Sunday 19 May 2024


A Sunday stroll in the sunshine this morning.  The bright glowing red of the wild poppies growing beside the garden wall joined the bright yellow flowers attracting beasties of all kinds elsewhere on my route.  Some folks I know have been going around those big houses with gardens or large grounds, lucky them as this is the time of year to see flowers bloom and gardens flourish.
Me, I will be in Sainsburys tomorrow.

I note the 'Daily Mail' has banned me again, it must have been something I said.  Tee Hee.  I was looking for news but there appears to be little on there.  The royals, boxing, celebs and emptiness fill the pages with rare actual news, and that pushed far down.  The implosion of the Tories is reflected on those empty pages.
Thus the day ends.
The last football of the day has finished successfully, I have not eaten properly as I could not be bothered, and sleep is fitfull these days, 5 hours followed by several 20 minute snoozes.  Time to start one now.


  1. May I just say that you can always appreciate the flowers that they sell at Sainbury's! I am always amazed at flowers for sale in your markets there.

  2. I used to like visiting gardens....much grander than mine, but it did give me ideas. Now I have a jungle....
    I wonder how you managed to upset the Daily Wail, that most open minded of journals....
    The cartoon had me laughing!

  3. Kay, Those flowers probably came from the Netherlands.

    Fly, I think your jungle would be a great tourist attraction!


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