Sunday 19 August 2012

Ouch! Creak! Ooooyah etc

It may come as a surprise to some when I say that my once svelte like body is not what it once was.  Once it contained energy, possessed a certain degree of muscle, and happily took me on long walks, carried me through a busy day, and enabled me to throw the TV out the window whenever a soap opera appeared on the screen.  Sadly today all this is becoming a memory.  The strange lethargy the recent bug brought me led me into sitting around and walking only when that was required.  The lying scales even told me I was over 15.5 stone, it ought to read 9.  The knees wobbled if I went far and the body willingly followed suit indicating I had gone far enough.  However in the past few days I have attempted to refine the Adonis like shell and have begun to swing a few weights, as opposed to swinging lead, and attempted to walk further and eat better.

I ache everywhere now!

Resting from my arduous training schedule, and ten minutes is long enough I can assure you, I sit for merely a moment and find all the muscles have seized.  Now I know the trick is to stretch after exercise as this really does help, but so far it doesn't help me.  My knees fell of twice this afternoon while watching the far from Dreich Dundee Derby Day, and while I cogitate on buying a Thai bride to massage my aching back I find that my fingertips are also suffering from hammering away on this laptop!  It's a good job I am not one to complain I can tell you.  Now I find I have to go into town tomorrow, struggling with the trains, and it will be baking hot again.  Tsk!



  1. I wish I could find the words to tell you how sad this makes me.

  2. I saw a fitness hint...when taking the daily walk, run bits of it...a little way to start with, then more and more until you can run the whole thing.
    Ther first stage nearly killed me and as I'm not yet suicidal I went back to plain walking.

  3. Max, hmmm.....

    Fly, RUN????? Jings!

  4. Svelte? You must have been a very "happy" laddie. Oh yeah, you-all over there across the pond still like to use gay a lot. (Snicker.)

  5. Jerry, Gay is NOT what I meant!!!


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