Thursday 14 November 2013


There is nothing to say.  This is not to say I have nothing to say, it's just that nothing I have to say fits with something you wish to read, so I will not say it.  This leaves me nothing to say, so I look for something to say that you will read, if I can find something, and if you will read it,or consider it nothing you wish to read.  
It is not that I have done nothing, but how much can be said about buying a loaf of bread or doing the washing?  You see, you did likewise and failed to find anything worth writing about it also.  How much can be said about a loaf of 'Malted Grain' bread?  Tesco do their best but in truth it is not very exciting.  Even the crowded store was not enticing.  How foolish to shop when busy, normally I go early, before the women are up and the kids are still asleep, not using their pushchairs are barricades throughout the store.

I could tell you of the BBC iPlayer and the 15 minute programmes thereon, once again I am enjoying them.  At the moment I am listening to Alistair Cooke and his 'Letter from America,' which is always interesting, even though he himself is dead.  I could inform the reader that the 'Daily Express' wants to believe four inches of sow will arrive next week.  Further investigation reveals it will only land in Scotland, so that's all right, that's where it belongs.  

As I finger my bus pass and wonder whether an hours trip to Colchester tomorrow is worth considering I note Jenny has once again posted about warm countries, blue skies and good food.  How the rich live!  There again there is the 'Bead' who transports us to Costa Rica or France, and maybe even Spain while the cold winds blow.  However you will not want to read well written blogs and travel to the sunshine.  It would just make you hungry, so you might be better of visiting Queensland, where I remember the sun shines also.  You will be surprised to find her swanning about Singapore, where it's cooler.

Did you note a hint of jealousy there?  Bah!
Now, where are my gloves with the fingers cut out?


  1. Boy! What are you like when you've got something to say??? Hahahahaha!

    You will be surprised to know that it is not cooler in Singapore, Adullamite, than it is here in Queensland!

    It's just that we "dress" for the climate here...casually.

    On the subject of hot weather...we're in the middle of a few days of stormy weather. Some places have really copped some bad storms...lots of damaging hail and winds. Touch far so good here where I live. We've been getting lots of noise and light shows and some good rain that we need. I hope the status quo remains re no damage.

  2. Thanks for the link but there is another side to the rich life, or indeed many other sides such as the last couple of days. Yesterday I was shivering in London with no water except for the mains in the kitchen, worst of all no working loos. Never mind th0uogh we can use the neighbours or the ones in the supermarket. T climbed 12 ft into the loft on 6 occasions (we have high ceilings) and we got the emergency plumber, their combined efforts fixed the water, except that six hours later it was the turn of the mains to go off and all the hot water ran out. The tank wasnt filling, once again the toilets didn't work once again the heroic T managed to sort it out. Just after I went to the loo at the supermarket I bought some milk so it wasn't all time wasted! Today I went to Waterstones and returned a book I got by mistake because I have a memory like a sieve and got the wrong book though the right author. I cleaned the kitchen waste bin REALly well as it had been full of chicken bones from my efforts at making chicken soup out of a chicken carcase left in my kitchen by a kindly relative. Tomorrow I will be painting over the bit of damp that has appeared because of another leaky pipe 2 weeks ago, it has had time to dry out at last!! I also set fire to something under the grill (something I have a terrible habit of doing) but the fire alarm didn't go off cause it is disconnected as it has become temperamental at going off too often and now goes off even if you just boil an egg. No harm done though!!! (this time) (apart from another ruined meal) Also today I cycled to an industrial estate in Kentish town and helped some university researchers with their vital research into why people choose to stand in a particular spot on the train platform. Well, any time you would like a few more glimpses into my rich and sunlit life just ask, I am a writer after all :)

  3. Gotcha you always are the perfect writer even as you suggest today that you have nothing to say. Well I disagree with that anyway because nothing is always the most interesting.

    I never expected a spelling mistake from you! You are my mentor for grammar, spelling and sometimes politics. Perhaps the pedestal is unwelcome but nonetheless I have placed you upon it.

    So now you want to know where you let me down? Well lying in a pig sty is not quite the same as being knee deep in the white stuff that falls from the sky.

  4. You take me back to the bedroom lit by a gas mantle; the window panes covered in frost patterns; the cloud formed by your breath in the morning - and putting the school clothes into the relative warmth of the bed while undergoing the horrors of washing and cleaning the teeth, ready for the day.

    I look back and shudder!

  5. Lee, A little storm and you all fret! You can have our rain if you like!

    Jenny, Now you know I was not implying you were rich, just a world traveller (with a rich man! :)). Fascinating glimpse into the daily life there. Also shows how easily life falls apart when water fails! The plumbers are looking forward to winter. That was a great reply, we need more of this in your posts, alongside pics of Greece and other sunny climes.

    Mo, You trust my spelling? You silly twisted lass you! As I write red lines are appearing all over the place, not that this American spellchecker can spell anyhow. I deliberately left that word misspelt, to see if you noticed....

    Fly, You describe my morning well. The breath does show, the windows do show Jack Frost when cold, however when young we crowded into the kitchen, with gas oven door open, in an effort to get warm. This I cannot do now. Washing in cold water does waken the body mind......

  6. Fret? No...I'm not fretting. We've needed the rain.

    However, I do fret when millions of dollars worth of crops have been wiped out in the Lockyer Valley from damaging hailstorms they received out that way.

    I do fret over the predicament our graziers out west are facing. They are in dire straits and need rain desperately. Having to watch their herds starve and be killed because there is no feed for them; having to watch their livelihood just crumble away in a dust bowl makes me fret.

    I do fret when devastating I learn about a typhoon has wipe out parts of a country, killing thousands of people; injuring thousands of other and destroying millions of homes and buildings; leaving people homeless, without food and water; while they're dealing with lost loved ones.

    There is much I fret over; and it is over the heartache others are going through. Fortunately, so far, I personally remained untouched, and it may be selfish of me to hope that this remains so, but with Nature at the controls not one of us can be cock sure!

    It's the luck of the draw...I guess...

  7. And I do fret when I make typos! ;)

    My only excuse is...and it's a weak one at that, I know...5 am is a little early to be making astute, intelligent comments...for me, anyway. Perhaps any time of the day is, if I HAVE to be honest!

    You must thank me for at least boosting the response numbers on your comments! Come on, now...a quick pat on the back won't go astray! ;)

  8. Lee, Never fret about missing a hurricane, or any other disaster.

    Lee, and typos. the time of day makes no difference I find....

  9. Well, that illustration hit a raw nerve. For it drives me nuts when blog is used as a verb. Of course, since English grammar was never a good subject for me in school, it may not actually be a verb, but do newspaper columnists go around talking about things to column about? I do not recall ever reading something like that, and I cannot tell a difference between what can be read at sites like this and many newspaper columns. Hey, some blogs look just like magazines to me, and I cannot recall a publisher of a magazine ever talking about things to magazine about!

  10. Jerry, I 'blog' often! :)
    English grammar I fail however....

  11. Thank Jenny for sending us your way ~ visiting from Far North Queensland too.

  12. Carol, Jenny has a lot to answer ofr! :)
    My long dead aunt lived in Cairns in the far north.
    She found it warmer than Cowdenbeath!

    Lee of course lives in Queensland, hogging the sun!

  13. Jenny sent me. Hi.

  14. Zhoen, Welcome! Hi and you look good on a motorbike!


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