Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 April 2022

Oven Warm, Boris Hiding

Today at 4 pm the boys were to arrive and deal with the oven problem.  
As expected, they arrived at 12 noon!  
I am well aware of their timekeeping!  
However, a quick look at the oven, a few screws undone, a quick unplug from the electric, and soon the old was out and shortly after the process reversed and the new installed.  
Not only new, but clean!  
Take a good look, it will not be like this forever!  
Not only clean but 'fan assisted,' whatever that means.  Now my chicken is slowly either cooking or burning, as yet I know not which.  Soon I will be able to test the fire alarms once again by rudimentary cooking principles.  
A good landlord is better than a mortgage any day.  
Boris was lying to the House again today, as expected.  
The 'Whips' are demanding all Conservative MP's turn up for the vote on Thursday to prevent Boris being forced to answer to the Conservative led Committee regarding his lying to the house, among other things.  
Will any refuse?  Will we never be rid of this man?  Even Tories want him out, only UKIP and National Front wish him to remain.  Whatever happens here on May 5th the local elections will see massive losses for the Tory Party, and Boris may have to face the music then.
Today he flew of to India, warmer than hiding in a fridge.  He climbed the stairs carrying a 'red box,' just for a photo op.  PMs do not carry their own boxes!

Tuesday 19 April 2022

A Hard Day's Work

Dog tired today.  Ache everywhere, so much to do and so little desire to do it.  My only wish is to return to bed.  However, work must be done so, twice I set the washing machine in motion, twice!  Things are damp and half dried everywhere.   I hope the neighbours were out!  It appeared quiet, and at least the washing will not be done again this week.
I also contacted the landlord re the oven, they are usually good and will fix this tmorrow  afternoon if they can.  A new one, or maybe second hand one, will be installed.  Fine by me.  This one must have been here 15 - 20 years, and has worked quite well, though I noticed the thermostat was not always top notch a wee while back.  Still, for me it was OK, a proper cook may have fussed sooner.  There again a proper cook would have cleaned it more often!
After a trip to Tesco for the things only they stock, the rest off the day has been spent feeding my face on the things only they stocked, followed by large helpings of chocolate in a desperate drive to find sugar to give energy.  Occasionally energy appeared, occasionally a tooth crumbled.  
It was worth it.  
Tomorrow will be sleep day, no need to go out and merely await the man in the afternoon.
Life is so exciting round here....

I read the MP's are to debate Boris's partygate on Thursday.  I wonder if any will have the guts to vote against him?  I wonder what demands are being made behind the scenes for him and for individual MP's benefit?  Certainly lying and deceit remain in the air.  No sign of any leading figure rising to state honesty and integrity at this point.  If he did this would be fatal for the PM and possibly change the party back into a Conservative one and not the new National Front.  This however, we know will not happen.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Charity? Not from Boris.

This morning I humped two heavy bags down to the charity shop.  I chose the correct business.  "I think my heart is overworked," said I wearily to the man at the door as he showed me where to dump the bags.  
"Eat better," he said, and shewed me the door again.  
Very helpful.  I will take the other two bags of junk stuff to the 'Sue Ryder' or 'Cancer' shop next time.  
This charity shop is one of those type that are appearing more these days.  You know what I mean, usual tarty stuff but well laid out, good quality, and high prices for what is on offer.  This is the modern way to run such shops.  In times past these were more like junk shops, used goods, not always perfect, but cheap and with a sociable atmosphere to them.  I helped, somewhat, in one at the homeless charity during 1971/72, though we often used the stuff ourselves!  That shop ran for the people all about and brought them in as it was cheap and the personnel cared for all the people.  Today so many big charities shops have become businesses that must make a profit or be closed down.  The Heart people have a furniture shop up the road also.  Now I grumble a bit while admitting I do buy stuff from there, and the furniture stuff is good second hand quality, well worth a look.  However, I love the tatty old style more.
Boris, the worthless PM, has thrown out another idea to save his skin.  This one means sending asylum seekers to Rawanda and dumping them all in Africa.  Not only illegal, inhumane and vile, it is what Boris knows will find much support among the less well educated voters in his shires.  The 'Daily Mail' is full of such offering support to Boris.  Years of tabloid lies, fear abounding regarding their future has led to such support for this move.  They mostly live in 'white' areas.  Whether it actually happens is another thing, however, Boris cares not, all that matters to him is remaining in charge, people, any other people, don't count.
While the people argue Boris grins and walks away.  Meanwhile hospital waiting times increase, Covid ravages the land again, 651 died in the last couple of days, Brexit causes 25 mile queues of lorries 3 deep at Dover, and prices keep rising all around.  Boris and his mates are OK.  I paid £25 in Tesco this morning meaning I must adjust my spending again.  Allowing for the chocolate egg for my new nephew and £5:25 for 4 large chicken breasts I note much of the shop was the usual stuff.  I still await the Electric price increase, though the lass in the shop claims hers has doubled!  I believe her.  Now, where is that Lottery ticket...?


