Monday 4 March 2024

Tech Difficulties Again

Another day of tech war!
There was a council bill that arrived last night.  I think this had been put into next door by the idiot postman, anyway he has shoved it through and it arrived with me late on.  I keep suggesting they send the idiot postmen elsewhere but he keeps coming back.  Anyway three white envelopes from different places all begging!
Today I logged into the council 'Portal.'  
This is a new idea designed to make things easier!
It did not.
For a start, some fool forgot to write down his details, or if he did they were not written down where he put them.  So, having searched high and low and found only dust I attempted to guess the details.
So, this and that,and again this and that, an email or two later and I was no better off.
Eventually an answer, phone us they said!
The whole idea was to make things easier online, so they suggest using the phone!!!
I do not wish to phone.  This costs money, my phone crackles too much (and is to be fixed soon) and I wish to do things online.  However, I struggled with the council website and found the old way of paying in (no, not by brown envelopes) and completed the job.  Thus satisfied I rested.  
Tech is brilliant when it works, but it does not always work, the details get lost, and, being an idiot, I get it wrong.  I canny imagine what will happen if I fly up to Edinburgh!    

Saturday 2 March 2024

First Day on the Somme

The first day of the Battle of the Somme is a day that has gone down into UK military history.  On that day the attacking force lost around 57,000 casualties, that is dead, wounded and missing.  The largest failure of the UK army in history.  Of these close to 19,000 were dead.  
This book, which was first published in 1971 is rightly considered a classic of its type.  In fact, almost all Great War historians, tour guides and interested parties, can look back at this book as the one that led either to their interest in the war, or enabled a better understanding to arise.  Funnily enough, this may include me.  I first took an interest in the Great War around the ate 70s/early 80's and found this book in the library, soon after Penguin published it.  A classic indeed, full of relevant information regarding the situation that led to the war, the disposition of the UK force, the men in charge, and also with a host of eye witness accounts from those who served.  The best way to get into the reality of the war.
No doubt since first published much new information has arisen.  Many historians, knowledgeable and ranting, such as myself, have had their say, as time passes opinion differ, yet this book remains a classic in the eyes of almost all.  
I re-read it recently, once again watching the men march up full of expectation.  The fear of going over the top, the shock and confusion of men falling all around.  Hard fighting in an enemy trench, the loss of officers and NCOs to lead, wounds and death all around, and the realisation soon after staring that all had failed.
The attack was well planned, but with communication difficult, rigid plans not amendable, failure of at least one third of shell exploding or having a suitable effect, and failure on the one place where cavalry were required and not sent, all led to what was to be a one day success becoming a five month slog.  
I enjoyed again this book.  The thoughtful opinions are soberly put, well researched and a classic this book remains.  This is the place to begin when researching the Great War.  
Sad to say Martin Middlebrook, who also wrote many other similar books, passed away around a month ago.  A great loss to Great War history.

Friday 1 March 2024


Today, March 1st, is the first day of meteorological Spring!  Naturally, the rain is teeming down.  
Spring is my favourite time of year.  Daffodils abound, Bluebells sprout upwards ready to blossom, Blue Tits flit through the trees opposite, and a sense that good things lie ahead fills the air.  Sometimes, people even smile!
This of course does not mean we will not have rain or even snow once or twice yet, but it is a time of light mornings, days of chilly sunshine, and as today, days of rain and what the weather people refer to as 'showers!'  They did not mention the wind shaking the trees and dislodging the pigeons mind.
Ah Spring, a time when us young men's fancy turns to thoughts of love.  
I will be too busy with Spring cleaning.  Last years that has not been finished...
Ahead of us lies the promise of warmer weather, long bright days, sunshine, shirt sleeves and happiness abounding.  I will do my utmost to avoid all that!   The days lengthening is always good.  I can turn off the lights, blow out the candles, and sit near the window to allow light in.  No more switching on the oven to heat the place, they say we will have the hottest summer ever!  And the same people tell us their is no global warming.  Honesty is not something associated with the UK press.
Rejoice! Rejoice!  

