Saturday 15 March 2014

Science Saturday

It was Science Saturday at the museum today.  Well over two hundred, nearer three hundred I guess, crowded around the Fossil tables poking at bits of mammoth or possibly early man, they looked the same to me!  Fingerprints were taken elsewhere, bugs magnified by electric microscope and something very strange was going on elsewhere.  This was all part of 'National Science and Engineering Week,' and fun it was.  The kids received certificates for participating, there were activities to check out, and the rest of the museum as open for inspection also.  Two happy workshops were offered making collages or fossils.  The place was full of old fossils today. That reminds me, I must phone my sister.
This young lady was sitting in the teachers desk at the Victorian classroom. She readily took to being in charge!  I wandered around being the 'gopher,' as this means I see everything but do the things that suit my abilities.  I made lots of tea and coffee.  On occasion I helped in the shop.  On these occasions things went wrong.  I made my excuses and left.  This was a good exhibition, none complained as some like to do, all appeared reasonably happy, the kids looked engrossed when I looked in at the workshops which is always a good sign.    

Possibly the parents enjoyed it most!  The Essex Fossil people had crowds milling around their display all day, it took until near time's up for the place to clear.  Handling fossils, especially of big animals intrigues people.  It was all I could do to stop them nicking our mammoth tooth.

The girls working the till had a wonderfully hard time.  There was no charge for entrance today but the workshops cost £3.  These had to be pre-booked and the popular later one was in fact overflowing as many who arrived today wanted to join in.  Names had to be taken and checked, money received, change given, queues controlled, and items sold, all at the same time as others piled in.  Much fun and confusion, especially when I made a hash of the credit card machine, but the girls were magnificent! Volunteers all, except the staff obviously, and hard working all day.

My knees ached by two and I left soon after.  How nice it was to sit down and eat!  It made a change from washing cups and chatting to people.  That last but is the best part, there is so much to learn from visitors, so many tit-bits of information, and the kids are great also, if you manage to get them talking that is.  Some of course never stop, mostly female I should add.... 
I am worn out and off to my kip...



  1. An old fossil writes...

  2. It would appear that you had a wonderful time, Adullamite.

    It sounds like the children did, too. And it also appears that the girls were the most inquisitive and were the most eager to learn than their male counterparts.

    But that's females for you...they are the keenest to learn about interesting things including old fossils.

    I'm sure the children will cherish the certificates they received, too.

  3. Mike, Can I just remind you that I was NOT an exhibit!

    Lee, Can I just reind you also that I was NOT an exhibit!

  4. It's not me you should be telling this to, Adullamite. Tell the folk who visit the museum...move around a bit...that should help them understand that you're not an exhibit...perhaps.! Wave your arms about. Do the highland fling...tap dance!

    I know you're not one of the exhibits...or a fossil, even.

    You and I know you're not yet an exhibit (I am taking your world for it) - you have to make that very clear to the visitors...particularly the kids; and more particularly the boys...they're a little slower on the uptake than the girls are! ;)

  5. Sounds like a great Saturday. My grandad used to collect fossils ~ I have an ammonite and some petrified wood from his collection.

  6. I used to live in an area which had a geological era named after it...the toarcien....
    Frequently feel like a fossil myself...

  7. Lee, I am NOT mistaken for an exhibit! Especially by boys who understand quicker than girls!!!!! I do NOT need to walk about flapping my arms either!!
    I might flap something before long mind.......

    Carol, What a clever granddad! I appear to have collected a couple of somethingites here this morning!

    Fly, You could never be mistaken for a fossil!!!


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