Monday 10 October 2022


 I really consider it's time they moved the moon over a bit.  Here is me, late at night, squeezing through the wee window in the kitchen, attempting to take a photograph of the 'Harvest Moon,' while knocking assorted items, 'Fairy Liquid' bottles, pans, cups and a fork or two into the sink.  All the time attempting to remain quiet so as not to disturb the neighbours.  
Considering the brute is always positioned in the wrong place, tonight I hoped to catch it alongside Jupiter, but Jupiter had moved too far away, and the edge of the window frame kept coming into focus. I wonder how others get such good shots?  I suppose they have gardens, and sheds they can stand on.  Or windows that are not obscured by the tree line that appears so worthy during the sunny days but a nuisance when seeking planets or moons.  
I certainly will not get a shot tonight, I am about to rush of slowly and attend the SPAM meeting at the club.  Here, the intelligentsia (no women) of the church meet to discuss items of great moment.  As the football that matters, at 6 pm and 8 pm, does not begin until tomorrow, I can take a night off from straining my eyes and enter the half light of the club and meet the bright sparks of the congregation.


the fly in the web said...

Has the hangover subsided in time for the football?

Kay G. said...

That darn moon, it could just move just that little bit so that you are not knocking over the Fairy liquid and disturbing the neighbors.
Ah, can I just say...Fairy liquid, I do miss it.
Honestly, I do.

Adullamite said...

Fly, No hangover, I left just as my round came up...

Kay, Possibly Amazon sell it over there.