Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Oh My Knees!

How lovely to see my favourite Museum women again, how they missed me!  Oh yes they did!
My knees did not need to run around as I did, checking things were in the right place, removing Christmas gifts, walking to kitchen to make tea.  I should have left it till the afternoon - when another takes over!  How nice to be back and have such a good day.  My knees ache mind.

The smug Eton prefect has decided to allow his cabinet to campaign any which way they choose regarding the forthcoming EU in or out referendum.  Many papers feel this is a good thing.  These are the same papers that criticise Corbyn for dumping members of his opposition cabinet who disagree.  In truth Corbyn has shown leadership in removing one critic while Cameron is not strong enough to keep his cabinet together if he tried to make them obey his will.  The half truth and lies of the media know no end.


In Northern Ireland we see some of the present worlds dafter moments however recently Pastor McConnell was subjected to one that could not have been thought about a mere twenty years ago.
In one of his sermons he mentions Islam as 'satanic' and claims he could not trust Muslims.  This brought him into court on grounds of offensive language and hate speech.
For one the judge made the obvious decision and declared him Not Guilty and rightly so.  His considered opinion may annoy some but it cannot be called either offensive or hate speech.  As has been pointed out elsewhere many Muslims preach hate against the west and this country yet are never dragged into court, we can wonder why?  
This case should never have been brought but will real hate preachers, especially Muslim, be charged this way?

Monday 4 January 2016

Christmas Reading

I was browsing through Amazon for something to read when it appeared to my little mind a somewhat stupid thing to do as I had several books given to me this year.  'Why not read them' was the thought that crossed my mind.  I listened intently and decided to do so, once I have read the books I am ploughing through just at the moment.   
I have just had a look and there are several new books I am going through, a few older books I am re-reading and yet I was looking for something interesting on Amazon?  Funny enough I have been wandering through the charity shops and glancing at their books also but finding nothing for me, and while disliking 'W.H.Smith,' the worst shop on the High Street several years running I managed to glance at the books in there also.  We do however have a shop that retails those less successful books ''Works' it's called and remaindered books aplenty can be obtained there.  A very good shop it is however as always it has that knack of not having the book I want when looking for it especially when shopping for someone else.  Bah!

Back to reality tomorrow.  First stop is the dentist to be told my teeth are perfect except the one with a hole and the chipped bit.  As they do not bother me nothing gets done, maybe he wants to do something tomorrow?  I hope not! 
Then it is back to the lovely ladies at work, the cheery smiles from people desperate to be back on holiday, except the two that returned today, they might have a genuine smile after working for one day ahead of the rest.  I doubt it however.
Back to questions we cannot answer, changing stock in the shop (I will leave that till the afternoon - I go off at one!) and dealing with folks who wander in.  As we are allowing free entry for four months from tomorrow we will probably get more visitors as this tight fisted lot would look at anything that's free.
This means a bath, a shave and an almost clean shirt (Sundays will do) and if he cleans my teeth with that machine I might even manage a smile or two, well anyway....

So the war is getting closer.  Chopping the head of a Shia imam has not gone down well in Iran who have burnt out the Saudi embassy which did not go down well in Riyadh.  As these two are fighting a proxy war in Yemen (not that we hear much about this, why so Tory led press?) and both are heavily engaged in Iraq (we hear about this one) it is also possible that both nations are daft enough to go to full out war before long.
Did you know the United Nation have a committee that is concerned with 'Human Rights?' Did you realise that Saudi Arabia no chair that committee?  Who made the way clear for such an absurd situation to develop?  David Cameron of course!  A teenager was threatened with being crucified by the Saudi's and David Cameron was asked several times on TV to intervene and as he blustered all he could say was 'We sell them arms' but not in so many words.  Where do the Saudi's get weapons to drop carelessly in Yemen?  The UK.  Where do IS get weapons from?  The US!  One way or another we have a complex situation and none of the clowns are able to work out what to do.
European wars can be handled differently as generally we understand one another however none of the leaders understand the Arab mind, the sectarian divide, fatalism, the fears of both sides and the use and misuse of the Koran.  This can only get worse.

By the way there is also civil war in Burundi (Look it up) the Central African Republic and various other natural and man made disasters worldwide, it's just that the media only print and offer things  that sell!

