Monday 20 November 2017

Lovely Evening

It has been a lovely evening at the church men's group meeting.  We meet in the club next door to me and have a jolly good time discussing things of great merit, like various beers, prices and being without the woman interrupting all night.  Not only but being a private club of which many are members the prices are cheaper that regular pubs and the service friendlier.  
A smallish group tonight, including the second vicar, chatting about nothing and everything and getting to understand the men and their lives.  What a civilised way in which to do this, and cheap also, I liked that.  Such a shame it is only once a month.
One advantage is the fact that all, but the vicar and one other, have retired and apart from my leaving early to prepare for work tomorrow in the museum nobody has to rush.  This is one advantage of retirement.  The lack of money is the disadvantage.

Nothing else happened today....


the fly in the web said...

Sounds like Leo's time on the London Stock women allowed on the floor. No beer either, though....

Adullamite said...

Fly, No stock to exchange here mind...!

Jenny Woolf said...

I have heard about mens groups and I think they sound like a great idea. Glad you have one where you are.

Lee said...

I dare not write much - because I'm a woman, I'll probably be accused of interrupting! :)

Adullamite said...

Jenny, We need in today's confused world to ensure make and female have time together alone or we end up like something that works for the BBC!

Lee, Good! Stop interrupting.