Saturday 24 August 2024

Packet of Fury

There is of course little connection between a 'wise man' and myself.
One day recently, I was sitting happily scrolling through E-Bay looking for one thing when I came upon some Chinese tat that might do.  As you know, shiny things attract, and I was attracted to the cheap price.  Only once it was ordered did I realise it was coming from China.  Usually these things are stored in warehouses here all along.  Tsk!
Anyway, I was notified the tat had arrived in the UK 48 hours later and would soon reach me.  This was Friday, the goods should be here by Tuesday.
On Wednesday, I began to wonder.  Then the E-Bay info said it was posted and on it's way.
'Yodel,' the carrier, did not have this on their site, however.
Nothing happened.  
On Thursday I checked again, I made use of the 'Live Talk' button and talked live to a human being with a Pakistani name.  It's on it's way, they said.  
Then, the driver could not find the address!
I may have mentioned somewhat surly like that the house has been here for 200 years and the road itself for over 3000 in the middle of town, and he could not find the address! 
The person on the other side tried hard to be polite and helpful, they did not deserve me.
Friday, I waited, I waited, the Yodel site did not show the packet was coming out.
By lunchtime, I fumed myself into a tizz and emailed the man who sent the goods.
Not in Chinese I should say.
I pointed out that the packet had taken 48 hours to come from China several thousand miles away and 7 days to come to me from Ipswich 33 miles up the road!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  I said Grrrrily.
In a much nicer manner than I had the two days previously with the customer service folks who probably were in Pakistan.
I sat back irked out.  
I had told them! 
30 minutes later, the packet arrived at my door. 



the fly in the web said...

Higher Authority ordered an electric wheelchair from China. It was supposed to be delivered direct to Costa Rica. It went to Florida instead. Then there was a kerfuffle about who was to pay to have it delivered here. Needless to say the original ad had disappeared from the website. Eventually the mediator sorted it and it arrived, but with something - a lot - to pay in import duties. So then we had to produce his incapacity forms and travel to San Jose to get a refund....
At least it works...too well, in fact. It is too fast for me to keep up with it...I need a little trailer attached...

Adullamite said...

Fly, I will be more careful where things come from in future. But I can imagine you on a trailer behind him wandering about San Jose!