Wednesday 20 May 2020

Courageous or Daft...?

The temperature is high, around 75 at times, and here at Southend Beach we see thousands of people, 'social isolating' themselves together!  This is being repeated all over the country, parks are full of such sights.  Crowds gather forgetting the virus and glad to be out in the much needed sunshine.  Is it safe?
Of course it is not safe!
While it is safer to be outside than indoors with others where virus and germs can be transferred it is not possible to accept that such crowds can be safe, especially from such a virus as Covid 19.  The men in the Labs do not understand the make up of this virus as yet, how can they deal with it?  Yet the Brexit voting Essex individual decides they are 'safe' in this crowd.
Shops opening will make things worse, today MacDonald's in Chelmsford opened for 'Drive Thru' orders and Spelling lessons.  Several Twitter posts from those who control the traffic in the county mentioned this as the cause of tail backs!  I believe it was 'Costa Coffee' yesterday blocking streets in similar fashion also.  

Here we see three waves of Spanish Flu from the pandemic of 1918/19.  The first wave was small but deadly, as the third was small, but larger than the first.  However it was the second wave that killed the majority.  Men in war are forced to move around, workers also, little chance of proper 'Lock Down' then.  However, there is control now, it has been allowed to slip and soon we will face a depressing return to numbers being spouted, lying numbers at that, regarding the latest victims of this virus and government incompetence.   How many on the beaches or in the parks will catch this virus?  One in ten will not survive.
Possibly they might wish to consider the idea of gargling with salt water as a cure.  Like me you will wonder if this is from the 'Donald Trump Health Society' but in fact it comes from a study by clever clogs at Edinburgh University, so it must be good.  I have heard many times that such gargling can aid cold cures, but never tried it as I thought it 'old wifey' to be honest.  I may change my mind as they claim some folks had an improvement in their symptoms when gargling.  More research required.


  1. Now you mentioned gargling with salt water I can recall my parents doing this in the 50's, bu I can't remember why, maybe for sore throats ?? Always worth a try.
    Covid is here to stay in some variation or other but I guess we will have to wait until a vaccine is developed before we have organised mass gatherings.

    When you think about it our present day existence is based on close contact with each other so there has to be a time when we get back to this, maybe the beach goers are building up the herd immunity?.

  2. Maybe beach goers should request an appt so not so many can get out and about. I myself did not go out as much as others but I resent the fact when I do need to go out I have restrictions. Too much of a Freedom loving American I guess. Not everyone is complying to necessary suggestions so I almost feel ridiculous for wearing a mask but then I get piss off when I see others not wearing them.
    Instead of Covid 19 it should be called CPC virus. It started in China BUT the everyday Chinese people did not create it. However they suffered the fallout because the CPC does not care for it's people. We everyday folks are very weary of the terminology media and the government. Off of my soapbox now. Peace

  3. Dave, Yes I remember folks talking about it years ago,maybe it will help symptoms. Herd immunity? Certainly a Herd!

    Lady, Coronavirus was discovered first in China, it was not made there. Only Donald Trump, who wants you to swallow Bleach, thinks so. He is stupid, dump him.

  4. I might go back to gargling with salt...I remember my father did that every morning.
    Vitamins C, D and zinc are suggested here for those of us - not you, clearly, who are not in the first flush of youth - together with a flavenoid complex which boosts zinc absorption.
    The beaches are now open from 7.00 am to 10.00 am. They are pretty empty because the surfers don't surface until noon and as the vehicle restrictions are not lifted until 7.00 am you have to live pretty near to drive there in time. Fiendishly cunning the Costa Rican government.

  5. Fly, All those vitamins, I suppose a cabbage has them all...?


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