Saturday 9 April 2022

Boris, Police, Sleep...

I spent much time considering what to do when I rose last night.  Every time I woke I found myself wondering what to wear, how to move, and whether to bother.  This occurred each time I woke, and I woke frequently for some reason,  checking the time, turning over, wishing I could get back to that good dream.
When I woke my plans fell apart.  
I had been thinking today would be Sunday and it remains Saturday even now!  The keeping track of days is getting harder!  I might have to get one of those digital clocks that detail the time, day and month, better add the year in also, just in case...

Boris had gone to Ukraine for a Photo Op! 
As the female leader of the EU Ursula von der Leyen, has moved around the streets in Ukraine showing solidarity with the plight of the people, as the EU and US have sent massive support regarding weapons and other items, Boris was left out.  So he had to make a special trip to show he was still PM and Sunak should back off supporting the fight against Russian aggression (though Russian money may have paid for the trip).  It appears he is not moving around their streets however, the coward.
The EU and US and many other nations have removed many Russian 'diplomats' from their embassies.  Scotland had cosed the Russian Consulate, but the UK has not returned any Russian 'diplomats' so far.
Maybe they know where the loot is?
Tee Hee, his followers will be fooled, they rest of us will not.
Cressida Dick leaves her post as leader of the Metropolitan Police (Basically the London Police) and I find it interesting to compare the responses to this.  Some are glad, because she has not brought justice into No 10 Downing Street (and I am with them), some grumble about the bad reports of police crime (and I am with them) and some police officers are grumbling because they reckon that in spite of this she was doing a good job.  
Such police too grumble at double standards and criminal police officers, while being upset that the good work done daily all over the capital is ignored, especially the knives they face, the horrors at crime scenes, road accidents, fires, and the many difficult situations they confront hourly, all this on a poor wage and short satff, and they appreciate her support for them.  I am with the police here.  Who would confront a gunman, or a madman with a sword?   Who else would interfere with drug sellers or domestic cases?  Who is first port of call for the mentally ill?  This is now taking up much police time, but no-one report this.  Who do you call if there is trouble if not the police?
Better wages, more officers, removing the absurd university requirement (Thames Valley Police have done this now), and better journalism may help the police, especially when 'Stop and search' is in the news.
But that does not make for a story...  

Friday 8 April 2022

Boris at Work

Tee Hee!  Boris has done him good this time!
There can be no doubt that the information that Sunak, our great Chancellor, the man in charge of the UK financies, has a wife, living with him in Downing Street, who is claiming she is a 'Non-Dom,' came from Boris to his friends in the media.  That is, she lives abroad most of the year and thereby dodges tax!  By this devious means she can avoid paying tax her husband, the Chancellor, has not asked her to pay as he is also somehow involved in her many companies.  So, the man who charges tax sleeps with a woman who dodges tax (just like he does) and now the information is out about her dodging and the people are not happy.  This multi-millionaire, married to an even multier-millionaire, dodges tax while her hubby intends to take the top job as PM.  
Tee Hee, that has been crashed as Boris has involved his friends to ensure we now all know about his dodgy dealings.
Again Boris is playing politics well here, as we now also know that the tax dodging Chancellor, with a resident non-dom wife who dodges tax, also spent 18 months as Chancellor of the UK while holding a 'Green Card' in the United States (where one of his 12 homes can be found).  This means for that 18 months he became a US citizen and yet was in the UK cabinet!  
Surely Boris knew?  
Now, you will be surprised to know, this also is across all the media and Boris is saying nothing at this time, I wonder why?  Tee Hee.  When it comes to seeking the top job you need friends who know how to play the game, Sunak has few friends, little experience and is learning the hard way how to deal with Boris.
By the way, I wonder how those pictures of Boris, taken from the Chancellors window, got into the media?
Anyway, we await the next chapter of this fight for the top job.
Once Sunak is done for we can expect tales about Liz Truss, though surely she cannot be serious, and such tales that would make her look bad, tsk, I wonder who could do that to the wee girl?