Atkinson Grimshaw - The Thames Below London Bridge

Wednesday 28 February 2024


I have nothing to say, but people say that does not normally stop you saying it!
This I fail to comprehend.
Trying to think of something to say when in strangers company can be difficult.  I am not good at small talk, I come from Edinburgh, we only talk big.  Some friends I have known were brilliant at small talk, they could talk to anybody about anything without causing embarrassment or warfare, this I find difficult.  
It is one thing in Tesco to irritate the young lass by small talk there, it does not go deep, and in the museum in times past I could easily I found, deal with people arriving especially kids.  However, in more serious situations I flounder.  Not that I have been in any serious situation for some time, nor do I wish to be in one.  I am happy hiding away unless I wish fresh air.  
Women I say, can talk easily.  My mum could not go anywhere without finding someone to gossip with.  This was not chattering re the great moments of life, just chattering, and she, and I note many other women, could do this easily.  Not talking appeared to be a sin!  Just imagine what it was like with three women in our house!  How the neighbours coped I know not. 
Politicians talk is of course another thing.  Until recently a politician would never lie, they just did not speak the truth.  Any question put to them would get half an answer, the half they wanted to promote.  No lie passed their lips, but neither did they accept or speak the truth.  Today, since Boris Johnson, lying bare-faced to the questioner has become the norm.  Refusing a straight answer, basic lying and avoiding giving an answer is now Tory policy.  Even the Speaker of the House has joined in.
Children can lie, they also know when an adult lies.  Kids have a straight forward appreciation of 'right and wrong' you cannot fool them.  Maybe we should use them in speaking to MPs?
But as for me I have little to say at any time.  In fact, I often sit here and don't even talk to myself.  
There are many who wish to do this also.  Even scammers do not speak to me.  One called to day but when I answered the line went dead.  It was an 02039 number, used by scammers claiming to be the HMRC and calling about a tax bill.  Click No 1 to reply it would say.  However, I did not get that far and so have avoided yet more red tape, though this time fake tape, and someone somewhere in Pakistan will be sad about this.  Pity, I had something to say to him...

Monday 26 February 2024


One of my beautiful and highly intelligent nieces posted on facebook a wee while ago something about life always being one thing or another.   Well yes, that's what it is.  One day you are up, the next down, nothing runs smoothly for long, this she needed to remember, is how it is.
Life here has been slow, but smooth in a way.  Yesterday I was fed by the neighbour, she gave me a roast dinner!  I gave them a bottle of wine and that pleased him, I'm not sure how much she got...
A couple of nights ago she knocked on my door with a question regarding the young lass in the other flat.  This ended with a promise of a dinner, which she brought up to me, after 6 pm.  I had been expecting this at 2 or 3 pm but there you go.  I had eaten by the time it arrived and forced this down.  It was fabulous!  I have eaten little today. This is all well and good.  I had been seeking a chance to meet them more.
On the other hand, when my friend decided to die last year she left me money in her will.  I expected a few hundred but she gave me a huge sum!  Stunned as I am I managed to let it happen.  Now I wonder what to do with it?  Naturally, this means informing the Council regarding the Housing Benefit, which will now stop.  I canny mind if I need to tell the pension people, but I'm sure I must.  So, here I am now with a bit in the bank awaiting news of the changes ahead.  I will survive, bills will be paid, changes will occur.  Easy come, easy go it appears.  1st world problems.  
However, my weight, at 15 stone, has increased today by 2 pounds.  As there was no need to eat today. I also exercised in an attempt to reduce things more.  Crossing to the council office, then around the town to Tesco to save me rising early in the morning, obtaining a couple of needy things and nothing else I hobbled home.   What with checking paperwork, online info, printing things, letter writing, and so on, I have filled the day well.  Tomorrow I may even do something useful!  
You will note I scribbled this in a hurry...

Friday 23 February 2024

Slow Friday

I was loitering without intent around lunchtime today when the Amazon driver appeared.  This is a good guy, he often calls, rarely for me, and was struggling with his phone.  The lass next door has allowed the number to fall from the bell and he must have been confused by this.  Normally they just ring mine.  He is a gentleman and attempted to call her, receiving no answer as she is working, so eventually rang my bell.  Another box for next door, quite light, which is just as well, and I am happy to take them in.  
I even saw our dim postman walking dreamily in the rain yesterday, no mail for us obviously, but it could be he has put it in next door.   We wait and see.  Royal Mail is awful these days, all because of privatisation and the greedy bosses trying to make the parcel side succeed.  This, some say, is because they wish to buy it themselves!  The more I look at Keir Starmer the more I realise there is no chance of this privatisation being reversed.  Indeed, I winder if anything will change.  The more I consider Starmer the less I like him.  If only we had a sensible 3rd option.

