Monday 20 August 2012


I got angry today.  Not irked by small things that annoy, but I was beginning to feel real anger, and not for something done to me.  I was at the 'Work Programme' up town this morning, a frankly laughable attempt by government to get folks into jobs that do not exist.  Not only are the private companies that were daft enough to take this role on losing money one at least has closed down adding their employees to the dole queue!  The lot I visit have already been 'threatened' with similar themselves.  There are just NO JOBS available and what angered me was the sight of some of those at the place today.

It is well known that a crude method has been used to examine those claiming Invalidity Benefit,' a benefit designed for those too sick to work.  The private company responsible checking claims has ruled, on a 'tick box' scheme that many claimants are 'fit to work!'  Some 60 percent, at least, have appealed this decision and been returned, after much grief, to the benefit under its new name.  Many are still appealing and only a few have refused to appeal.  Those deemed fit have included men unable to stand, people with serious diseases and sometimes limbs missing. The papers, not so much the 'Daily Mail' mind, contain many such stories of totally unfit people thrown of the benefit and told to 'find a job.'  Ian Duncan Smith, the millionaire who has never had a real job, is the man who encourages these people 'back to work' because it is good for them to work.  Indeed it is, but Ian forgets there are well over two and a half million unemployed at the moment and only around four hundred thousand vacancies.  The loss of benefit is merely to save a few pounds, whatever the cost in human life!  Indeed some have committed suicide after losing benefit.

What angered me was the sight of an old man at the programme.   I never spoke to him, I know nothing about him, but I got angry looking at him.  Gray hair, over 60 at least, walked with a stick, and a bit unsure of himself in that place.  He clearly appeared to be one on Invalidity Benefit who had been forced onto the dole.  I could be wrong about that, but either way who would employ him?  A enfeebled old man with a stick and dodgy walking.  What job Ian?  Warehouse work?  Driving, although he doesn't appear to see that well?  No doubt you have some idea of work he could do you selfish bastard!  Anything that stops you paying a halfpenny on tax would do, not that you pay tax like the rest of us do you?  

The 'Work Programme' is filled with the long time unemployed, some through injury, lack of skills or mental problems.  Some ex-prisoners, some desperate for work and others not interested.  They all know who is looking and who is not. Few get work, even when good advice and help is given.  Fifty applicants and most of the slow, dodgy, physically unstable, or just old folks on offer don't appeal to the employers, many of whom are struggling to survive themselves.  I get angry at Smith and his tax dodging government friends decrying the unemployed and assaulting (for there is no other term) the disabled!  Many do wish to work, many struggle desperately and are treated with contempt by an uncaring government containing around nineteen millionaires. 

I passed the old boy having a snack of Diet Pepsi in the park as I left.  It was a sad, indeed pathetic sight I thought.  He might have a family, he might be happy enough, but that was not the image that stuck.  Just another dumped on the scrapheap with little care from any government.  These people should be made to read the Book of the Prophet Amos and see how God cares for the poor while the rich lie back and enjoy themselves.  Believers or not judgement falls on them one day. 

 Vote Conservative - and be considered of no account! 


  1. Well said, Mr H. Those who voted Conservative have a lot to answer for. Move back to Scotland when we get independence in a couple of years...

  2. This post made me so sick at my stomach I couldn't finish my lunch. Bastid govmint anyway.

  3. I walk with a stick too, but only to beat off the females who can't seem to restrain themselves.

  4. I'm not sure New Labour are much better....too many crony companies battening on the existence of the unemployed.

  5. I cannot help but wonder what mad Max would have to say if we, in America, created a similar program to help the unemployed. Yes, there is welfare and yes, people have to check in regularly to prove they are attempting to find work, but our program certainly is not as comprehensive as yours.

    Your numbers are mind boggling - 2 and a half million unemployed and only 400,000 vacancies!!! I am always wary of a political party or person that starts wanting to reduce benefits to the people - whatever the case or benefit may be.

    This is sad. People should have the right to have a roof over their heads and a good meal in their bellies at least once a day - at the minimum! I'm willing to 'pay the tax man' to help my fellow man have the basics. Of course, I expect the same help if and when I need it.


  6. Mike, It's heartless Tories and dumb Labour at fault.

    Max, You need to diet - your American!

    Max, I can understand this. Most of your posters are female. That says something about them.....

    Fly, Labour are much the same at the top indeed.

    RDG, You area caring person, but politics is about getting votes by propaganda through the media. People come long after money in their book.

  7. What you are addressing here are prime examples of what I would like to see changed about our system, as well. For it is good to have able-bodied people actively looking for work instead of just enjoying the video games that they have bought with money from their welfare checks, but making those who really cannot do much of anything jump through hoops just to appease those who have dedicated their existences to making sure that no one gets anything for nothing, is not only wrong--but also a waste of the resources needed to administer such a farce.

  8. Jerry, Indeed Mr Jerry.


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