cross to Waverley at least once a day I suspect it will also have a few more home comforts than the late night slow train.

Friday 5 July 2019


The idea of running about all over the country via the bus pass has led to an unfortunate situation. My knees ache!  Sadly I did too much too soon and have spent this week lying about the house, not unusual that, awaiting my body recovering.  Naturally the sun has been shining all this time, buses pass my house indicating the place to put the bus ass and running off into places far away.
I remain indoors.
This morning I ventured out to Tesco as the food stocks were somewhat low.  I considered using this as a chance to diet but failed to make the most of that and by 8 am I was shopping.  My diet has been blown again and must be restarted today.  The stomach sticking out makes it difficult to see the keyboard on this laptop which hinders me somewhat.
This also means exercising again as that lowers the bump apparently though I have yet to see a difference.  That is one thing that saves me money however, I save £50 by not buying a Heart of Midlothian football strip because it looks daft with a big bump at the front.  Many do buy these and waddle around but this does not present a decent sight in my view, or indeed anyone else's.  
Clouds tomorrow, I will probably be fit enough to go out...

I sometimes sit here amazed at my stupidity and ability to misunderstand facts, however having listened to parts of Donald Trumps 4th of July speech, in heavy rain, I feel considerably better about things.  He waxed lyrical about the war of independence (in 1775 was it?) pointing out how Washington's army defeated the British forces including "Taking over the airports," as they did so. Now this is a slip of the tongue surely and we all make such mistakes, although not as a President of the United States desperately trying to remember the words he has been rehearsing all morning.  
I note he also forgot to thanks the French for their part in the independence struggle, the ships blocking the harbour, the men on the ground replacing the home forces who had deserted, the vast amount of cash given to the new US government, so much cash some say it led to the French revolution, and yet none of this was mentioned, just the airports...
Of course in recent days Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt and Boris the oaf have all revealed a similar lack of historical knowledge of their own country, this when parading themselves in Scotland!  The members of the Scottish National Party are well pleased with the results there.
The Tory infighting, like the Labour infighting and the almost completely ignored Lib-Dem infighting continues apace.  We all wish it would stop!

The advantage of sitting at home is that I do not get caught up in transport difficulties.  My real sympathies go out to the early commuters who fled London early to begin their weekend and are now facing a bus trip home. Damage to the overhead wires on the lunchtime service has blocked the line which means from Witham buses must be used to get people home.  
The weather is hot, the people tired, drinks running out, buses slow as it is rush hour, and the happy citizen concentration on his mobile phone or his crossword in the free paper will be considering some of the words he has heard from his boss concerning the failure of his work.  He will be reusing them tonight.  I once got the commuter special, never again!  Either in morning or evening the experience is not good.  Crowded, impatient, and tedious when things go wrong.  Train journeys are great when quiet...