Thursday 22 February 2024


Daffodil season is upon us once again.  In the gloom caused by ongoing rainstorms we see the council daffs beginning to emerge and brighten the greenery opposite.  Soon grasping young mums will be encouraging their kids to steal them to brighten their homes.  Most will claim they cannot afford the £1 required in Tesco's!   
I bought one bunch from Sainsburys, these however failed to produce properly.  On Tuesday I bought a large bunch of three tied together, some, as you can see, have begin to respond correctly, others are dubious, and the third lot remain staring mournfully at the window.  We will soon see what will happen.  
I like the bright yellow flowers on the desk, it is a cheery sight, especially on dreich days like this, and comparatively cheap, though clearly the shops will be making a packet from them.

Lindsey Hoyle, the Speaker of the House, has been apologising and offering talks and debates after last nights gamesmanship.  The SNP and some 49 MPs of various colours, have signed a 'Motion of No Confidence in the Speaker,' and will no doubt try and bring this to the House.
A shambolic night, and with a shambolic Tory government who ran away when Sunak, like Starmer, saw he would lose a vote!  There can be no doubt that the SNP were suffering a racist backlash from the English colonialists also.  

On the subject of Scotland as a colony, I had a Twitter fight with a man from Aberdeen who disagreed.  The fact he flew a Union flag, supported Rangers, and lived in Aberdeen, made me realise he had little History knowledge, in spite of the word 'History' being on his intro.  As it turned out his history knowledge was not very good, written by some English Historian, and wilted when I offered him the list of bribes paid to the Scottish Lords.  Sadly, many Rangers fans believe in 'Britain,' instead of Scotland simply because their football team tells them to.  Those indoctrinated by the armed forces have similar outlooks.  History knowledge is still poor, there is so much we do not know, and the subject is not taught well enough, though needless things are,  and leaves the way for decent History programmes on the BBC, but their unionist owners would not allow this. 

Wednesday 21 February 2024


I have been fantasying of buying a car.  Considering I have no money this will remain a fantasy for some time.  However, I could do with one, not just to 'get about' the locale, but to travel far distance and see people I have not seen in years.  Or 'family' as they are called.  
There are problems other than being skint of course, since obtaining the licence I have not driven.  Being unemployed at the time, getting aid to do the lessons, I ha
ve not had the cash to buy a car.  Now I have moved from the pauper stage up into the poverty stage I can begin to dream of greater things.  
Now I know a recent death has left me some cash, though exact amount is unclear, but even with the money how do I buy a car?  And, as I age can my mind cope with all that is involved now?  I forget so many things, this memory lapse could be dangerous on a road, so I hesitate here.  
Maybe I could convince a bright young blonde to chauffer me?
What?  Oh...

Much political shenanigans in the House today.  I did not observe this, I could not contain myself if I did, but a proposal to bring peace to Gaza has caused war in politics.  Naturally, this was meant.  By bringing this proposal the SNP wanted to embarrass Labour, many of whom get backhanders from Israeli lobbyists, and force a rebellion from the Labour backbenchers.  Labour, allegedly, demanded the Speaker allowed an amendment, from them, or they would chuck him out after the next election.  The Speaker, not the best ever known in the House, gave in.  Now a vote on a Tory amendment is also looming.  
I canny mind a parliament so absurd and awful as what we have today.  I can recall MacMillan and many since then, I recall many problems in the House, but this lot are a new low.  The Tory cabinet and junior ministers lie in their teeth to keep their job.  They know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, yet they lie.  Well, one or two may not know if they are lying to tell the truth, one or two are less intelligent than a dead parrot yet have a ministers job!  
The opposition cannot tell us what a woman is, in case they lose the deviant vote, even the more sensible members are on the take and unclear as to their own policies, these change daily at the moment, and do not impress with policies to put the nation back together again.  They merely want to be in power!
At least an election will bring a change, but what?

Monday 19 February 2024


This is Fishing boats off Leith, possibly 'Zulu's.'
My love of technology increases daily.  The 'Dell' is now hesitating to respond to my delicate touch, this means several attempts today to get the blessed thing to actually do what it is there for.  Of course the router is not breaking down this week, it just will not go above a speed of 24.  
So, I glanced at prices for new laptops, just in case, and decided there was no rush.  The ones I consider useful range between £7-£900 and this means they can wait for a bit.  Slowly my mind will work out how little I need such a machine and will soon find me something much cheaper.  
My love of technology was not increased when I attempted to get the mobile working.  Several attempts were required before switching off and starting again.  I will not begin searching out prices for the new ones...

