Tuesday 30 July 2024



Having spent too much time indoors in recent weeks I have been considerably fitter over the past few days than I have been for months.  At least the muscle aches have died down and I can walk at my slow pace once again.  So, with the temp hitting 25% in here, I wandered across the park enjoying the green slice of life.  I enjoyed it so much that I continued through the town, accidentally falling into the café down Panfield Lane where they forced me to eat a 'Traditional Breakfast.'  
I sauntered around a town centre filled with people reacting to the sunshine.  Fans were in use in some shops, many sat outside cafe's, people rushed about, less interested in shopping than is being outside when it was warm, a novel experience this year.  Outside the museum a large white police car from the early 60s stood under a tree.  This is the opening day of the 'Emergency Services' exhibition.  Few were to be seen but I expect 300 or so were inside encouraging the use of sirens to everybody's delight!  
I kept wandering past.  
There was a small Bee on the ground slowly crawling along.  I wondered whether to pick it up and place it safely on the wall but decided I could do without falling flat on my face again.  That is only the second Bee I have seen this year, there was no wildlife of any sort in the park as I passed.  So far only two white Butterfly's and one orange one seen in the trees yesterday are my lot.  Not counting Bluebottles who abound as always.
The time advantage of eating in the café meant I had no washing up, no mess to clear, and could fall asleep for longer at lunchtime, all very good indeed.  The heat encourages eating less, which, as I topped 15.5 stone again is a good thing.  
Looks like porridge tomorrow.

I took my wee camera with me, the other too big for wandering around town, and found this one is in one of it's fault mood.  I could only take 6 not very good photos and then it jammed.  When I got home I fussed about with it, cleared the card and it appears to work again, at least for now.  
I feel better than I have done for ages, though I will have a reaction tomorrow as I head out to Tesco, but I can see light ahead, which was more than this camera could do.  
Onwards and see what happens...


  1. When first in France the garden buzzed with insects and we had loads of butterflies...by the time we left neither one nor the other thanks to farmers and their blasted pesticides.
    Here, we have an abundance of both...some more welcome than others...

  2. Fly, One or two more have appeared, but still few.


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