Monday 17 July 2023

Boring Life

An indication of how boring my life is these days is the fact that I have now begun reading 1 Chronicles. The long boring lists of names, collected most probably by Ezra himself to remind the Hebrews in Babylon of their history, is surprisingly interesting.  
Beginning with Adam and following the line from his descendants, we see many famous names appear.  Occasionally the wife is named, sometimes several wives, which reminds me of Watchman Nee's remark that no man in the bible who had more than one wife had an easy life.  Yet some of these men also had 'concubine's,' I suppose in case the wife was tired...
Er, a son of Judah, must have been a laugh.  Whatever he did is not stated but it was 'wicked,' and 'the Lord put him to death.'  Sin brings it's own reward.  
This is not History as we would wish it to be, Ezra and his staff would search out the long lists from all he record stores, including some from nations round about, and put them together in some sort of order.  A very difficult operation at the time.  They do give an interesting insight into the times of long ago.  A dangerous society, often under attack, sometimes from those who were their Hebrew 'brothers.'  Great men followed their God, often in difficult circumstances, and soon their sons and grandsons, and other descendants are falling away and seeking easier gods and simpler lifestyles.
Jabez stood out from them.  Suddenly he appears crying out to God, after being declared 'more honourable than his brothers,' and God granted his request.  The Good Lord hears a request from one man amid many others, simply because he 'believed God.'   The Lord hears all that we say.
He however, still has not given me that Landrover I asked for many years ago...

The world is strangely quiet, and it is not the summer weather.  Politics is quiet as the parties gear up for the three by-elections next week.  Only Keir Starmer blethering nonsense and pretending to be a Tory gets any coverage.  Football has returned, and already some managers jobs are at risk.  Huge heat is hitting some parts of the world, though China, recording 52% still dig for coal without asking why?  This makes no difference in the UK, the weather here is always unreliable at all times.  
Nothing else has happened here...


the fly in the web said...

Loved the cartoon! I am just trying to imagine my granny if the minister had started a malarkey like that!

I gather Keir Starmer is now being named Kid Starver after his U turn on the two kid benefit rule...remember Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher?

Adullamite said...

Fly, I am pleased our vicar does not appear interested in such behaviour. Kid Starver sounds ideal. He will say anything to get elected, then what?

Kay G. said...

"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!".
It reminds me a bit of "O Lord, Won't You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz" song. Or in your case, a Landrover! LOL

Adullamite said...

Kay, Indeed! Maybe I ought to sing that prayer...?