Sunday 18 February 2024

Sunday Prayer

It was the usual half asleep start this morning.  Breakfast, coffee, weaker than usual as Sainsburys do not appear to be stocking the Costa Rica stuff these days, and get ready for the off.  Naturally it was teeming rain.  I specifically prayed for dry weather when I went out but it had not arrived when I left.  In fact, as I walked I realised the rain was stopping, and had almost cleared by the time I hobbled into the church.
As expected the girls soon surrounded me, I was forced to hug Jenny, Caroline, Julie, Sylvia and almost the vicar with his hands held out!  I wish he would not wear those robes!  Anyway, the service went on in the usual formally informal fashion, and at the 'intercessions,' I struggled to find my glasses so I could read the full page I had prepared lovingly, and limped up to the microphone.  I spoke, the crowd reacted, some expected a sombre prayer full of tact and hushed adoration, er, I am somewhat more relaxed.  I prayed re the kids, mentioning the miserable old people who complain about noise, and us er, 'Young 'Uns' who delight to see the kids here.  Some cycnical reaction here, I know not why.
Afterwards, communion over, tea and coffee being spilt as much as the powdered covered cakes someone foolishly made for the kids which were being splattered across the floor, three people reacted well to the prayer.  This was good, not all would react, and sadly I did not get a chance to speak to all.  The vicar did speak to me, making no mention of what I said talking instead of his week ahead at some conference re church leadership.  When we talked I realised that he is a bit lonely.  Here he is as leader, of two churches, but he has no real deep friendships here.  This type of church does not have people who share friendships, they are all a little apart.  Partly this is due to family needs, work and the distance apart, also many have been here for years and know one another well, but something is missing here.  I found this strange at first, possibly little town syndrome.  I can call most here friends in one respect each week, but something is missing.  I think the vicar finds this also, and his job is a lonely one.
Anyway, having spoken to the important people, and all my women, I made for home in what was now sunshine.  I stopped one young woman and her 7 year old boy who was spashing in puddles as they walked. 
"Has he done this all the way?" I asked.
"Yes, every puddle!" she said laughing.
I told him he would enjoy it further down the road as the pavement was flooded in places and off they went, he eager, she wondering how to keep him clean and considering whether she ought to have had a girl instead.
At home I ate, fussed about nothing, ate, slept, and ached after walking so far.  A good Sunday, considering I got on well with most, did not get stoned as I expected, and found several still oppose the Bishops Stonewall purposes.
Interesting that one newcomer was in this morning.  I saw her here a few weeks ago, she and a friend came from London, and I susected them as lesbians, they had the marks.  I might be wrong and was unable to speak to her today, I wonder what she thought?  
Anyway, I thank those that prayed for me, and look forward to the next time in a couple of months...

Thursday 15 February 2024

Today, Back Then

706 AD  Byzantine emperor Justinian II has his predecessors Leontios and Tiberios III publicly executed in the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Can we do this to the Tories...?

1676  Isaac Newton writes to Robert Hooke “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” 

1882 S.S. Dunedin leaves New Zealand for Britain with the first cargo of frozen meat.

1900 Boer War: Siege of Kimberley broken by British troops under Lieutenant-General John French after a 124 day siege. Kimberley defence led by Cecil Rhodes. French became Field Marshall French and led the British Expeditionary Force into France in August 1914.  He served in that position until late 1915.

1906 British Labour Party founded.  Where has it gone?

1942  World War II: The Fall of Singapore. Following an assault by Japanese forces, the British General Arthur Percival surrenders. About 80,000 Indian, United Kingdom and Australian soldiers become prisoners of war, the largest surrender of British-led military personnel in history. The Sook Ching massacre begins. That’s the end of 50-100,000 civilians. Thousands of POWs die in Japanese prison and labour camps over the course of the war.

1944  891 British bombers attack Berlin in the largest raid by the RAF against the city

1946  ENIAC (for “Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer”), the first general-purpose electronic computer, is unveiled at the University of Pennsylvania. It weighs thirty tons. It cost over seven million dollars in today’s prices.  Your mobile phone has more computing power.

1952 King George VI is buried in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, England

1971  The decimalisation of British coinage is completed on Decimal Day.  Before this date in the United Kingdom, the British pound was made up of 20 shillings, each of which was made up of 12 pence, a total of 240 pence.  A great weight in the pocket.  I still use shillings when shopping!

