Monday 23 September 2013

Go Away, I'm Dying


  1. Oh! Dear! This could be bad!

    I would send you some chicken soup, Adullamite, but it'd be cold by the time it reached you...and I know you wouldn't have the strength to reheat it!

    Get well soon...and keep those moans and groans down to a minimum...I can hear them down here! ;)

  2. Tesco Value?

    Welcome to the plague-pit!

  3. Wish I'd thought of this. Be a billionaire now

  4. Lee, ooooooh.

    Jerry, OK

    Soub. aaarrgh.

    Mo, aye.

  5. Cure - Lots of whisky.

  6. I know Adullamite did stir, if only for a brief moment because he responded as above.

    I do hope you're feeling 100% better by now, Adullamite...or are you, perhaps hidden away with all that whisky suggested by Alan and that is the explanation of your absence?

  7. Good evening Adullamite
    I was wondering if the published pictures are private ones and ,if so, if you could authorize any use of them?
    Would be possible to send your reply @
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Btw compliments for your blog.

  8. Good evening Adullamite
    I was wondering if the published pictures are private ones and ,if so, if you could authorize any use of them?
    Would be possible to send your reply @
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Btw compliments for your blog.

  9. Hey! I hope you're okay, my friend! We've not heard from you for a couple of days...and that's out of character...take care and get well soon.

  10. You have the worse flu known to women! All the best. Incidentally this is the first case I have read about this year.

  11. Silence is not golden in this instance, Adullamite! I'm sure I'm not the only person concerned about your welfare.

    If you don't speak up soon I will arrive with a huge pot of chicken soup, and a carton of Scotch!!!

  12. Alan, Didn't work.

    Lee, I stirred but was shaken....

    TNT, My pics can be used if folks show me how. Other folks pics need their permission.

    Lee, You saying I talk too much.....?

    Dave, Indeed this is the worst of all illnesses known to man. It has spread widely and is already killing the masses!

    Lee, You are the only one who cared!


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