I would love to be filthy rich, just think of what you could do with that money?  You could buy yachts and sail around the Med, you could have 12 homes in various countries while you dodged taxes and made more money, you could sit back and enjoy life, or you could use the money for the common good while still enjoying all the best for yourself.  
How come people like today's multi-millionaire's fail to do that?  
I know of two rich men in Edinburgh who for years have donated much cash to all sorts of projects with little publicity and much gratitude.  Some 120, I think it was, millionaires wrote to the Chancellor suggesting they were taxed more and the poor taxed less.  His response was that they should just donate money to the Treasury!  Not all rich men are without morals, even those who vote for the Conservative's. 
Why do those who strive to be among the richest work so hard for what they cannot possibly make use of?  How do you spend excess millions?  Do you build penis shaped spaceships and rise high above the earth? Do you create an aircraft that flies around the world on little fuel?  Or do you invest it in people because you are not a craven greedy wretch?
What would you do?

Sunday 3 April 2022

Boris and the Conservative Party do not Care if you go Hungry!


It is vital we understand one thing about the Conservative Party at this time.  It is a very simple home truth.  The Conservative Party today do not care if you are hungry.  The Conservative Party today do not care if the old and sick are cold and hungry.  The Conservative Party of today do not care if your energy costs go through the roof.  The Conservative Party of today do not care if you cannot afford to buy a house or even rent one.  This is because the Conservative Party of today do not care about you!
The Conservative Party has always been concerned with money first and people second.  However, the attitudes after the war when Churchill was PM, were much more Liberal, as indeed Liberal he was at heart, towards those who suffer.  The main Parties did indeed agree on some things and this recognition of need lasted well into the 60's.  However, the 'end of empire,' loss of position in the world, and a lessening of the desire to work together saw Thatcher come to power in 1979.  She loosed the strings allowing greed to grow, sold all the council houses, and opened the way for the grasping uncaring Tory party of today.
Thatcher of course would never have allowed people such as Boris into a position of influence, Thatcher would also have never left the EU, after all that is where the money is and she loved money!  The selfish brats who claim to follow her have little in common with her ideals, they just want money, power and position.  
The main problem is their lack of morals, these were not given to them as children by their parents, and an absolute lack of responsibility or concern for others.  The PM is the most obvious person to point fingers at here.

Flag waving, denouncing of both the EU and asylum seekrs brought a Brexit success, even though this has clearly hammered the national economy, hurt business, lost trillions from the City to the EU, and left a mess none can comprehend.  The asylum seekers still come, and now we are unable to send them back to France, having left the EU.  
Incompetence and deliberate lack of care has cost thousands of lives through Covid, the business loss made worse by indecision and lack of leadership.  Now the energy crisis has arrived and while France imposes a cap rise of 4% the UK now has a rise of 54%, often from EDF a French firm charging the lesser account in France.
And don't get me started on the NHS!

With a war in Ukraine in which we normally we could have some influence we see the EU and the US take the lead.  Boris meanwhile merely spouts about how "We lead...," though in fact we just talk, and send anti tank missiles.  
The energy crisis, people unable to eat, cold homes, sick and disabled suffering, and a war in Ukraine demanding constant presence we find our leading politicians running off to 'hot spots' for Easter holidays!  Which bungling MP from this cabinet of rascals will be holding the fort this time?  I am scared to ask.
Politicians have a duty of care for the nation, this lot have no sense of duty.  These men do not care about you, the homeless, the poor, the sick, the unemployed.  They do not care about businesses that collapse after Brexit, or jobs lost.  They do not care if a company collapses and thousands lose their jobs while the directors responsible make millions in bonus's, they just do not care.
Yet, if we call an election tomorrow, this lot will be returned, Boris and all.
Ask why?

