Monday 3 June 2024

Weather & Biscuits

Something wrong here.  
This map, showing today's weather, appears to infer that we are covered in cloud down here in England while Scotland is bathed in sunshine.  Surely that canny be right?  It has certainly been a day of lightish cloud today, cloud not wishing to move on, but Scotland without cloud?  That's abnormal!
Across the very north it is cloud covered, as you would expect way up there  further north than Moscow.  Rain, hail, snow and storm you would take for granted, but almost clear everywhere?  This is a sign of global warming if nothing else is!

I decided to do the Spring Clean, you remember I began this about five years ago, before Covid!  This means moving things, hoovering, dusting etc, and dumping whatever lies beneath the layers of grime.
This began because of the workman fixing the floorboards that creaked a bit too much for the neighbours.  Moving things meant revealing smut that had grown over time, and once removed, the floorboards fixed, I was left with a desire for more.  
Last week I began with the record cabinet.  
The records, some good ones, most ex-library, Rolling Stones, Miles Davis, and various classical types, have not been used for at least a dozen years.  While I have an aged player it canny be connected to anything, not that I wish to play any, I don't want any good ones scratched now.  Things were moved, unused muscles put to use, and much satisfaction gained form the enterprise.  Next up I thought, will be under this desk.  Under there I may find dead cats, ancient coin horde or possibly a tenant or two who had disappeared, you never know.   However, though feeling the effects of actual work, something I have avoided religiously, I observed through my clammy window the front required weeding, and that bush had to be cut down to allow light into the ground floor apartment.  Hmmm, thought I, I'm in the mood, let's do it.  
A couple of hours later, having swung the axe, well those clipper things, vegetation was spread across the front.  I had chopped the bush, picked many weeds, cleared one third of the front and much of the middle when I realised I was dying.  My knees would not take any more, so I dumped one very full bag of greenery where it should not be dumped and retired to make coffee and stuff my face.
Since then I realised my mistake.
One job a week was the aim, not two.  One job and then allow the ageing bones to relax, but not me!  By Saturday I was not useful for anything, though I had to visit Sainsburys early.  Sunday came and I was all for sleeping, however, I was detailed to read 1 Samuel 3:1-10.  The call of Samuel.  So I went.  Sloth like I raced along the road, the sun shone, the weather was pleasant, the joggers and the cars all passed me by.  In church, all the young women asked for me as always.  
Yes they did!  
Tired and not thinking clearly, my mind floating throughout, at the close of the service while leaving I attempted to remove a Bumble Bee that had become trapped in the doorway.  A cloth was used to direct it towards the open door where I tried to shake it off.  The brute would not leave me!  So I stepped outside to place him on the uncut grass with wee flowers suitable for such beasties - and fell flat on my face.  My knees did not like this and as I struggled to rise one of the Nigerian young men lifted me up.  Good job he was there.  Two other men stood and watched, neither able to lift in their own aged poor physical condition, though Ian removed my wallet to 'make my task lighter' he said.  
I may get it back next week.  
How embarrassing!  Good job I got a lift home after that.  
Tee Hee, at least this puts me off cleaning this week, that will wait until next at the earliest.   So it is eat and sleep and watch the cricket I have been led into.  

In spite of it all, once I had eaten and slept that off, I realised there was no bread.  This means either a trip to the shop in the morning or bake biscuits.  I chose the latter.  Here are two, untasted, imitation oat biscuits.  These you will never see in the shops!  To the side are two 'Wartime Shortbread' biscuits, also not available in the shops, now or later.  However, in 45 minutes I have provided something to fill a gap and give me reasons to grumble again.  I ache all over again...back to watch Sri Lanka lose at cricket.


  1. Hey! Go out and buy yourself some HOBNOBS! We can even get them here and you know I do. I LOVE that "take my breath away", so funny!

  2. Loved the cartoon!
    I went out to tie up plants in the garden yesterday....can't move today!

  3. Kay, Too expensive. Only you rich folks can afford them...

    Fly, Garding is such hard work...


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