Sunday 14 June 2015

Cleaning Laptop

All day I have been at this!  All day, from sunrise, behind the clouds, to dusk, which will be behind the same clouds, I have been attempting to dump stuff from the laptop.  I was 3:38 GB from capacity and now, after removing files, pictures, and anything that moves I have only moved to 7:85GB from capacity!  I still cannot get into the big ones I wish to move, Windows games on Win 7 are non removable, thanks ya greedy ape, and I still cannot get rid off others.  Bah!
I have removed pictures onto discs and each one required formatting, this took seven minutes each time, or was it more?  Choosing which to keep and which to dump takes hours, making, and burning, chicken also takes time, and through all this I have been unable to watch the football properly.  Not that I am one to complain but this really is the last now, in the middle of June!
I canny find anything now, the desk is covered in discs.....

I need to sleep...


  1. Housekeeping can be so tiring. Rest up, Mr. must be exhausted!

  2. Great infographic Adullaman!

  3. Video files (.mpeg, .wmv, etc.) take up a lot of space. Do you really need to keep so much kitty porn around?

  4. Lee, I will take your advice.

    Carol, It is indeed! :)

    Jerry, They are not Kitty porn....

  5. It's amazing and infuriating how much time you can waste at a computer doing stuff like this. I have hardly been at mine lately and not missed it.

  6. Jenny, Sadly I am going to be trapped writing on it for the next week.


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