Tuesday 19 May 2020

Gardening and Shopping

Wearily to Tesco late at night for the odd things like milk and bread that we cannot live without.  Weary as I had foolishly considered myself 25 again and sauntered downstairs and weeded the front. While this was good, it requires doing and only I bother these days, it meant a lot of effort, effort being something I have not used in a while.  So by evening the walk to Tesco found new undisturbed muscular activity.  I feel it yet!  This was not helped by Tesco being busy.  It is usually quiet at that time but lots were around wandering hither and thither instead of following the one way system.  There was a queue and while the staff were excellent it took time to get through.  A lovely evening but some questioned what the steam engine noises were, it was me puffing up the road.  

I got a note from the neighbour, we all have them, in the house next door, worried re her Ivy plant that was reaching up to the first floor window.  This is round the back of the house and not a problem.  However having contacted the disinterested landlady I told her to cut the base and it will soon die, easy to remove then.  I offered to help her cut this, clever move it turns out, as she,a lady of many years reacted as my mother would do,she cut it herself, saw and all, because she, in her pride, does not need a man to things for her, she is not old!  Tee Hee!  She is fitter than me and I am glad.  A bit paint no loss on this house of course however today I looked again round the back and it is a bigger job than I thought.  I may have more weeding to do there.  Good exercise...maybe she will help?

Today I had to visit the ironmongers shop and came back via the park.  Several groups of two and threes were dotted around in the sun.  An occasional dad being bullied by a three year old, a couple canoodling in the shade, near naked fat girls reflected an awful lot of sunshine, and a dog walker or two could be seen.  In one part of town people sit together, in the town itself people were making great efforts to avoid going near one another.  Some are really scared of this virus and the ironmonger was wearing a large face mask, the lass at the till the usual type.  Good for them, meeting so many people today they need it.  It was very quiet in town, not helped by road works to pavements that is noisily ongoing, and most appeared to remain indoors.  The sun tempts people into the park, shops may have run out of Vitamin 'D' tablets so they undress in public and very white knees seek the sun.  Mine came home...



  1. I have knee problems which make weeding difficult...but I gather there is such a thing as an adjustable height stool which I will look out for. Might be useful for you too if you get lumbered with the back garden.
    Where is the woman who is frightened of mice? Can't she assist?
    Some of the scenes in the park sound rather unsavoury...

  2. Don't you think it is a good idea to wear a mask? Just when you are out and about with other people around, still keeping your six feet distance. (I know you say 2 meters but six feet is what we say here.)
    Stay well!

  3. Fly, A long pole with a sharp end would do me. The lass with the mouse ran away long ago.

    Kay, People often want to put a mask on me...


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