Born this day

1748  Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher, social reformer and founder of modern utilitarianism, born in London (d. 1832) His body on show, if you know the right people, in University College.

1834  William Henry Preece, Welsh electrical engineer/wireless pioneer, born in Caernarfon, Wales (d. 1913)

1861  Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) British mathematician and philosopher (Adventures of Ideas), born in Ramsgate, England

1866  Bannister Fletcher, English architect and architectural historian (A History of Architecture), born in London (d. 1953)

1874  Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)  British-Irish polar explorer (Endurance, Antarctica), born in Kilkea, Ireland.  Famous for the rescue of his crew, after a small boat sail from Antarctica to South Georgia.

1874  The Heart of Midlothian are created by enthusiastic young men in Edinburgh's High Street.  Not actually this date, but I thought I would mention it anyway.

1883  Sax Rohmer [Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward], English author (Dr Fu Manchu novels), born in Birmingham, England (d. 1959)

1909  Harold Beeley, British diplomat to the Arab world, born in Manchester, England (d. 2001)

1930 C. F. Payne, British chief constable, born in Cleveland, Ohio

1932  Adrian Swire, British aircraft magnate (Cathay Pacific)

1938 Lord Justice Ward, British judge

1946 Clare Short, British MP

1946 John Greenway, British MP

1949 George Howard, 13th Earl of Carlisle, English hereditary peer

1953 Derek Conway, British MP

1955 Clive Aslet, British editor (Country Life)

Died on this Day

1757-1844  Henry Addington.  1st Viscount Sidmouth, British Prime Minister (Tory: 1801-04), dies at 86

1852-1928 H. H. Asquith.  UK Prime Minister (Liberal: 1908-16), dies at 75

Samuel Bough - Dysart on the Coast, Sunrise

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Truth and Trauma


Azhar Ali, the prospective Labour candidate for the Rochdale by-election, has been 'disowned' by the Labour Party.  This comes after he spoke the truth re Israel and Gaza, and frightened Keir into running away from the Tory press.
The problem here is that Ali spoke the truth and upset the Israeli propagandists.  He made clear that Israel knew the Hamas attack was coming, that the defence force was instructed to do nothing, and that this allowed Netanyahu to attack Gaza, something he had long wished to do.  
Nothing wrong here.  Nothing anti-Semitic here either.
So, 'outrage,' and 'fury,' appears in the Tory press attacking this man and his 'lies.'
But he spoke the truth.
Keir, aware of real anti-Semitic leanings amongst some in the Labour Party, though whether this was anti-Semitic or anti Israeli government policies is arguable, Keir decided to act, slowly.  He has withdrawn support for Azhar Ali, however, as it is too late to amend the election list Ali must stand anyway.  No official Labour candidate will no be available, and this means Ali will win with a whopping majority in a place Labour hoped to use to attack Sunak.  What a mess from Labour.  I note the 'Daily Mail' do not allow my comments to appear on their report...