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Wednesday Wondering


My favourite niece was bringning my new favourite great nephew to see me on Sunday, however, both she and her husband have contracted Covid!  This does not surprise me, though it worryies me as the kid is not yet seven months old.  Four people of my acquaintance have also suffered under this virus recently, and manay more besides.  The incompetent Russian spy who occupies No 10 Downing Street has followed the instructions of his greedy backbenchers and big business money men to drop all restrictions, including wearing masks on buses, in shops, in schools and crowded places and now he is even ending the free distribution of the LFT's that test for the virus!  NHS staff are now required to pay £5 or go wthout!!! The free parking for hospital staff will also end soon.  Now, unsurprisingly, Covid is running riot again!  Hospitals are overrun, and as you know the Tories deprive the NHS deliberately of funds, with 90,000 or so vacancies not being filled, although vast sums are offered for those who will lead 'Diversity and Inclusion (inclusive unless you are Christian of course).'  
These facts are given little space in the right-wing media, which is all we appear to have today, it is possible Russia has a more open, free press than the UK.  These facts are not wanted so must be ignored, yet they will leak out in Twitter and other social media, uncomfortable as they may be for Boris and his gangsters.    
It is noticeable that Boris has gained some support from his UKIP leaning followers by his apparent 'leading' of the defence of Ukraine.  The fact that this leading is another lie, the EU and US have done much, much more, is not something found in the 'Daily Express,' or 'Daily Mail,' and as to what is actually found in the 'Sun,' you can guess for yourself.  It is fair to say Rupert Murdoch's 'Fox News,' is still allowing that Carlson bloke to spout Russian propaganda daily.  What's in it for Rupert I ask?
Ukraine has hidden 'Partygate' for a while, however, this may increase some support for Johnson but the cover up by the Met Police will only harden antipathy amongst the rest of the nation.  Especially as on the day the Met announce some 20 fines for partying, names withheld, have been awarded Boris leads the Tories into a drunken party at night to celebrate!  Entering the Hotel they passed a line of silent mourners, mourning for their Covid dead.  The Tories ignored them. 
The sooner this lot are in jail the better.
The problem in the House is simple, the Westminster parliament is based on 'Gentlemenly behaviour,' and if someone does wrong, for instance 'lies to the House,' he would step down from his post.  Boris and his gang 'lie repeatedly to the House,' but refuse to step down and there is no parliamentary means of forcing them to.  Gentlemen they are not, and they know nothing can be done about it.  
This is of course made worse by a feeble opposition, only the Scottish Nationalists of either type oppose honestly, and indeed feebly, while the Labour Party waffles and wastes all our time.  What is Starmer for? 
How the UK is desparate for a (seemingly) honest major politican with ideas, integrity and guts.
I wonder again if this is a judgement we are under for our false liberalisation of society?
I had an er, debate on Twitter last night re those who claim to ID as female when in fact they are male, and vice-versa.  It got nowhere.  The vast array of legal loopholes, laws, and 'rights' which was uncovered amazed me as did the attempts to justify this.  
Quite simply we are born male or female, nothing else.  There are those who doctors find are neither one or the other and have to make adjustments for, this is fair enough, but these are a minority.  There are however, now many who believe they are in the wrong body, which they clearly are not, today such as these demand to act as they wish, in spite of others opposition.  In some cases men, with penis's, have been endangering women in women only spaces. 
The 'Gender Recognition Act 2004' allows a man to ID as a woman, penis and all, however this does not in Law mean he can make use of all women's facilities, for security reasons, though this apears to be lax these days.  
As we grow life affects us, heredity, family, life, war, disease, trauma of many kinds causes us to react, sometimes leading people into strange lifestyles.  Today we hear of one Tory MP who is openly admitting he is 'transgender.'  This began when he was raped as a child.  It has become known because he was being blackmailed and the criminal is now happily in jail.  In his case trauma caused a reaction, and I wonder how many others with this slant on their lives have suffered such trauma also?
This is too complicated to discuss in depth, and few of us know enough about it.  However, my heart went out to this MP, a Conservative at that, and wished he had had proper psychological counselling at the time, if indeed that was available in those days.  How many others do not get help, instead are only offered support to live a life they were not born for?   
How lucky we are not to have to endure such trauma.

