Monday 17 March 2014

I Forgot

I forgot all about the blog today, not counting replying to the comments some people left.  I was so busy not doing the things that needed done and doing some things that needed done last week but didn't get done as I was so busy not doing the things that needed done.  Therefore by the time I had done the things needing done last week I forgot about the things needing done today, although some of the things needing done last week would have needed doing this week anyway.  So some things have now been done but will probably need doing again next week and some things that need doing will get done possibly next week to save doubling up on things needing doing today.  

So I forgot.       

Not that anything has happened.  The missing plane is still missing, Ukraine is still upset at losing the Crimea, celebrity stories are wasting peoples lives in the papers, George Osborne is still planning a budget to help the rich and Rangers have the refs in their pockets as always.  So we have missed nothing and our lives have been improved by not noticing what we have not noticed and worried ourselves sick about for no good reason.  Life is good when nothing happens.



  1. It's that Chinese blessing, isn't it. "May you live in uninteresting times" Or perhaps it is a Chinese curse - "may you live in interesting times". Anyway I agree.

  2. Too much for my small female brain to follow Aman

  3. I started something I should not have done...clearing out that's the rest of the week's schedule gone for a burton...

  4. It sounds a bit similar to me at the moment. I've a friend coming to stay for a day and night later this week, so I've been trying to catch up and do all the things I've forgotten to do, many housework! It's amazing how a pending visit from a friend can kick one into gear!!!

  5. Jenny, I'm with the Chinese!

    Carol, I know, it is difficult....

    Fly, Silly girl, can you do mine...?

    Lee, But it is only ince in a blue moon.

  6. Well, it's probably best it's in a blue moon and not a full moon!


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