Friday 27 September 2013

The Man Flu Diaries

Is that daylight out there?  In spite of intense suffering I have improved my situation from my Monday photograph where I was at deaths door to reach the satisfactory situation found today.


You see today I am eating again!  Not only this but early this morning I made it to Sainsburys and now have tea with milk for the first time since Tuesday! What a difference, not that I cared until 9am today at least.  

What a horrendous week this has been.  My empathy for those with chronic pain has grown once again.  My ability to fail to sleep for 48 hours has impressed me.  The fact that ignoring the news has not changed the world one bit tells me something else also.  Paracetamols, three at a time, failure to remove the throat pain was a surprise!  The requirement to have 'Cockaleekie Soup' on standby has also been noted.

My thanks Lee for your generous offer to fly over from Queensland to make such soup for me.  I am sorry the ticket failed to arrive but the cheque appears to have bounced!

All references to Man-Flu by the female world appear full of sarcasm and cynicism.  The need for a comparison with childbirth fails to ring true with me.  Childbirth happens daily and they are always happy about it, no man likes Man-Flu!  Tsk!

It's good to be alive, but only just.

Oh, and I've just found this newspaper report!



  1. I always think of Laurel and Hardy and one of the greatest films 'Sons of the Desert' where Hardy is pretending illness and laurel sticks a barometer in his mouth, it reads "WET AND WINDY". Sums up man flu to me!!

  2. So reports of your death were somewhat exaggerated....?


    No one else puts up videos of steam trains for me...

  3. Alan, A very apt description!

    Fly, I'm not too sure 'exaggerated' was wrong mind...

  4. I knew my threat of arriving with soup and Scotch would work!! It never fails!

    I'd already made the soup, Adullamite; so I'll just have to eat it myself and toss the rest into the containers, of course!

    As for the Scotch...I've already drunk that! Hic!

    Glad to see that you are on the mend. You were missed...but I was the only one game enough to admit to it! ;)

  5. The good thing about man flu is that you don't sleep for a mere 48 hours. If you'd been having a baby you would not have had any sleep for 48 days.

    I am glad that you are on the mend, any kind of flu is truly horrible, you never remember how bad till you are actually experiencing it, which I hope I won't be doing in the near future. And I suppose you will be immune after this, to that strain of flu at least.

  6. 7,425 some very odd days in a row and still counting. Believe it or not, it is possible for one to get somewhat used to it. Not that getting somewhat used to it makes it anymore tolerable, though. Sigh.

  7. Lee, I am surprised to hear you have drunk the whisky, so unlike you.....!

    Jenny, They say you are immune from this strain however the blasted things change and come back. I think that is why I get so many lesser symptoms as old virii return amended.

    Jerry, Indeed your situation is worse and that cannot be forgotten!


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