Tuesday 13 August 2013

Lazy Blogging



  1. Think that Mans Best Friend ought to have been rushing to the rescue, myself.

  2. Thanks for the smiles, Adullamite. It matters not that you're feeling a bit lazy today...not if you share the laughter!

    Those first two I can relate to, particularly the second one!! ;)

  3. Hark! I can hear noises coming from the bleachers! ;)

  4. Jenny, He was scared of the cat!

    Lee, That is a beauty that one!

    Jerry, And you!

    Lee, The cat has a tin opener?

  5. Can opener? Can opener? My goodness! They know where their food is kept...in the fridge and in the cupboard...and they know where their slave is kept; and they know how to lead me to where it's kept, just in case I've forgotten!

    Quote: "She who cuts up our meat every afternoon...nothing less than meat for dinner...knows where the can opener is, you know. Canned or packet foods are just a treat in the mornings if we feel like it. Meat is our main daily fare in this household, don't you know that???"


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