Saturday 4 November 2023


In a weeks time we have the remembrance services throughout the UK.  Once again i note politicians on the right making use of the Poppy to infer they are patriotic, meaning of course you are not.  What a short time ago was a poppy to remember the war dead by has now become, since Brexit and the independence debate, an item of 'British,' that is 'English,' nationalism.  The Brexiteers make use of this and boast about 'standing alone.'  This of course ignores the support of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa and others, and implies 'English' superiority and ignores the war on the ground was actually won by the Soviet Union!
Already we see memorials which are more about 'us' than about 'them.'  Flag waving, poppy masses, exhibitions rather than remembrance, and a demand for all to wear a poppy or be hounded by the loyal patriots, usually all right-wing tabloid readers.
Remembrance ought to be about remembering the war dead of two major wars and many lesser conflicts since.  This requires a few minutes silence, a short parade, and then making every effort to see an end to other wars.  Few move beyond the short silence.  
Matters are not helped by the propaganda easing out of the press supporting Israel, and informing Jews that they are not safe of the UKs streets.  Nonsense of course, but many will fear because of this.  This is merely a way of opposing those who support Palestinians and wish to see an end of the slaughter, and slaughter it is.  There is little care for civilians in Gaza by the Israeli's.  
Fear and division in the UK is seen as a desperate way to get votes for the corrupt Tory government.  The idea of popular policies developing the nation is put aside for Boris type finger pointing and fearmongering.  A sure winner.
The human side of the Israel situation does not look good.  We have covered the biblical idea of the world ending when Israel is surrounded by enemies.  This situation can only hasten nations which now support Israel being taken over by those whom do not.  A clear understanding is required, and I do not have it!  Next Sunday I am doing prayers.  This would be simple before, but not now.  I wonder what I will be saying?

Bay Evening Jeremy Mann


the fly in the web said...

I am midway through 'The ethnic cleansing of Palestine' by Ilan far a sober, well researched book about the events of 1948.....showing the same spirit that seems to lie behind Israel's slaughter in Gaza.
As to Jews not feeling safe in London...pshaw! More of the guilt inducing propaganda churned out whenever Israel is undertaking illegal acts.
And when it comes to Remenbrance, the services victims of the terrorists of Irgun should also come to mind.

Adullamite said...

Fly, 1948 was a terrible time. 'Lords of the Desert' by James Barr includes that time.