Amidst all the press glorying in the murder of Brianna Ghey, and the press loved this story, there was one interesting point that was, deliberately, missed.
We heard a lot about the two who decided to commit murder, but little about their reasoning, nor what caused this desire.  The media enjoyed splurging space on the 'evil' twosome, using the word 'shame' without any sense of irony.  There has now been considerable comment from Brianna's mother, especially after Sunak make a joke about Starmer not knowing what a woman is, and setting off a bandwagon of faux anguish.  The gay/trans lobby supporters in prominent places rushed to express their concern and outrage, and to ensure their voters and the media heard their opinions.  Loud voices condemned the inept PM, many of them Tories hoping for a position under whoever replaces him, and the Labour Party urged the bandwagon on, considering this was the publics desire.
Votes mean votes!
Brianna's father, Peter Spooner, was loud in his condemnation of the PM, demanding apologies and heads rolling.  No answer came the reply.
This brings me to my point.  
Why was the father commenting separately from the mother?
Because they are not married to one another, both appear to have other partners.
It would be easy to jump to conclusions here.
So, jump I will.
Why did this young boy decide he was female?
A young boy with several problems finds his parents splitting up.  Was this the trauma that led to his desire to be female?  This has occurred in many cases.  The media do not wish this to be mentioned, they are off one mind that such 'transitions' are normal, possibly because so many in the media or their friends are heading that way.  Of course the liberal society does not wish to believe that such sex changes are not normal, this is because this allows them to live life their way, whatever that entails, and we are not allowed to indicate how wrong this is, for them and others.  
Did this boy go through a transition without any hindrance?  Did no-one indicate that this was a wrong move?  Or was he encouraged to 'be himself,' when he was not 'being himself' at all.
Divorce, parents splitting up, new step-parents arriving, can be very difficult for a child, especially one who is autistic or has ADHD, and can lead to confusion and problems.  Was this the case here?  Was there no-one who could stop this boy changing sex, by a piece of paper?  
We are born male or female, we cannot change sex, and we cannot be born in the wrong body.  All this comes from a traumatised mind, nothing else.  God created us male and female, this cannot change.  Jesus demands our repentance so he can make us fully what we really are, we cannot become what we  really are by a slip of paper and self identification. 
The police quickly established the 'trans' was not responsible for the killing.  That was the equally troubled lassie from elsewhere who befriended the child and soon decided to commit murder.  Quite what went through her mind, what caused her to enjoy torture and murder we might not understand, though similar things are happening right now across the world by men in uniform 'protecting their people,' while torturing and killing others.  Such attitudes to be truthful, lie deep within all human nature.  The nature we all carry.
So, one is dead, two are imprisoned, many more hurt and traumatised both near and far. 
I am just glad the police worked quickly and successfully to bring this sad tale of woe to court.  Where would we be without a police service as good as ours?  But that is another story.

Dutch Boat in a Gale - 1801 Turner

Monday 12 February 2024


There can be no doubt that there is a coup underway.  The question is who is behind it?  Is it Putin, or some group of US Billionaires?  Not that there is much difference.  It most likely may be they are all working independently in the same direction, complete control of society in their favour.
Steve Bannon is one man heavily involved here.  Touring the world and mixing with Trump and Putin, Boris and Victor Orban the Hungarian leader, he has followed the age old system of lying and pointing the finger 'over there' to divide the nations and pander to the wild populist vote.  
Politicians are scared of this, though not the ones who jump on the bandwagon.
In the US Trump, in spite of all the abuse of women, theft, mad ravings and complete deceit, might well obtain enough votes from the sheep to become president again.  What does this say about US politics?  Underneath lie the same policies of Putin, and those who in the UK have looked for and found a zombie able to front their policies, Liz Truss.  Boris was their man but he shot himself in the foot too often to remain.  However, he might return yet, unless Liz can stop this.  
Behind them all lie policies that remove worker protection, cut wages, cut the power of judges one way or another, break through all democratic safeguards,  and enable the rich elite to remain the rich elite, keeping the workers down as they have done so often before.
Yet, where is the public rising up to create about this?
The 'man in the street' either does not comprehend, does not know, or does not care, but foolishly considers an election will soon occur in which he can have a voice.  The election will occur, but first there might be a 'Reichstag' moment to allow 'a state of emergency' being introduced!
Poland has shown the way to overcome this, but it took a while and the media in the UK cannot be trusted, nor will it oppose what the owners support.  Poland threw out their dictators, will the US and UK do the same?

Friday 9 February 2024

Packaging and Pies

There are 'wars and rumours of wars, famine and earthquakes in various places,' volcanoes' in Iceland, the country not the shop.  There are lifeboat men in high seas, mountain rescue services way up mountains, police and firemen struggling to save lives, and my hardest task today was opening the silver wrapper that surround the refill ink for the printer.
As each day passes I find opening the packets things arrive in harder than installing them.   Everything is the same.  Nothing arrives with easy opening capabilities.  I know many items have 'Cut here,' or 'Pull Here' upon them, but they lie!  Even worse are those which offer a thin line with a picture of scissors upon them.  You are foolishly led to believe that scissors can cut the thing, this also is a lie!
Today, with the aid of a 'Stanley Knife,' I broke into the surrounding thick plastic containing the new ink, fought my way through the cardboard box - eventually, and then spend much time opening the silver foil with the lie 'Tear Here' upon it.
Once that was over I was able to install, quickly, the ink.  
Then followed more checks on the work I was doing, which led to several reprints with the new ink, and eventually I decided enough was enough.  
However, I might have a go at the next bit later tonight..

