Friday 8 March 2019


It's been a grump day indeed in this house.  The bug has reinstalled itself Microsoft fashion.  I didn't ask it just came back.  Last night I felt not to bad but coughed a lot trying to sleep, I slept little, woke early with headache and return of symptoms and wondered if I had died.  It took most of the day before the headache went, the rest slightly dying down.
This bug began seven weeks ago at least.  Four weeks of coughing which still remains.  Now I hear from all around folks elsewhere have the same problem.  Typical!  What sort of bug is this? 
I blame Putin!

International wimmens day again.  Another day for middle class wimmen to fill the airwaves with their hard luck stories telling us how hard their lives are and that men get paid more than them.
I feel for them.
On Sunday a team of yellow clad men will be moving the telegraph pole outside my house to a safer position, I suspect no female will be found working alongside them.  I suspect those filling the pages and the airwaves today will not have much regard for the checkout lass who will appear beneath too many of them, she however actually works for a living.
When is it international man's day...?


the fly in the web said...

If it's the bug I picked up when visiting mother earlier this year...I still have it. Not as badly as you...but it is still there. Coughing and feeling like death inadequately warmed up. The heat doesn't help....
I blame the Maybug...

Jenny Woolf said...

Sorry to hear about the bug. We had something similar last year, the doc says it takes about 8 weeks altogether. I don't know if that is cheering or not, sounds as if you have already done seven. Anyway I hope you are feeling much better soon! Like the photo, it's so very true!

Adullamite said...

Fly, It sounds similar, tonight I heard my brother in law has been coughing for four weeks also!

Jenny, Eight weeks? That's cheery as it must be ending soon.

Dave said...

If its the same bug thats around here its a sod as it returns and lingers. My wife and friends have had it but I wont tell you stories about it, just stock up the whiskey, all the best.

Adullamite said...

Dave, That sounds right, it just will not go. Whisky you say...

Mike Smith said...

Grumpy puss. That's what my daughter Laura called her son Daniel the other day. He's only 5 months old...

Adullamite said...

Mike, You have a grumpy grandson? I understand a grumpy daughter, most women are I find....