Friday 14 April 2023

Spam History

My night out on Monday was a delightful one.  SPAM was a small meeting, the holidays meaning many are far off and only the 'leftovers' gathered for a cheap drink.  I say cheap, but £2:95 is a lot to one who is poor.  However, I worked my usual magic by turning up late.  This ensured they all had purchased their drinks so I only needed to buy my own.  
The chat returned to all the old favourite places, boring in many respects, but we managed to put the world to rights and agree happily with one another that we are right.  A little bit like a 'Daily Mail' comments section but actually right, as apposed to just biased.
Of course in the middle of this Doug decided he needed a drink and, as only five of us were gathered, offered to buy for all.  Naturally, having a half filled glass, I refused, but he insisted, so I was forced to accept a gift.  Tsk!  Such is life.
Doug and I then warmed to the Bishops motives, both agreeing in principle that something must be done.  At the moment we must await developments, which in the CoE means lots of carpets turned up, files lost, and meetings arranged.       
By now I decided to rise slowly from my seat and return the empty glasses, the barmaid asleep at the bar, and I did so the offer to buy fell from my willing lips.  Sadly however, the taxi arrives to take the old men home.  Being afraid of her indoors they all ran for home, sadly, saving me money.
That is the fourth time in a row I have got away with this...  

I received an email from a woman in the USA seeking advice on tracing the family tree.  According to the DNA results we undertook some time ago we hail from the same region (penury I suspect) and she was asking family questions.  Well, I sent her an immediate answer and promised to look into it.  This is the point where I remember I lost all the stuff  a while ago and did not replace it!  So, I have begun to trawl the links, not understanding half of them, and have missed half the day while doing so.  While it is unlikely we are directly related it is possible some distant cousin fled the land and sailed off into the west hoping for success.  I hope he found some.
Now my eyes hurt...


the fly in the web said...

I wonder where you picked up such habits......they'll be making unkind remarks about the scots if you carry on like this.

Adullamite said...

Fly, I suggest this comes from reading about Conservative politicians...

the fly in the web said...

Change your reading habits....though that might cost you a few quid at SPAM get togethers....

Adullamite said...

Fly, My wallet says copy the Daily Mail...