Tuesday 22 October 2024

Gunman Gunned

Chris Kaba was gunned down in the street by an armed Met policeman.  For over two years the police investigated, as they do automatically, the shooting.  Eventually, the case reached the 'Old Bailey' and the jury of 12 individuals from the London region declared him innocent.  And this after only 3 hours deliberation!
His family, and other racially motivated groups, are declaring justice has not been done.  The majority of people I suspect justice indeed has been done.
The Kamar chap was driving a car known to have been used in a previous days shooting in London.  When spotted the police gave chase and demanded the driver stop.  Instead he raced away, eventually driving with force into a police car.  On approaching the car, the driver not having got out, a police gunman suspected arms were about to be put to use, so he shot the driver.  
Today, a jury declared him innocent of murder.
The family cry 'unfair,' but now, after the trial is over, a video of Chris Kaba shooting another black man in a club the day before he was shot appears in public.  What we have here is not an innocent man shot by a callous racist officer, instead we see a criminal from a criminal family being shot dead for not obeying police suspicious a gun was ready to be used.
I'm with the police here.
The police commissioner claims some in the 'Black Community' do not trust the police, I think this is true.  Most however, do not carry guns, intimidate other young black men, and live worthwhile lives.
Only the criminal fraternity and the easily led will believe justice has not been done.  And that includes the many white middle class types on Twitter today attempting to encourage race hate.
I'm glad the officer has been cleared, I suspect some in the police will try to put him down never the less, I hope the Commissioner can stop this.


the fly in the web said...

I would like to see the reactions of the mouthy middle class if the areas where they live were infested by this sort of 'martyr'.

Adullamite said...

Fly, They have gone quiet, bar the 'Canary.' Now an attempt to justify racism is underway by his friends.