Tuesday 4 June 2024

Cricket & Nigel


Naturally, when Scotland play, let alone when they play England, 'rain stopped play!'  Stopped being the wrong word as it did not start at 3:30 as promised, the start waited for almost an hour before we got going.  Now it has stopped again for rain.  However, once they got going the Scots batsmen got going!  Tearing into the feeble English bowling and reached 60-0 by the time the rain came.  A good start but only a start.  Hopefully much more to come from this.  
One point that must be made is that this international World Cup game is being played in Barbados!
Barbados!  One of the sunniest places in the world and rain stops play!  Now if this happened in Raeburn Place, Edinburgh nobody would notice, indeed it would be expected, but Barbados!  Sun, sea and rained of cricket, it would not make a good tourist poster would it?   
In the meantime what do they do?  They talk about ENGLAND of course.  Run the clips from other natches and return to talking about ENGLAND again.  Are you surprised?  

The money making grifter has after all returned.  Having decided not to stand again as an MP, and having made clear he has better things to do that spend Friday nights in Clacton, he had decided to dump the prospective Reform candidate for Clacton and replace him with himself.  How very Nigel!  Having 53% of the Reform Party, it is more a company than a party, Richard Tice has only 33% and has been rudely shoved aside and Nigel has taken over.  Clearly the fear of being in the USA and following Donald into jail has spooked him.  Much better to hide in the House!  What chance has he got?  He has failed to be elected 7 times already, this is his best chance, but will he win?  We all hope he fails.  We shall see.


  1. I suspect the England team had paid to seed the clouds to bring on the rain....their famous bowlers were outclassed. Scotland's openers were magnificent.

  2. Fly, Indeed they looked set for a good innings.


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