Sunday 27 December 2015

Dreich Again

The rain thought it funny to start when I attempted to go out this morning.  I waited until it subsided somewhat and wended my way down the road attempting to avid the puddles lying everywhere.  Naturally one individual in a very expensive black Jaguar car managed to go through a puddle at the side of the road, intentionally or otherwise, just as I passed.  I was somewhat displeased and informed the individual of my concern, not that they stopped or noticed, and then had to sort myself out before entering the church.  How easy to talk about forgiving people and how hard to forgive slight injuries!  I managed however but it took a few minutes.  The incongruity of going to a communion where forgiveness is sought and yet not wishing to offer it to another did sit in my mind for a while.  How easily we take forgiveness and how slowly we pass it on.
Being Sunday nothing has happened and the news has only the terrible floods up in the north west of England to talk about.  How those all day news people love a major disaster at Christmas!  If this did not occur they would have nothing but Christmas celebrations to bore us and them with.  I do feel for the folks who suffer up their, hopefully the worst is past for them.  The Prime Minister is sending troops but will he do something in a years time to ensure insurance is paid, defences strengthened and people safeguarded or will he just make a PR visit and vanish like he did at the Somerset floods last year? 

Another day off tomorrow for the masses.  However many will be working and I am not one of them.  This whole week is mine to do with what I wish, unless it rains, the money runs out or I fall down the stairs.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Boxing Day Wander

As you can see Boxing Day brought out the crowds!  
Actually this was about 9:30 in the morning and the shops that were open did so at 10 am.  Up at the shopping centre one did open an hour and a half early as people were queueing outside for the so called bargains. I took the free bus up there but saw some crowds but few bargains.  One or two were on offer but far fewer than the advertisements loudly proclaim. 

At the Christmas morning service I did manage to be kissed by several women (not by those under 30 I noticed) and came home fair drookit with the rain that started while I was inside there.  The lunch was waiting almost ready for me and surprisingly not burned as it usually turns out.  The girls at work presented the other volunteers with a bottle of wine but I got two splendid bottles of beer.  It was only as I allowed the nectar like fluid go down easily I noticed it was Belgian beer!  OOPS I thought and checked the bottle, as I thought this stuff is much, much stronger than the usual stuff, good job I didn't start on the second, I had already begun a cheaper type earlier.  However it made watching yet more reruns of 'Top Gear' watchable!  Surprisingly in consideration of what I shoved down my gullet I appear to have lost a couple of pounds.  I think I may need to obtain a new set of scales as the old one may have had enough.  Still the day was satisfactory.

The rain on Christmas Day encouraged me to stay in and simper but early this morning, after nine anyway, I had to get out and get some air.  Wandering around the Sunday quiet streets I managed to take some pictures of things often seen but difficult to capture.  One was the bird that has been placed above the door in the shadow of an overpowering tree.  (It may be some sort of shrub I know not)  This hides the bird and makes it look real to those who just glance as they pass.  Very clever placing.  

The quiet day fools me into thinking it is Sunday when it is actually Saturday, only the football enables me to know the difference.  However with another Sunday tomorrow (the vicar Will be tired by the evening) and a holiday for many on Monday (bar those working in shops or those spending cash) this means yet another quiet day.  I might need to go outside and talk to somebody soon if this continues!  
I was hoping to get on the bike to remove some calories but the weather has made this impossible.  The rain is accompanied by high winds and further north terrible destruction is following on as for the third time huge rainfall is hitting those already suffering from floods.  Five inches of rain expected in 24 hours for them, makes our weather appear pleasant.  However with a week off I might yet get on the bike.  Might...

Still, might as well be happy anyway what sayest thou?

Monday 21 December 2015

At Last

At last the shortest day of the year has arrived.  From today the nights get shorter and the days longer.  No more staring into the dark longing for sunshine, from today we stare into clouds full of rain awaiting sunshine.  This morning I caught the sun low down struggling to rise, at least he will not get any lower now. This was long after 8:30 and the chill in the air revealed December was still winter even if it has been mild by comparison.  
Spring is a coming.
Nothing else happened.
Again I ventured through the supermarkets for things forgotten, again I forgot things.
That sums up the day.
I looked for exciting happenings but none were seen.
Christmas shoppers with worried looks passed by, I smugly smiled and mentioned mine was all done and got a smack in the face or two from those who were not there yet.
The afternoon gale blew in, the rain swept down, I closed down and ironed some shirts.

