Wednesday 5 June 2024

Rambling on...

It's been that sort of a day.  I open my wallet and these creatures are found flying all across the room!  I wonder how long he has been in there?  Is it true I wondered looking at him, that a myth is a female moth?  I never know these things. 
Anyway, my baking is coming along nicely, until you have to eat the produce.  
Flat bread, made with brown multiseed flour.  I now have found how filling and unsuitable for public consumption this can be.  More have been made for the morning, unless they have gone mouldy, and later I may try some with common white bread.  All this to save me the walk up the road!  
I notice that recipies do not indicate how long it takes, and what an amount of work is required, to clean up afterwards.  Is there a reason for this?  I'll leave it all till tomorrow...
So the Scottish cricket victory over England was a washout.  Who expects rain in Barbados?  I watched some of the India v Ireland match but soon gave up.  Ireland may be improving but are yet far away from one of the world's top sides.  Note how interested I am getting in this kids game!  
I must get out more.
One reason I switched things off was the electric bill.  Once again they say the deal is running out and I must switch.  I perused the offers, selected the one I thought fit, and discovered the daily charge has risen from 35.93p to 50. something!  This when they say the cost is coming down!  The energy cost has indeed slightly, very slightly reduced, but the daily charge is a disgrace.  I am considering writing to Ofgen or whoever it is and demanding changes.  No point in writing to an uninterested MP as he has gone walkies.  
Chancers one and all.
Twitter is choc full of election tat.  And tat it is as there is little real debate or room for debate.  It is either us or them and all others can scram.  No-one is listening, many are pointing 'over there' and Nigel the chancer is seeking recompence.  
Hardly worth using it today.


  1. The way the competition is organised is worth a look.
    India are the country running the international game these days. They want to get America interested in order to sell yet more TV rights. Thus they put a pop up stadium somewhere in New York, make no effort to make a good wicket or sort out the outfield, and rig the groups so that the big match, India v Pakistan, is in New York. Thanks to the Irish presence in America, they get lumbered with being in the same group as the giants.

  2. Fly, That's fascinating. The wicket was bumpy and I wondered why they were in the USA.


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