Friday 15 November 2013

Life is Funny

Life is indeed funny.  Yesterday I wrote nothing and I got several happy replies.  In days past I have written deeply thoughtful, penetrating, insightful, and objective posts which have been largely ignored!  The conclusion is either my readership (25 read my last post) has the intellectual depth of the 'Daily Mail' reader, or  er, something else!  Either way it is all so confusing.  

Another confusing yet funny incident occurred far away today.  Our beloved leader 'Dave,' has made use of the Commonwealth leaders get together to have a go at the Sri Lankan boss for hurting those Tamil folks.   That is the Tamils Tiger folks who conducted a viscous war for forty years leading to many terrorist deaths.  The army crushed them once and for all a couple of years ago and now people bleat about 'Human Rights.'  I am somewhat cynical here, certainly the army took no prisoners and is no doubt guilty of abuse however after so many years of war something had to be done.  Now there is a peace, even if it is far from perfect.  Sad to say that if you 'live by the sword, you die by the sword.'  For me this has an element similar to those who say the bombing of Germany should never have happened, or dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was wrong.  Had we not bombed Germany we may have lost, had we not dropped the bomb more may have fallen later, on us!  Guess who would be the first to complain then?  Similarly those not hurt by the Tigers may well criticise Sri Lanca, but I would hesitate.  Had I been the boss down there confronted with 'Dave' and his crocodile tears I would immediately take a trip to Ireland and congratulate the IRA on their war.  'Dave' may not like that.  There is no doubt that David Cameron is not right for his job.  Soon he will be gone but the mess will not be cleared up soon, and probably not by what takes over.  Life is funny, and it might get funnier soon.  I've an idea, lets get that chap from Toronto to take over.......

I read somewhere that two thousand left handed people are killed each year by using right handed equipment.  I did laugh!  Naturally we should not laugh at such things, left handed folks are all around and normally everything is aimed at right handed peoples.  Quite right too I say, although one or two cack handed types of my acquaintance tend to differ.  The difference between a normal house and theirs is exposed when you use a utensil of some type.  Potato peelers that are back to front, although I never peel potatoes myself, scissors that don't fit the hand, even the pens are odd to hold, and as for the cups!  The museum Victorian School setup occasionally has trouble with a left handed kid.  In Victorian days you were forced, like it or not, to write right handed, the normal way, and such left handed children as arrive are forced to do this in the Vic school.  They do suffer, but even into the sixties I think it was normal to force kids to write right handed?  Again I laugh when considering how dangerous it can be to be left handed, hospitals you see often have the results of accidents that make you laugh, sometimes serious ones.  For example each year around a dozen people visit hospital because they burn themselves ironing, that is, ironing clothes they are wearing!  So a left handed accident could well be amusing, but I do wonder how on earth they manage to kill themselves?  Any lefthanders out there?  Are you ambidextrous?

Any complaints re spelling today....?


  1. I've got no complaints about your spelling...but I do fret! ;)

    And, by the way, I comment on the majority of your posts, if not all!

    I can't comment on David Cameron, really, because I believe it's not my place to do so. I've enough to think about with our government here in this country.

    Fortunately, we've just been through a Federal Election and got rid of the useless mob who were previously trying to run this country; operative word being "trying".

    A funny thing is, the previous government wasn't "operative" in anyway; not that that is very amusing, really. They not only wasted precious time, but they wasted money, too. They were a wasted, wasteful lot! They were as useless as tits on a bull!

    And all the money wasted on useless surveys should be put to better use. There's a simple remedy to all those cack-handed mishaps. Left-handed people should just stand on their heads when peeling potatoes and doing all other household chores...they wouldn't have as many accidents then.

    I don't peel potatoes, either. The only vegetables I peel are onions and garlic.

    So, yes - see...I really do give a fig!

  2. Just off to check out the Daily Mail.....

  3. Lee, You don't get on well with left handed folks I see.... and anything said about our MPs will be correct!

    Fly, You make me laugh!

  4. No Adullamite Dave has got it sussed. Antagonise where ever you go and that creates more markets for the weapons you are hocking off around the world.

    As for left handedness, even the knives are left handed in my house.

  5. Why do people make fun of The Daily Mail? Of course, Richard had to explain FIG 1 and FIG 2 to me! ;-)

  6. It has nothing to do with being right or left-handed, but never having a metric Crescent wrench around when I needed one used to frustrate me to no end. Of course, tool-makers loved it when motors started being made with both fractional and metric nuts and bolts. Could this be another indication of the Illuminati slowly marching us toward the New World Order?

    In all seriousness, I feel enormous guilt over spending what energy I have to work with on publishing "stuff" that most may find entertaining while leaving the important articles for maybe later. I try to justify it by thinking that the regular readers of the entertaining pieces will be drawn to the important ones when it is in accordance to our Hevenly Father's will, but I do desire the approval of others.

  7. Mo, Good thinking there girl, even if you are cack handed! 'Dave,' is only keen on selling stuff.

    Kay, I believe Richard had to explain that to you!!!!
    The 'Daily Mail,' has Richard not explained this to you yet? he needs to urgently.

    Jerry, Everything is decimal nowadays. They speak about Kilometers not miles, millimeters and such, what's wrong with inches and feet?

    You always have our approval.

  8. Have you ever come across left-handed pianos?

    I'm left handed. I can't say I find it a problem, except when using scissors.

    It's a distinct advantage when fighting your way up a spiral staircase in a castle, armed with a sword. It's said they always spiral round to the right as you go up to make it hard for right handed, sword wielding attackers.

  9. Dominic, Indeed I believe that is why they were so narrow and designed that way. I discovered folks were left handed when using their scissors!
    Cheers for the piano piece, lovely stuff.

  10. I was always called cack handed by my parents. Your immense knowledge of such quirky terms has me wondering what is the origins of that phrase. Do you know oh master of obscure facts?

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Mo, That's a question!

  13. A lot of surgeons are left handed, and all are taught to be adept with both hands.

    Davros wore kilts.

  14. Zhoen, Davros wore kilts, while doing surgery....?


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