Monday 12 August 2013

PR Stunts and Emptiness.

Cameron is at it again I see.  With UKIP folk making a fool of themselves in 'Bongo Bongo land' the PR man has spent much of his holiday in PR stunts attempting to win back the favour of his lost voters.  The Conservative Party has apparently shed thousands of members during his time. He has turned up in the paper almost daily spouting 'vows' and 'promises,' each one assuring that 'he will...' or that 'something is done.'  Lies, all lies.  He is very into 'Fracking' today so I suspect he is suffering 'dropsy' of some sort, a terrible disease.  Asking people in the south of England to think of the 'good of the country,' and accept his friends 'fracking' is pushing it I say. I understand the councillors who allowed this project in the south to go ahead may have connections with the company involved, allegedly.  Cameron of course lives in the Cotswolds, far away from the work.  
Those phone in programmes dominated  by the lonely, the desperate and members of parliament seeking attention have also drawn him in.  He has called in to earnestly support gays in Russia, yet would not withdraw from the athletics there obviously, rebuke Spain and spout about any subject of the day.   Did it make a difference?  Only to his party members, or at least to those in his office. The Norwegian PM took to driving a taxi to meet the people, I canny see Dave following suit, he would get a fair idea of what the public really think.  I suspect they would be less genteel than the friendly Norwegians!  Today the PR was attacking the weakest once again.  Ian Duncan Smith, that cretinous worm of a man, once again wishes to point out that all the welfare budget goes on scroungers!  He does this by finding 4000 who he claims are earning £23, 000 a year from handouts and he will end this, his figures are of course disputable.  Total baloney but the Daily mail reader is happy enough.  He claims his policies have saved million from the welfare budget but does not show how, nothing new for IDS that.  He still claims all the expenses he can doesn't he?  IDS once claimed a £39 breakfast on expenses, and a £9 cocktail while still in opposition. Sadly this was rejected!
All this is to win back the Tories ready to defect to UKIP, the party the Tories claim is full of 'swivel eyed loons.'  While they are not wrong they are not really in a position to criticise are they?  I suppose it stops questions arising re tax dodging friends and the latest news that the recession (is it called this?) will last at least three more years or until 750,000 are taken from the dole queues.  Fabulous!  By the time so many have got jobs or retired there will be a million more on the dole, the futures bright eh?
Where are the opposition while this is going on?  Not to be seen anywhere!  One Labour female, who got her job because of her sex, waffled on about something the other day but I cannot remember what she said.  She will go far in the Labour Party.  Ed Milliband is writing his speech for the conference which follows the holidays.  It is make or break time for him. If he fails to deliver he may well be ejected, and that will be no loss, but what will replace him?  There is nothing left in Labour's box, merely a collection of middle class Oxbridge types with less idea of what the world requires than Cameron has.  The future is indeed bright, but not here.  What a mess we are in and no-one knows what to do.  The truth however, is out there!



  1. I suggest leaving the country.

    Bongo Bongo land's pretty prosperous, I hear.
    The more I hear politicians of any flavour, the more I distrust them. My solution is to go to Texas, where I still deeply distrust the politicians, but at least I can claim I never voted for any of them.

  2. These pieces always make me feel much better about American politics. THANK YOU!

  3. We've got an election coming up here in about 4 weeks...7th September...and I'm just so over all the campaigning. I've shut myself off from it all...I'm sick of all the b/s spruiking. I think most Australians feel similarly at the moment.

    I have no idea if anyone has been running this country for the past few years...they're more involved in themselves personally.

  4. Soub, Surely there is only one reason to go to Texas?

    Jerry, Don't get too excited about US politicians!

    Lee, Indeed and what a jolly lot you have to choose from. At least the Welsh bit has gone.

  5. And thank goodness the redhead has gone, but the prima donna who's replaced her; the one she replaced, is as bad, if not worse!! I can't stand him...he's a petulant egomaniac! Every time I see his image on TV, I picture him dressed in a pink tutu and ballet slippers! lol

  6. I'm stunned that he thinks fracking is ok and we should all get behind it. Lets start in his neighbourhood.

  7. Could we start by attacking tax,no, whatever am I thinking of...

  8. Mo, He will never allow that!

    Fly. TsK! Silly girl.

  9. I sort of expect all this rubbish from Cameron and his crew, but I am truly upset at the uselessness of Labour. What is there for (reasonably) normal people like us to vote for? It's enough to turn anyone communist. Unfortunately I think it's turning them all UKIP

  10. Jenny, It is a desperate situation today.

  11. Fracking?

    I think that is what is causing all of our recent sinkholes.

    Or is fracking when you shoot your officers?


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