I hate Microsoft!
I hate Laptops!
I hate Photo Op!
I am convinced President Putin is responsible for attacking me on this laptop.
Everthing goes wrong.
Things appear on screen unwanted.
They disappear unwanted.
Today, I tried to upload some pictures of the camera.
It took half an hour for what normally takes a couple of minutes work.
Nothing would work.  I restarted the procedure several times, yet it failed.
I had to restart the laptop and then it worked first time!
I took a quick, and terrible shot, with the wee camera later, and this has given trouble on 'Photos' also.
It didn't work!
Again I had to faff around before it worked.
I was going to attempt a complaint to Microsoft but managed not to.
They might have cut me off completely had they actually read what I was thinking...

Saturday 19 March 2022

Ukraine Pottage

As I wandered sleepily across the park this morning I wondered about the Ukraine flag blowing in the stirring east wind.  All around us we see people supporting Ukraine, many by donations of clothes and money for the refugees, others by displays of flags at football games or elsewhere.  This is good, people see Ukraine as the injured party and wish to reach out in support of the underdog.
However, this is a Conservative, Brexit loving area, why has the council placed this flag, and boasted about it, in front of their offices?  Could it be support for Ukraine, or could it be Conservative Central Office instructions for whatever reason?  I supect other Tory councils are doing the same, and such things tend to be organised from the centre, rarely as a knee-jerk reaction at home.  
Boris is running about informing us how he, sorry, the UK, is 'leading' in everything concerning Ukraine. This is very good, however, the EU has done more, offered 100,000 Ukrainian refugees 3 year visas with no questions asked, while the UK waits a fortnight before grudgingly allow a few to come in.  The UK has certainly trained the Ukrainian Army, but so has the US and who else?  We have supplied weapons, but no aircraft (we don't have any), but the US has given much more, and this does not account for what the French and  other EU nations have given.  Could it be this flag waving, which Boris is keen on, is all part of the propaganda that is so beloved of dictatorial states?  Boris fits that bill, and in spite of the war we all wish to see the Boris controlled Met police charge him regarding 'Partygate' and very soon!

I trekked through the town to see what was happening at the Saturday market.  So little was about that even the regular fruit stall was not to be seen.   I know they do tend to take holidays in winter, so as to get profit in Summer, and that may explain their absence.   I noted Batman and Spiderman, several in fact, in various sizes, at one end of the high Street.  I would have taken a picture but there were too many kids, and I try to avoid pictures with them.  The purpose of the exercise I think was just to advertise a nearby newly opened shop by getting the kids to pose with these 'heroes.'  
Not many stalls today, none that attracted my wallet anyway, so I wandered down the gant.  Gants, as you know, are the name given to the alleys around the town centre, alleys that grew up with the increasing number of buildings that arose as the ancient market developed.  The name derives from the Flanders weavers who arrived way back when, mostly down Bradford Street in Bocking, across the other side of Stane Street, and many of the old houses contain remnants of their operation there.   This gant was given the name in memory of a Beer House, these operated during the 19th century in an attempt to draw people away from the damage gin was doing to the populace.  This was successful, Gin consumption dropped, while alcohol problems increased as Beer drunkeness grew.  
Another great government idea!
The Towm Historian gave the gant this name, just next to where I stood was a Beer House operating, probably, from the back of a shop.  Pottage, spell it as you like, is a type of stew, or soup, used to feed the poor.  To be honest I forget the rather murky tale re the 'Pigs head in the Pot' itself, but it is not a tale that increases either your knowledge or good fortune.  The gant today is a rather grubby lane, running behind an ancient building that has stood there since at least Tudor times if not before.

Having lurked enough I return for a healthy 'pigs head worth of pottage' and a night of football.  What else could anyone wish for?