Struggling to plan my ideal diet I fell into the 'Pie Trap.'  Therefore I ordered more pies, steak and mince, at enormous cost, but at least this gives me something I understand in the fridge for when my own cooking fails.  This, if all goes well, arrives on Tuesday from Forres.  

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Another Wasted Day

Another day, another attempt at healthy eating falls flat.
Having lost half a stone through the non eating of last week, I am attempting to continue this by healthy diet.  Nothing so far bar Lentil soup and a tin of mackerel in spicy sauce.  Some despise these but I kind of like them.  Tonight it is fish and chips just because, not quite the same, but enjoyable.
I ate so little that at one point I could not think!  This, some may say, makes no difference.  The problem was I was avoiding things like bread, as I need no more fat, but the mind requires some carbs, and I was eating the wrong way again.  
A quick trip early in the morning to Sainsburys the other day fixed that, and I am attempting to eat better, lose weight, and still keep a near clear head.  Doing the family history on Ancestry I need to be clear headed as it is not the best system to use.  This has changed since the last  time I made use of it and not for the better I say.  I may have to live on cheese on toast this week...

Tactful Sunak has done it again.  An off-the-cuff response to Keir went down badly as he asked him whether he knew what a woman was.  Keir of course is unsure as he may lose votes if he answers. However, the mother of a 'Trans' kicked to death' recently, the young killers given long sentences, was sitting in the gallery above having met several of the parties leaders.  What Rishi said is acceptable, the timing has led to another witch-hunt, once again all his own fault.  This man is Prime Minister yet he has no comprehension of the world outside, or the tact required to respond by saying nothing.  Another year of this.
Meanwhile Liz Truss is attempting to create a 'True Conservative Party,'  with Rees-Mogg and the like.  Seek out a  lettuce and note if it lasts longer than her again.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Tech Hate

I survived this mornings fight with the Sainsburys self-service machine, only twice having to ask the young lady to fix it for me.  The man next to me had no bother at all, I will have to use that machine next time!   Grrrrrrrr.
This ought to have been no surprise to me, technology has been giving me a bad time recently.  The router keeps switching itself off, when it returns the speed has gone from 55 to much less.  As it keeps happening each time it returns the speed comes back slower, 48 to 32, to 27 to 14!!!
The air is somewhat blue around here.
I think, as the land line phone is somewhat scratchy, I may need to call in an engineer to fail to put it right.  As we speak the speed is a mere 24, good enough for routine things but not good for things that require a lot of resources such as facebook or the football websites.  
There again Ancestry is giving me gip!  I tried to insert a 'tree,' and it is so complicated, the instructions not clear enough for an ageing eejit, and it took several attempts before I began to understand what I was doing.  Several attempts at deleting things also!
Even worse, last night I lost my mobile.  I then spent some considerable time seeking the brute until finding it in my discarded trouser pocket!   
I hate technology!

Smarmy Sunak took another step into incompetence the other day, betting £1000 with Piers Morgan that asylum seekers would be on the plane to Rwanda before the election.  Has any Prime Minister been more galling than this one?  Even Boris would not have fallen for Morgan ruse.  To think, this man has his finger on the nuclear button!

Sunday 4 February 2024

Begg for Sunday


I refrained from going out this morning, instead I listened to Alistair Begg on Samuel.  I was listening to the third of his sermons on Samuel, however, this is the introduction one, that gives some idea of what he is doing.  A good man, speaking with a good accent, which he moved to Edinburgh so he could learn how to speak properly. 
Worth a listen, 37 minutes.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Ancestry and Nicola

Another month has raced by, I did not really notice it as it passed by so quickly.
Another day spent trawling other people's findings on Ancestry to enable me to speed up the search for my friends family.  All very interesting, but so much information is missing.  However, I am back to 1777 which, some of you will remember, was a good year with the English army being defeated by the American rebels.  No tea was hurt in the making of these battles.
This family had a hard life at all times.  Mostly agricultural labourers, with some losing several children before they were 10.  Not unusual for the time however, losing a 5 year old and a 7 year old six months later must have taken a toll.
So I slogged away at this, quite warm as the laundry was drying on the heaters, and gave up before my head exploded.  Almost immediately an e-mail arrived with info regarding the Great War memorial.  A wee bit confused so that will be the task tomorrow, my mind has stopped now.

