Wednesday 31 July 2024



Twitter was, and still is, full of the wee riot in Southport last night.
The attack on young girls and one or two women by a young man has naturally led to many rabble-rousers offering incendiary posts, almost all untrue.  Now we know many such tweets come from four sources only, not counting the many 'Reform' bits which come from I believe what was the 'Leave' source during the referendum.  
The main thrust of all 'Reform' bots is 'Stop the boats.'  As you know simple three word slogans are what the general public can understand, hence their use by Trump, Reagan, Obama, Boris and others in the UK.  People cannot respond emotionally to long reasonable understandings they want short, simple explanations as to what is going on and how to deal with it.
To many less well educated Englishmen, and some elsewhere also, the 'boats,' mean immigrants flooding the country, almost all Muslim, and Muslims are changing the Law to suit themselves and they are taking over and flooding the nation, soon we will all be under Islamic Law.   
Add to this Nigel's agitation regarding these things, seen again last night soon after the troubles hit the news, the press, all far-right, all encouraged by the Tory party for votes, and all the while the Tories did as little as possible to stop 'the boats' as they knew this would benefit them.  In fact it aided 'Reform' not the Tories.  'Reform' of course have no other policy, yet people, English middle classes as well as the yob element, voted for them, all infected by the changing of their nation and the unstoppable influx of 'Johnny Foreigner.'
Agitation among the Tommy Robinson set, already high after his display at the weekend when he showed a banned film, one which has cost him half a million and more already, and this time could lead to several years in prison, followed by speeches 'for (mythical) England,' after which he was held by Kent police but somehow allowed bail following which he fled to Spain.  It appears he divorced his wife, having given her his money (where did that come from) and still lives with her, all this to declare himself bankrupt and avoid paying anything to the injured party.  Once caught this time it is to be hoped he will pay properly for his crimes.    
Such agitation makes Nigel and Tommy rich and happy, they need the attention, they need the following, they understand their followers and care not for any of them.  What would they do without a false cause?
Last night the result of years of their false propaganda led to the riot.  On the belief the killer was a Muslim many arrived, carrying their own lager, to attend a vigil for the dead.  It appears they then made for a mosque and attacked it.  There followed a stand off with police, attacks on them, bricks and wheelie bins thrown, eventually a police van or two on fire, and a jolly good night for all.  Not counting the 53 injured police officers, especially the 27 who went to hospital.  
This is the fight back against immigration.
Now immigration is high, the Tory policy clearly was to misuse this for their own benefit and it went badly wrong.  The 'Batshit' Rwanda policy cost £700 million for nothing.  Boats still arrive, and we hope a more sensible Labour policy will bring sense to the whole escapade.  It is to be hoped a way to control the far right propaganda in the press, yes 'Daily Mail,'  'Sun,' and 'Telegraph,' I mean you, and that the Nigel's of this world will be curbed.  
This morning local people, last night was mostly visitors, today local people along with the council cleaned up their streets.  This a better reflection on Southport than last nights party.  It is to be hoped the police will now be able to put together all the mobile phone footage that we enjoyed late into the night and obtain evidence against many rioters.  Four so far have been arrested, more will follow.  It is to be hoped the crowded jails meet many of them.  
This is just a crowd using any excuse for a rumble.  Few have a proper understanding of immigration, most are just followers.  This year it is immigration, last year it was slave traders, the year before something else, the cause is less important than the rumble.  
Certainly immigration requires control, though Brexit did not aid this and most of these voted for that, and until a proper court can deal with Farage and Tommy and their like simmering injustices will be encouraged in social media and elsewhere.  Musk has of course enabled more far-right posts on Twitter than ever before, others are limited, but 'Reform' and others can run free for the adolescent billionaire.  He is as much to blame as anyone.  
The actual 17 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons, he was born in Cardiff, the son of immigrants from Rwanda.  Rwanda, of Tory fame, is predominately 'Christian' of one sort or another.  Possibly more Christian than those throwing bottles at policemen last night.


  1. None of the major parties want to stop immigration whether legal or keeps wages costs down.

  2. Fly, I suppose that is true.


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