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Tuesday Twaddle

I tried to avoid Ukraine this morning.  My intention was to listen to Radio 3, they offer brief new broadcasts on the hour, and that would be all for me.  However, being a fool I turned on the BBC World Service and ended up with hours of Ukraine until I realised my mistake!  Early mornings are not good for me at the moment.  
To avoid this, and the constant reference to 'International Women's Day,' I wandered around to Tesco where I cleverly forgot to buy half the stuff on my list and none of the stuff I wanted but had forgotten to place on the list.  I am surprised that matron lets me out sometimes.
I avoided Twitter because this is full of the war.  Later, I forgot I was avoiding Twitter and spent too long on Twitter reading about the war.  However, I avoided watching the Ukrainian Prime Minister quote Churchill to the House of Commons and embarass Boris, especially as the Tory racists are still not allowing refugees into the country.  I slept instead.
I have just read that Boris is not allowing the staff from the UKs embassy in Ukraine to enter this country.  How callous is that?  Though we must remember that dozens of people who aided the war in Afghanistan have already been ignored and allowed to suffer under the Taliban.  Compassion and care is not found in the Johnson home, we cannot expect to find it in international relations.  There we get words, boasting and photo opportunities, but no action.  I have just realised also that Priti Patel missed the debate in the House today, she sent a junior mnister while she hid.  How typical.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Anotherd Day, Another Boris Story


One thing has become even more clearer than we once thought, and that is the influence of Vladimir Putin on the Conservative Party and Brexit.  We have known for a long time he was issuing social media bots and encouraging division in the UK from his St Petersburg geek farms, but the extent of his influence grows with the day.  
Boris, who 'lost' his security man to escape to Italy and meet certain Russians, including Mr Lebdev, a son of a KGB agent, who now owns a newspaper and is a member of the House of Lords, the Baron for Siberia.  Add the number of people, nearly all Conservative members, including one, now richer by around £60,000, who began the 'Friends of Russia group,' Farage and the people another with a leader who has influence in Russia.  
A long line of Tories have received between £5,000, normally £10,000 and way, way up, including Jeremy Hunt who has been donated three bundles of roubles worth almost £100,000.  Now, for some strange reason, Boris is slow today in dealing with the local oligarchs, I wonder why?
Running around Europe, pretending the UK is 'In the lead,' when it is way behind the EU and everybody else, is more flannel for his audience, an audience that shrinks with each day.  We have a government completely owned by Russia.  Why can these people not be charged with treason?
Putin is not mad, but clearly very annoyed.  His corrupt government, his corrupt, badly trained army, with a great deal of inferior machinery, badly maintained at that, and with thousands of untrained young conscripts also, is struggling to take control of Ukraine.
However, Vladimir will continue this drive, he will not stop.  There is only one acceptable outcome, but the guerilla war that will follow any success Russia has will drain his nation more than the run on the many Banks has done already.
How will it end, will it end?  Will it involve us?  
To be honest I do not get the feeling WW3 is here yet.  I hope I feel correctly.  Many thousands will die yet, how long before the west gets fed up with it all and forgets and looks away again?  We already look away from Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, constant African wars, the Korean problem and all the other small conflicts around the world, badly dressed celebs are more important for some.  Soon Ukraine will go this way also.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Thursday Space Filler...

Not long now.
All the rats are deserting the sinking ship, all attempting to suck up to the next leader, all happily lying in their teeth Boris style in the hope of getting something from whoever wins.  Clearly smoothie Rishi is in the lead, however, having no understanding of anything but money, he was one of those that brought about the 2008 world economy collapse, and he is only likely to care for the rich, so this will limit him, and as for Liz Truss, well...
Boris smearing the opposition leader went well.  Several MPs have written their complaint letter, other backroom staff have resigned, probably to join Rishi, and Boris is the one smeared by this.  Are we taking bets on how long?
It is not often that I enjoy an 'Old Firm' match but last night was worth watching.  To see the Huns ripped apart like that was most enjoyable.  Missing a centre of defence they were taken for fools constantly, most delightful to watch especially as for a few pounds they could have had one at the weekend.  Maybe he will play on Sunday and show them what they missed?
The only problem was the team beating them, the other half of the sectarian twins, Celtic.  It is true that they are the best team we have played this season, they ripped us apart in the first half but we came back and would have got a draw had Mr Boyce not missed a penalty!  How on earth did he do that?  We deserved a draw that night. Clearly Celtic are the team in charge, but can we catch them?
On Sunday afternoon we play the blue bigots in Ibrox, I wonder which Rangers supporting ref will be chosen for this?  I expect if we are winning a sending off, or indeed the famous 'Penalty for Rangers' cry will be heard.  I'm looking forward to be cheated in this one.


