Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday Surprise

Flowers abounding in the carpark at church.
The Greek lass that cares for them does a good 'natural' job here.  However, that said there is little sign of Bees and other beasties this year.  I usually have them at the windows constantly, this year I have seen only one worker Bee.  Few other beasties also.  The wet weather may have killed them off, but I read that in the highlands the midges are proliferating because of that.  Good luck tourists!
The sun has shone, and I have done my best to sleep through it, that comes from waking in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep.  

Kinda sad that Joe has had to accept defeat in his bid to be re-elected.  It was clear he would rather be sitting at home with his thuggish dogs rather than continue to struggle with the greater thuggish dog Trump, but he did it for the nation, and indeed for all our sakes.  Quite what will happen now I am unsure.  Kamala Harris looks likely to replace him, black, and a woman, well that will go down well with the white flag waving, gun toting, fake Christians that have been placing white gauze on their ear to identify with the fake ex-president.  As Trump said years ago, 'If I stand for president I will run as a Republican, as they are stupid and will vote for me whatever I say.'  He may be proven right again this year.  The world waits in fear, though that nice Mr Putin will be encouraging the St Petersburg bots to increase their workload.  


the fly in the web said...

Never had any time for Biden...I remember him voting against allowing Vietnamese refugees access tot he U.S. and he hasn't improved since.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Yep, but still better than Trump.