Tuesday 10 July 2012

Desperate Abstract

Desperate to find a photo worth taking today.  Weather didn't help, having too much work to do didn't help, having no talent didn't help.  So I gathered together the pencils and produced this!  Long ago in a photo mag I read that pictures are all around you!  Open your eyes and see them.  This is true but it is not always possible to see them.  Coming from Edinburgh, the most beautiful city in the world, I found that for the first few years living in London I could not 'see' any pictures when I returned to Edinburgh.  The problem was the castle, the buildings, the surroundings were all part of growing up and I just took them for granted.  I could not 'see' pictures for a few years.  There again who wishes to see pictures of wet buildings, ancient or not?  

Tomorrow the kitchen!



  1. I would love to see your ancient buildings! In fact, I am quite sure I could hours just staring at them, which might get me on some terrorist watchlist. It might be worth, though. In all fairness, the area around here (the Ozarks) is quite famous for its natural beauty, and I do not appreciate it nearly as much as I should.

  2. I worked in Keighley, i Yorkshire for a year, All the houses were built with the same sand stone. When it was sunny they all looked great but when it rained they all looked dark, dirty and depressing, Sadly, being Yorkshire it rained every day.

  3. Jerry, You mean you are not on a watchlist? Ozarks would be worth seeing, if you are not used to them.

    Mametz, The sun makes the roughest places attractive even Yorkshire!

  4. Do you always keep your coloured pencils in order? ROYGBIV. Not quite but nearly.

    Seven years ago I sent someone a postcard like that. It was hugely popular but I've never been able to find another. You should go into production. I've said that before.

  5. Sheila, Should I start a postcard factory? Sounds good.


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