Friday 28 January 2022

Tesco and Sue


The pink in the few clouds early on tempted me outside this morning.  Luckily however, my head was not awake until much later.  Long after 10:30 I stumbled downstairs and sauntered through the town centre streets to Tesco.
In spite of Boris's absurd determination to kill us all by claiming masks were no longer required the vast majority inside Tesco were masked.  Some also, aged and possibly infirm, wore masks outside.  This town has lost many to the virus, though strangely enough few people I know can speak of any friend or neighbour who has died from this virus.  Still, Tory lovers or not they do not believe Boris and would wonder where Chris Whitty and his men are these days, why have they been removed from the media? 
Toddling through the crowd, actually for a Friday a very small crowd in the shop, I obtained my wishes, ensuring I glanced at the list I had made, filled my basket, I always use a basket as it is easier than a trolley and enables me to get past women with trollies much easier, and headed for the young lass at the checkout.  It was only as I unpacked the bag back home that I remembered the things some old fool had not bothered to put on the shopping list!  I think matron needs to have a word.
A trapped fox is less cunning that Boris.  Or is that less desperate?  
With the Sue Gray report on his illegal parties about to be published we find the Met Police now insisting she avoids all mentions of parties because this may prejudice their investigation.  This, Twitters lawyers appear to say is unjustified and an interference in her work.  I wonder who put Cressida up to this?
Journalists, something no longer found in the UK media, investigating something may well publish their information.  Police, taking this to court, will soon find no media mentioning the item until the legal work is complete.  So, why should Sue, on whom the nation leans, not publish a full report?
No reason, just another Boris cover up.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Cyclists Boris...

If you look carefully between the branches you can just make out lots of lycra and Hi-vis jacket clad cyclists.  They gather here, helmeted all, before making off towards the old railway line and heading who knows where.  There always appears to be a fair number off them and clearly they are happy to gather week by week in this way.  Personally I am not sure I would like to be part of such a throng, especially as I would lag behind everyone, and possibly on my own or with one or two others it might be more sociable as there would be more chance to veer off in your own choice of direction.  Not that this matters today, my bike has not been touched for two years now.  At least I avoided cycling with the wind and possible rain falling today.  The trees are shivering, the gray clouds keep passing by, the cyclists were all well dressed for such weather but sitting here with my feet over the heater I am happy enough today.  

His days are numbered but he is still here, lying, acting, bluffing, refusing responsibility, and awaiting the ERG killing him off, once they have their man in their pocket.  I still say that if I were he I would call an election.  The Polls say Labour would win, however, Boris can claim many loyal Tory voters outside of the House, they will follow him still.  Many are disillusioned but others loyal yet.  For Boris it may mean the loss of some of the ERG, one or two of them will fall, it may keep him in a job.  I doubt he will be so brave however, sadly this will continue for a few weeks yet.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Sun, Boris, Andy

An uninteresting and boring picture.  A vain attempt to indicate the brightness of the sun yesterday morning and today again.  The fact that Jack Frost still lay across the fields as I passed is hidden here.  I am unable to get out.  The scanning photos takes time, plus I must eat, watch the African Nations Cup when it is on and read books.  This does not leave much time for anything else, bar needful housework, the caring helpful women still avoid me!  
This also means I have spent little time watching Boris run away and hide (aparrently a relative' with Covid has been close) and he is avoiding the people who elected him.  It seems the TV and radio have been full of Cabinet members defending Boris, each trying to keep his job as they know Sunak will dump most of them.  Sunak himself is of course not a good choice.  I read recently he was part of a group in at the deep end in 2008 when the economy collapsed, yet he never mentions this.  His love of the rich and his lack of knowledge of anyone below Millionaire does not speak well of a man capable of leading the nation, and on top of that he has few friends in powerful places.  This means Liz Truss may be next in line!  
We stop there to let that sink in...

