Tuesday 2 July 2019

The Sun Turns, or is it Me?

Another revolution round the sun has occurred.  For another 365 days I have been swinging the lead journeying round the sun enjoying life.  Tonight I eat whisky cake 'sweet and mellow' like me, she said with a hint of sarcasm. 
The church found out and sang 'Happy Birthday' as they do.  How embarrassing!  I keep it quiet but someone shouted out my name.  She will hear about this.
Nothing else to report.
Another year older again, cards, well wishers, facebook posts, but no book vouchers!  Tsk!
A quiet museum day, exhibition ended, new one begins to emerge, will take three weeks to erect mind.  Few visitors, nothing much to do, home to sleep....

I believe these are the two new neighbours.
Up above, in the loft, I hear noises and coo-ing.  I think these two have moved in.  I tried to get up there but my steps are two small, I need a proper stepladder.  I was thinking of borrowing the museum one but that of course is now in constant use.  Maybe I will try again and risk my neck by clambering...?


the fly in the web said...

And when you've finished inspecting the pigeons you can come and see whether the whistling ducks on my roof...the ones with tacketty boots...have produced offspring...
Happy birthday!

Kay G. said...

Did that whisky cake make you sweet and mellow? Somehow I doubt it!
Happy birthday! (I might be a day late.) Best wishes.

Adullamite said...

Fly, I find thumping the ceiling helps....

Kay, Sweet & Mellow as always...