Wednesday 11 July 2012

Two Pics

One picture spoofs the famous, by now, Second World War poster.  For bloggers it is indeed good advice.  Keeping the mouth shut and listening to what is going on around you can produce openings for items to blog about, and also not yelling a multitude of rude words at the keyboard helps concentration when things go wrong, like spellings, disobedient computer software, and family and friends offering advice. The proof reading, something you will note I fail to do, can stop folks asking if all the schools were on strike when you grew up? Satire is not dead it seems.

Someone passed this onto me, and while I do not know where it came from (Was it one of you lot?) I do think it a fantastic picture.  Someone is a very sharp shot with a camera.



  1. Totally brilliant picture, I agree. It completely took me in but now I see what it is.

    I believe that poster (the original one I mean) did not actually appear in the war. It was found by some people who run a second hand bookshop in a disused railway station up north. I heard them interviewed on the radio.

    Apparently they found the design - which had not been printed - and were so taken with it they made a mug of it. They were really nice about the fact that others have copied it and made such a fortune out of it.
    Possibly they couldn't have patented it anyway but I believe some smart alec has done something like that nevertheless.

  2. Jenny, The pic fooled me at first! Great stuff.
    I think you are indeed right about the poster, and they got done by someone on the make!

  3. Hey!
    I did a post about the "Keep Calm and Carry On" Poster. I have the film clip on there about the fantastic bookshop in Northern England, I wish I could visit it.

    And the man on the train! What a great shot, I have a son who was crazy about Lego so that is what I saw, someone dressed like a Lego character!

  4. Keep clam and proof read - brilliant! Talking of proof reading, you might get an unscrupulous sort shamelessly plugging his book, Hearts 50 Greatest Games, due out on 1 August. Just ignore him...

  5. Kay, You should have left a link! He does look like Lego man!

    Mike, A Spammer selling a book? Never!


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