Talking of success, I note Andrew has reliquished all his honorary titles.  The media report this as 'Queen dumps Andy.'  Whether this is the queen or others in the royal house is hard to tell, but leaks will occur, and certainly they are ensuring Andy must face this alone.  All done to protect the monarchy.  What the monarch thinks about it is hard to tell. Andy was her favourite, but Andy has got into bother and even the elite cannot protect him now.  Only a judge refusing the US demand that he attends the US court can stop him facing action over there.  Good luck with that!

With Boris back against the wall, Andrew desparate for an escape it is easy to join in the crowd yelling and pointing.  There is however, something not right with the witchhunt even of the fallen hero or the guilty man.  A more sensible, none tabloid approach is required and hard to find.  
There again, had both men admitted to themselves any wrong doing, confesses and faced the music honestly I suspect attitudes would be different.  Denying clear wrong, as Boris has done, and hiding in Windsor like Andrew, has not been good PR.  Confession is good for the soul.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

The Quiet Week


Another day in Toryland, another day with no leader to be seen.  Boris, the present Prime Minister, has run away again.  He has been done in by the knive carrying friends he put in place to protect him from harm, especially the numpty Liz Truss, now Foreign Secretary, and the 'Make the rich richer, especially me' Chancellor Risi Sunak.  Both are hoping for his job, both would be worse than he!
You will recall Kenneth Clarck's comment after the last time he stood for the leadership.  "After the vote 132 Tory members shook my hand and told me they had voted for me, I only got 87 votes!"  The numbers may be innaccurate, but the quote is true.  Now, as we eat leftovers yet again, MPs, Whips, and friends of the leading contenders are stabbing competitors in the back, making lying promises for support, and dining out with editors of right-wing papers.  All fighting for the top job, as indeed is Boris, though his temporary wife may be fighting harder than he, she is on the make and not willing to let go of the 'power behind the throne' that she possesses and is less willing to be caught out and made to pay for the decorating.  Whatever happens, she will land on another high climbing man with power, ability and an openess to her charms.  
Will any of this benefit the nation?

Yesterday it appeared I had somehow enlarged by 5Ibs in weight, today I had returned to normal.  It is indeed amazing what can happen when adding or avoiding roast potatoes.  It may even be normal tomorrow again.  However, exercise was beyond me, a trip to Sainsburys yesterday morning was enough and the gray, rain carrying clouds, have been with us all day today limiting the desire to get out off my chair and wander.  Instead, I returned to the occupations of yesterday, I did nothing!
From my chair via the laptop I visited many parts of the world, played 'Solitaire' and 'Block Game' until the mental stress caused me to turn to the leftovers in the Plum Vodka bottle.  It seemed to me to be too small a bottle for what was inside, very enjoyable and very lifting!  
The world has returned to some sort of normality, rain clouds fill the earth, people wander across the park with dogs or bags filled at Sainsburys.  The wind shakes the leaves, dripping dollops of water cheerfully on passersby, dogs drink from the puddles, birds are noticeable by their absence, and even the 'white van men' are in short supply, only one today, for next door of course.   
Cars drive by but many have taken, or have been given, the week off.  Pictures of crowded shopping centres, happily sharing the latest virus by not wearing masks, are not found everywhere.  The public leave home only when forced, shopping, bargain hunting, or getting away from the noise of the kids are the favourite reasons.  Some even go to work.   
So now we sit and await New Year.  In the meantime we rise, search for the calandar, work out the date and then plan the day.  It may even be a decent day tomorrow, only thick cloud glowering above us.  This means we may, well wrapped up, walk out and find they lied to us again.  
One thing to look forward to on Jan 1st is the introduction of the full benefits of Brexit!  On that date all the prices concerning trade with the EU will grow substantially, a whole host of other legislation comes into play, and almost nobody understands what is going on and what the result will be.  Actually some of us do know the result, we have spoken of it often and we see the early results in front of us now.  Let us simplify the result, try 'Disaster!'