Friday 31 December 2021

New Years Eve 2021

Being New Years Eve I decided I had to check the shop to ensure I had those last important things that I cannot do without, especially as the shops will be closed for the holiday.  I was wrong!  Both Sainsburys and Tesco are open tomorrow, not much change in the hours either.  
This will not be the case in Scotland!  
I thought I had to buy now or struggle on until Monday or Tuesday but it appears no struggle will be required.  Having lounged, drank, eaten too much over Christmas it appears no desire is left among the local natives for similar this weekend.  How often I realise I am living in a foreign country!

I was glad to get out under the glowering dark clouds.  Slowly the clouds have fallen away allowing a temperature in the 50's F.  This is unusual for December and knowing similar is happening elsewhere, in the US for example, it indicates a degree of global warming that Fossil Fuel salemen insist does not exist.  Their backing, if not invention, off anti-covid fears intended to ensure people return to work, thus creating money for them, has not gone unnoticed, especially when MPs shout about this in parliament and they happen to be connected to such companies and their offsprings.  How unusual for an MP!

I wandered amongst the few, almost friendly, people out and about.  Handfuls of people prepared for cold weather sweltered around town, a surprising amount of shops remained open, though some were clearly making the most of the time off.   

Home to the usual housework ignored all week.  I am so lucky!  However, it is good to get so much done badly.  Now I am about to check my Christmas spending, this ought to frighten me somewhat and ensure next year I spend less!  Then I prepare for Hogmany, that is heading to bed.... 

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