Monday 20 May 2024

Season Over.

Well that's that.  The season ends successfully, third place secured, largest points total for a while, lots of hope for the future with some recently introduced players finding their feet in the Scottish game, and a centre forward and captain who scored over 30 for the first time in many years.
The future is bright, the future is maroon.
Living so far away, unable to reach Edinburgh these days let alone get into the ground, I have become happy with tv coverage.  OK, it is not tv, I am not wealthy enough, but by making use of the few games covered by various TV companies I have seen the boys play and have a good understanding of them.  The use of PPV is to be encouraged, pricey but one of the ways forward, especially as SKY has been a disaster.  The SKY decisions ton only cover 41 of the 48 (?) games allotted to them is a disgrace.  Having only two games without the sectarian Glasgow clubs is also a disgrace.  No Edinburgh Derby was shown, I suspect the same will happen again, with the added loss of the Dundee derby that ought to be covered.   It is time to dump SKY or ensure fairer cover for all teams, especially the Heart of Midlothian.
With only two games of importance to go, the play-offs between Raith Rovers and Ross County for the top division place, I have decided to drop SKY after this as I am sick of the OF bias.  I will also save around £40 a month!
However, I look forward to next season as a chance for the Heart of Midlothian to improve their league position, win several games in Europe, and develop more young players for the future.  If I see them rarely I will be happy with that.

'Pop-Up's!'  I hate them!
I have just read a news site that offered me pop-ups.  
I left.
Moving on to another I had a video on one side arrive, request for link, a request for donation, and something else before I dumped it.
Every site offers pop-ups, the Daily Mirror site is so bad one of the leading men threw his phone away as he could not read what he had written on the site.  He demanded changes, and changes there were.
He was made redundant!
Every news site must ad a needless video concerning a different news story than the one you read.
Every independent site wants your money first!
Some have four 'pop-ups, some have more, and the 'Before you go' one never gets read!
When I am king all these will be banned!


  1. I can only listen to cricket, though counties are starting to put up live coverage on Youtube, so with a bit of juggling you can get BBC commentary to sync with the screen - a major challenge for me!
    Those pop ups...The Guardian one gets me, always wanting your money without revealing their offshore slush fund.

  2. Fly, Yes, I wondered if you could get the cricket, I forgot to mention this. Private Eye has mentioned the Guardian money often.


All commentators must have a view-able site.
Anonymous will not be published.