Tuesday 24 September 2019

Tsk Boris!

We welcomed the end of one of those constant US hurricanes today.  The rain battered down for a good while and will be a constant menace for a few days pleasing farmers and those with gardens but few others.  The rain also pleased the pigeon who happily made use of the heavy rain by turning it into a shower and twisted this way and that to ensure the entire body was cleansed.  Downstairs people passed by huddled under umbrellas, hats over heads, winter coats brought out of the cupboard, while the bird just sat there enjoying the weather.  I often wonder how birds and animals survive in differing weather conditions but this bird has learned how to make the most of the situation quite happily.

Boris fought the Law and the Law won!
Announcing the result of the Supreme Court this morning Lady Hale said:

"The court is bound to conclude, therefore, that the decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification."  ITV

This decision was 'unanimous!'

This is quite an interesting step.  The court has ruled that Parliament must debate, Boris avoided this by deceit and while the court made no decision on the man himself it is clear he must go.  He has lost five major votes, kicked out 21 of his own MP's including the 'Father of the house' and Winston Churchill's grandson, and we have yet to discuss his latest wheeze with a US woman to whom he passed £125,000 for her business.  Hmmm...
John Bercow has apparently rushed back and insisted the House will resume at 11:30 tomorrow morning, not that he wishes to see an interesting Prime Ministers Question Time, but for democracy to rule!  MPs everywhere are once again packing their bags, leaving their 'paid for by someone else' holiday and returning to their constituency preparing for work.  The question 'What do we do now?'  Is the unanswered one as nobody has an answer to that.
Life is exciting but where is this taking us now?


  1. Reading the start of your post I thought that the hurricane had transferred itself here...but it was Danilo emptying the water tank in order to clean it out.

    I watched the case on the live stream and told Leo how it would go before it started...the judges have been on the case of the royal prerogative since Blair's war in Irak and this was an open goal for them though I was interested that Johnson was not called to give a witness statement, because had he done so it might well have undermined the court's reliance on the notes made by the da Costa woman.

  2. Fly, I understood Boris said he would not make a witness statement. I suppose he was frightened of the questions they would ask.

  3. The Miller lot made no real push for it....

  4. Its certainly interesting times Mr A the like of which we have never seen before, and no one can argue with an 11 - 0 verdict. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I don't think Boris will resign and we won't have a General Election before the 31st Oct. And to think that our parliamentary process used to be the role model for the rest of the world.

  5. Dave. Resignation is not being mentioned, and a 'Brass Neck' however was offered by Gove this morning on Radio 4.


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