I am not sure I can continue with this exciting life.
My nerves cannot stand much more of the thrill.
Roll on work....

The 'World's End is an Edinburgh pub!

Friday 18 December 2015

Friends Tire

It was the 'Friends of the museum's' Christmas Raffle Draw today so I passed by just as it occurred.  I had after all spent 50p on a ticket, that's ten shillings in real money, and I was hoping for the bottle of whisky they always have on offer at such draws.
I got nothing!
There was no whisky.
I still got nothing!
I did however do the washing up, cart the tables back from where they came and generally got bossed about.  All this on two glasses of wine and two mince pies.
As I woke at five this morning and could not lose the tendency to sleep I was struggling to keep awake at one point.  Now however I am not struggling, I am asleep.
Saturday tomorrow, the last before Christmas and hordes planning to come into town tomorrow.

Friday 4 December 2015

Xmas Shopping Joy

I got the free bus down the road today to check out one or two shops looking for one small gift for a woman and lots of big gifts for me.  It was not a good idea.  The bus being empty fooled me into thinking I would avoid the crowds but while not full the peoples that appeared were in Xmas shop attitude.  That is while the music that sadly exists in every shop constantly repeating the same songs over and over again speaking of peace and joy the elbows were out and shoving past to get the half price bargains was in full flow.  The half price bargains themselves fooled me not at all, when something is priced at £24 and it was £19 a few weeks ago I see that not as half price but a con.  It was also noted that shops selling the 'mountain wear' type of clothing priced their items almost identically, no price rigging here I'm sure.

Waiting for the free bus back I was impressed by the light from the sun as it headed towards its bed.  It would have been nice if it had switched the heater on but the sky was a bright yellow under the vast cloud cover.  Possibly the cloud emphasises the brightness best.  I was also impressed by the chap at the bus stop staring had up the road attempting to bring the bus quicker by his staring.  Have you ever done this?  The idea that somehow glaring at the road in the far distance will bring the bus faster appears to me to be a normal practice in this country, possibly it is the same in other 'civilised' nations.
Returning I went through all the charity shops but still have failed to obtain that one last (cheap) present.  I wandered through them all, in spite of the hordes, but not once did I find the suitable or indeed near suitable item.  Really the stock in these shops requires improvement!

Sunday 15 November 2015

Sunday Laugh

I wanted to write this!


Saturday 31 October 2015

Grumbling a Wee Bit

Nothing exciting happening these days.  The halloween wagon is well under way.  Shops full of rubbish  that lasts for one night and few people understand the occasion and fewer still the reality of spirits.  We turn this into a kids playground opening their minds to the occult and its many dangers.  Much better what we had as kids,a party ducking for apples in basins of water and trying to eat treacle tarts hanging from the ceiling with hands tied behind our backs.  I canny mind the other activities.  Sad to see so many churches fail to understand the problem also.

The Poppy parade is however well under way.  People today comprehend the need and are willing to pay and wear poppies.  One or two things do annoy however.  One is the demand that everyone wears them.  The whole point of fighting for freedom is to ensure people can decide for themselves whether to wear them or not.  TV companies are bad at this as those who appear MUST be seen to wear a poppy in case the TV company gets a bad name, that is not right!  
Another point that annoys is the remembrance being turned into an event.  Instead of remembering people are wearing fancy poppies that cost money, TV channels offer elaborate poppies for women to show off and some events are less for remembrance than for get togethers. This is fine for ex-servicemen meeting up but for too many the real reason is forgotten.
From what I have seen of the Legion members these days few participated in the Second World War but many were in Korea, the forgotten war, Malaya fighting Communist insurgents, and those 'end of empire' conflicts when nations became independent, sometimes peaceably.  It is forgotten that British troops were in action somewhere in the world in every year since 1945 except 1958.  There was always some problem somewhere.  Today many ex-servicemen were involved in another forgotten conflict, one that most people today do not wish to remember - the Irish situation.  Many were shot in the back, blown up and maltreated while attempting to separate at preserve a divided nation that did not wish, and some say still does not wish, to keep the peace.  I sometimes feel we should be considering local memorials to those men who fell after 1945 and ensuring their names are not forgotten by being blended in with the armistice remembrance.

What do you mean I'm a grump?  Try these then if you wish....

I understand some of you find an advert on the page blocking things.  I do not see this as I use AdBlockPlus and the ads don't show here.  I will look into it and see what I can do.....