Saturday 21 September 2019

Bumbling Along...

It's a terrible thing when having eaten an inadequate breakfast you must run for a bus because you need a birthday card quick.  The best place for cards is not the local card shops but the Oxfam shop in Dunmow, not only two smiling young ladies but a decent choice of actually funny cards.

So I pushed my way past men selling strange kids waving things, there must be an event on today which explains the crowded streets and lack of traffic, and found the shop, brushed past the crowds and selected a few cards.
As it happens this area is of course wealthy so the book side is always worth a look and I obtained, for £2:99 a copy of 'Plutarch. 'The Rise and fall of Athens' to place on the 'to be read' pile.  Charity shops in well read towns are much better than those in the grubby back streets if you wish decent books.  The lower orders, like around here, read wimmins books, the trashy novels that ought to be burnt.  Better educated folks often dump books of quality, especially when clearing an aged relatives home.  Sadly they are all healthy and well at the moment in Dunmow.

The need to finish some of the family history has kept me busy, little else has been done, or indeed interesting enough to draw me away.  Now I have finished part one, soon to be sent north so my sister can understand the depth of depravity in her forebears, then I can look further back to Great Granddad where already I think I see problems...
Something to look forward to I suppose.


  1. I miss mooching round the charity shops for books. Mother's area of Southampton wasn't in the Dunmow range, but I picked up a fair few books worth reading in one in particular.
    Now that Better World Books have doubled the charge on the books to pay for the free shipping to Costa Rica I am stick with Kindle books, but going through an online list does not give the same pleasure as bending double in a confined space to see what is on the bottom shelf at which point the glasses fall off...

  2. Fly, My glasses are for outdoors so inside I have to remove them and lean up against the books to read the titles! While most books can be identified by the covers, most are rubbish, it is awkward, especially when they are on the bottom shelf.


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