Not a fan of the ex-First Minister, however, from what I have seen of the Covid Inquiry yesterday there was little attempt to uncover facts, just unmitigated assault on a woman they all fear.  Both Alex Salmon and Nicola Sturgeon are powerful politicians, and Westminster fears them.  They know either could enable Scotland to lose its colonial position, a move that would weaken England greatly, so all media was brought to bear on Nicola.  
The English fear and loathe her because of their fear.  I was dropped from one 'Daily Mail' column because people disliked my support for her stance.  Tee Hee, how they hate easily.  The imperialist English cannot cope with Scots putting them in their place, and you can bet there is much more of this to come soon.

    My router keeps failing so I may find myself in this position sometime soon...

Monday 29 January 2024

Palin's Uncle and Mithras, as it were...

Having been touring Ancestry myself recently I found it interesting that Michael Palin, famous from all his many TV appearances, would have been doing similar, though he being able to afford a proper genealogist to do much of the hard work for him.  However, he had to do his part, aided by documents, diaries, letters and so on that were donated to him from various family members.  Luckily, his family dated back into the mid-Victorian era, a time where such people kept all letters for posterity.  My Grandfather dated from a similar era and if there are any letters, bar demands for rent, they have disappeared into his first family vaults somewhere.  Such documents are treasure trove to a family history detective.  They give information and insight into the person like nothing else.  That is, if they speak their mind and not just simple messages.  
The author decided to investigate the Black Sheep of the family, his Great Uncle Harry.  Harry was the 7th child of the Vicar of Linton, a typical well-to-do family, with their own particular history.  However, though all the boys attended Shrewsbury School, one of those famous 'Public Schools' that only the rich can afford, two brothers went on to do well, one a doctor and the other a solicitor.  Harry failed at school, that is he left after two months, and was clearly not one to follow his family paths.
Palin follows Harry as the family send him to India, hoping the Raj will stimulate what all good Victorians sought, success according to the fashion of the day.  He spends 3 years in an unsatisfactory job, at least the railway thought him 'unsatisfactory,' and was then dumped on a tea plantation in the hope he would 'make something of himself.'  This too failed.  Clearly he as not built for such things.  
The story unfolds as Great Uncle Harry, though he would not have called himself that at the time, made his way to New Zealand, worked on a farm, possibly found some happiness, yet when war was declared in 1914 he joined the colours like thousands of others.  
What made men beginning a new life thousands of miles from home enlist to save the 'old country?'  
We follow Harry through the 'Nzeders' at Gallipoli, and then on to the 'Western Front.'  Here, somewhat inevitably Harry perishes on the Somme.  
Michael Palin makes a good effort at trying to piece together a  story, a story in which so much is missing.  No living person spoke to Harry, Harry himself did not reveal much of his thoughts in his letters and diary.  So the author has to guess rather too much at what was going through the mans mind as he moved around and 'sought himself,' as the Hippies used to.  Though there are gaps in the story I still found it interesting and the book easy to read.  Well worth a glance I say.

Another example of Rhiaan's research 

Sunday 28 January 2024

Sabbath Begg

They said the new moon was different from all the other moons so the other night I had a quick look.  However, having looked closely at the thing it appeared to be the old one returning once again.  If however, there are other moons out there surely they would have either appeared brightly high in the sky, or possibly only during the day when one of the suns was up and therefore hidden?  All this astronomical stuff confuses me... 

I found myself with one of those 24 bugs this morning, though it was not there 24 hours ago.  I skipped breakfast and after some hesitation remained indoors.  This it turned out was a good idea.  Not only could I wallow in self pity but I could listen to some music, better than what was on offer at the Kirk today, also I chose to listen to an old Alistair Begg talk.
This was from 2019 and is his beginning of wandering through 1 Samuel.   I have already heard some of these and decided to start at the beginning and possibly, work through the lot.  This will take time, todays sermon was 37 minutes, and requires listening.  This I am not used to.  
While he has based himself in Cleveland, USA, and even become a US citizen after all these years there, he still retains his proper Scottish accent.  This he developed properly by working at Charlotte Chapel, then in Rose Street.  It is not unusual for those from the west to move to Edinburgh to learn how to speak properly.  His easy manner, developed over many years, makes him easy to listen to, his biblical knowledge is good, and he ranks amongst the better speakers of the day.
Anyway, this is how I spent my day while watching poor English football, a small riot, and easing my insides back into play.  That may take a bit longer, and I need to lose pounds.    
Naturally, being so popular at the KIrk no-one has contacted me to check on my welfare...

And when you are not eating what arrives on screen...?

His and Hers you will note...