Friday 17 August 2012

The Friday Evening Cud Chew

As I ambled slowly along to post another one of my begging letters I could not help but notice the sky above.  Sadly I didn't notice the edge of the pavements, but several motorists kindly informed me of my position, and what to do about it.  The blue of the sky itself, quite unusual in recent days, was filled with small puffy white clouds and interspersed with masses of vapour trails.  Stansted Airport has been busy this morning and the vapour trails were taking a long time to disperse.  However it was an enjoyable sight, all that pollution sitting up there, blocking the sun, enabling climate change, poisoning those down below.  Sitting in the hot sun (gosh it still got through!) and watching over the recreation ground the huge sky was enthralling.  The wind hurried the clouds along and they scudded off bringing even more interesting sights from the south.  Maybe it's all those years in London, maybe it's being indoors too much recently, maybe it's the bang on the head, I know not but I do know I like looking at interesting skies, nature views, and wide open spaces.  All I need is a seaside and I would be (almost) content.   

The other day you will recall I posted This, regarding the changes that have occurred between 1915 and today.  Well that great man BigRab, he of the great Ben Lomond Free Press a blog worthy of your company, made a remark that struck me, and that made a change from bricks.  He said there was less time between 1915 and the year of his birth, than between the year of his birth and today.  This struck me also.  You see I was born 36 years after the 1915 picture, but now I am a further 61 years from it.  I found this intriguing, and still do.  

My thinking, my attitudes, and much within me may indeed be nearer 1915 than 2012.  Are you still with me?  Because all my readers are young things, one or two more thing than young (all the Ladies being sweet young things under 25 years of age I note) the age gap may not strike you as it did me, but it is worth a ponder.  For some reason this sticks in my head and will not leave me.  Time passes by and we remain the same.  For instance I woke up one day when I was merely 56 years old and suddenly realised I am a granddad, well not actually a granddad, but I was indeed an old man!  In my head I knew what old men were, I had seen plenty,  but suddenly I realised I was that age!  I look much younger, I still have hair and teeth!  I still saw myself as late 20's....?  I remain the same as always but much of the body disintegrates beneath me.  

Further ponder.  I was born in 1951, my dad in 1908, and his dad in 1845!  This being 2012 mean the three of us cover three centuries.  The world is a different place since 1845, but at heart remains the same.  Whereas granddad left the farm, as thousands did at that time, and joined the railway and climbed on the new world around him, we can see pictures taken from Mars!  As people we are no different but the complexity of life has changed.  Is it better?  Actually it is no better or worse, depending on your circumstances.  Humanity remains the same, the culture changes a wee bit.  Horse don't wander the streets, bad drivers do!  But in spite of the changes, many very much for the better, our hearts are still the same, human nature does not change, the surroundings do.  My world view is influenced by 1915, the year my mother was born, probably more than by 2012.  Family influences, the fifties influence,  Baby Boomer influences are possibly still affecting me, they certainly affect me more than the pap that is 'cutting edge' today.  Sadly age wearies the heart from such as we can see the emptiness it hides.  

There is something in Rabs comment I cannot quite place, but it intrigues me that I was born nearer 1915  and that world than I am to my own (much heralded) arrival.  



  1. We are all just PEOPLE! Having said that, I feel much more in tune with those from say, my Dad's generation than I do with the present one. I am reading a book now that was published in 1900 and I am realizing that it is possible that I should have lived in that time period. I feel more at home there than I do now.
    Hey, you just left a comment on my blog, go back and read the joke that I left for you there. :-)

  2. Kay, You don't want to live in 1900, no aneasthetic!

  3. Tsk, tsk. Don't you just bite down on a bullet the way that I do?

  4. Very intriguing ....

    Ummm .... I'm still younger than the difference between my birth year and 1915 - but only by a year! I'm not sure what generation I identify with the most. I was born in what is called the 'tweener' generation - right after the baby boomers but before generation x. I think tweeners are often confused, not knowing which direction to turn to - the let's work hard, earn a lot of money and live better than our parents mantra (the boomers) or the age of self entitlement - the x'ers...

    Okay, according to wiki (THE leading source of factual info) I'm a second wave boomer or 'Generation Jones' .... now I'm REALLY confused.

    See what you've stirred up Adullamite ???


  5. Kay, only Yanks carry bullets!

    RDG, Tsk! Your far too young to be a boomer of any kind.

  6. So, you were born closer to Hibs last cup winning team than today? Have a seat, auld yin...

  7. Mike, My dad was born in 1908, so HE never saw a Hibs cup winning side either!

  8. Lots of bad memories and bad math here.

  9. Max, MathS, Max MathS.

  10. A few years back, when I could still go out and look at the sky on a fairly regular basis. I started noticing that there weren't hardly any vapor trails in the sky. Since we lived fairly close to an airport that had big jets and military planes flying in and out of it quite a bit, I wondered why, but I couldn't find anyone who could answer the question. I have noticed a few vapor trails up in the sky on the rare occasions when I have been outside during daylight hours lately. (Now if this hasn't handed you a golden opportunity on a silver platter to make to some snide remark about vampires, I don't know what would!)

  11. Jerry, I think it would be wise to check the number of mirrors in the house.
    However I think height is involved. Trails appear at height. We have aircraft at 35,000 high above us travelling from Europe to the USA/Canada often. Also the aircraft that left the trails are coming in to land at Stanstead or sometimes passing through to Luton airports. Vapour trails begin as the air cools I believe, so height is involved. Too close to airport and you will not see them, and military jets move distances quickly.

  12. Thank you for giving a very good explanation, which make perfect sense to me, my dear Adullamite. Seriously, I can be pleasant when it suits me.

  13. I'm here to help.....


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