Saturday 13 June 2015

Blackbirds & Football

The desk is still untidy, the papers still lie waiting sorting, books remain gathering dust as does everything else and all because of 'WildTangent Games!'  No matter what I tried I cannot get rid of the files deep inside.  Other things like 'Real Cloud' remains also stubbornly refusing to vamoose.  I have gone in here and there, used this and that yet so much claims to be there still.  The hard drive is almost full so something has to come out.  I lost meagre amounts of files, much sweat and my temper, but so much remains.  There was nothing for it but to have lunch and go back to bed.

This scruffy erk was sitting feeling sorry for himself as the Summer rain (note that, Summer rain) was falling.  The Starlings attempt to eat the Suet pellets from the feeder but I shoo them away as they stop the wee birds from feeding.  This young chap may or may not have been feeding but he certainly does not like the weather.  Starlings like to flock together and in the past we had vast numbers of them sitting atop the radio mast behind the police station and flying around in a large group having a ball.  Still a few hundred but numbers have dropped in recent years, maybe it's me!  Charles Dickens wrote of such flocks gathering in the far off suburbs of London, though they were far from suburbs then, at places like Kingston on Thames and gathering together to meet in London's centre.  Thousands would arrive, and still do, and er, do do, all over the place returning home in the morning. Not quite like it was in the 19th century but many still around.

Also unhappy, but probably something to do with her man who has not been feeding the kids or doing his work in the house, is this lass who certainly did not like the rain in her face.  Not a bad picture considering I took it through a window. 

At last, at long last the final game of the season is actually over.  No more football until, well July I suspect.  I need the rest, I am tired watching football, tired being stressed by it, tired and aching waiting for it to start and tired and aching waiting for it too finish.  Now at Last I have time to get the desk tidied up and...hold on, I think there may be a game tomorrow....



  1. I'd be feeling a bit "erk" too if I'd been sitting out in the rain. It showered off and on here yesterday, and a bit like Carol, I spent most of the day back in bed, reading and watching shows on TV. It was a lovely day!

    The glass on the window must be very clean...if you took that shot through a closed window, that is! :)

  2. Did you ever write something about the FIFA scandal of the last two weeks Adullaman? I may have missed it if you did.

  3. Lee, The window is not what any woman would call 'clean.'

    Carol, No need, the papers are full of it and it goes on still. A Football Assoc's are full of corruption.

  4. Hearts return to pre-season training this Friday. Their first pre-season friendly is two weeks away. The new season is just around the corner...

  5. Mike, A short close season, I make it five days this year!


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