Monday 8 January 2024


A short blast of snow falling at a slant threatens to bring the nation to its knees again.  A short while ago large noticeable snowflakes fell slowly, then the wind heightened, hats blew off, coats were tightened, and misery shone on the faces.  
I watched from the window.
That picture was taken 10 minutes ago, and already all has cleared.  I suspect several accidents have occurred in the region, but so far no sirens have sounded.  Quite how this lot would cope with the A9 in January I know not.
I still remain indoors hugging the heater drying the washing.

I am very glad it was not similar to this yesterday when I hobbled down the highway.  Kirk was quiet, as it is at this time of year, he traffic today is back to normal and Kirk will be similar next week.  It was good to see the faces, be surrounded by all the women, one at a time again, and speak to those who mattered.
However, I left early as my mind was clogged up.   It has been this way for a while, a remnant from the Covid of a month or two ago.  In November I usually have Xmas sown up, but this year it was slow, thinking apathetic, and it was finished by desperation, not thought.  Apathy remains.  Reading is hard, concentration often lost, and I followed nothing during the service.  This was awkward as I was reading the OT passage!  Gen 1:1-5.  I noticed I was losing concentration as I read this short passage!  I am amazed I did not fall asleep!  I ran off home soon after closing and limped through the rest off the day.
Some things held an interest but concentration soon lapsed.  
Maybe I should hire a nurse...?
Much later, Tsk!  Forgot to finish this...


Jenny Woolf said...

Sorry to hear that your concentration is suffering. Covid is a nasty disease. If you start getting a cough or don't feel totally better might be an idea to check with your GP, or so a consultant in infectious diseases told me. There are quite a few Covid variations all with their own little quirks and they can be a nuisance.
That's an amazing picture. Where is it from? To me it looks like Waterloo station of yore. I remember some of those grimy old station days.

Adullamite said...

Jenny, My concentration at 7:30 this morning meant I deleted your post instead of publishing it! A scramble to find them again! That pic comes from a 1930s film of Waterloo. I wonder if I can find it and put it up?

the fly in the web said...

Ah, the days of steam...and smuts!
I like to see snow....but have no wish to be subject to it again!
Look after yourself...not too much exercise and healthy eating.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Ah yes 'smuts.' On that train to Mallaig long ago I was reminded of them. Hanging out the window to take poor pictures! No snow today, just cold as norm for January.