Sunday 18 December 2011

Man Flu Again

Will the horrid Lurgi never leave me? For weeks now I have suffered the effects of the dreaded bug!  It leaves for a day or two, then returns and hits me where it hurts, everywhere!  It is not fair I say!  Weary as I was I awake this morning and discovered the cough from yesterday had added throat pains to itself, this has magnified as the day has gone on, and the weariness has increased in spite of my desire to rise and be about my business. Instead I have been forced to sit here and watch football matches all day!  The tablets will run out soon at this rate, yet the aches and pains remain.  Food may become unavailable, yet I am too unfit to do anything about this. My survival may be at stake, yet no compassion is forthcoming!  However I am not one to complain so I will just get on with life, such as it is a the moment, and bear the suffering without a murmur, as always.  I suspect wandering about on Friday, in and out into the sleety snow, has done this.  I wonder if I can sue them for compensation.....?

For surly women who whine constantly about things of no important may need to read this scientific document indicating the prevalence of 'Man Flu' in our society.  Read this and learn how to ease your men's suffering girls!   



  1. Hmmm. Well, at least I do know you have been well provided with football matches. You will certainly be able to take your mind of it.

    PS. The word verification thingy says "pityvent". I have vented my pity.

  2. Sounds like you have this revolting bug which has many faces, all of them horrible, and lingers on for many weeks.

    Fingers crossed you are better for Christmas, or, in fact, before. I mean, fingers crossed that you are better tomorrow.

  3. Ahhhh ....make some hot tea with lemon and honey. Better even if you can get someone else to make it for you. Best if it's a comely lass!

    Feel better soon!


  4. How nice to see three caring young women in one place. I feel better all ready, apart from the suffering of course....

    A, Thank you for your venting of pity.

    Jenny, Horrid bug which many have.

    RDG, Good suggestion!

  5. Nope, I ain't got no compassion to spare--sympathy, neither.

  6. You have my sympathy. Man flu is an ailment so terrible that no woman could survive it. And I suspect that bloke, whose picture you stole, will not survive it, not with those man-boobs.

  7. Soub, Stolen picture......????


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