Monday 19 December 2011


Struggling as I am with this debilitating plague, I managed to discover just how many other men endure their illness so stoically.  This company at least has made an attempt to make a killing aid their fellow man but producing medicinal products specially designed for such a time.  Sadly I am too weak and ravaged by aches to make it to Sainsburys however I will stock up for next time.  Instead I will continue to indulge the enormous number of cups of tea that are keeping my weakened body alive and then I will return to bed again.  Just for you girls here is a shot of me suffering patiently....




  1. Somehow I thought you looked different. You know what the trouble is? You need something to put hairs on your chest.

  2. Soubs, er, muscle I would say.

    A, How could you think I looked different....?

  3. Fish, Too much Hot Toddy....

  4. Nobody can have too much hot toddy. Seriously, I do hope you feel better soon.

  5. Ah. I see. Not silicone then.

  6. A, I will put that to the test on your advice...

    Soub, No, that's too dangerous!


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