Tuesday 29 October 2024


For no good reason Karl Marx came to mind this evening.  It concerned those who set out to lead the world.  Marx had his ideas how to do this, all came from within his own mind, all turned out to fail.  Like the majority I have not read 'Das Kapital,' nor any of his other attempts at changing the world.  One major reason for this is my dislike of middle class types, and Marx came from money, trying to tell the workers what to do.  I am not one who considers the lower orders so stupid that they cannot change the world for themselves. 
Marx, with little experience of work, attempted to build a world of equality for all but forgot about human nature, the reality of God, and how equality cannot happen, people get in the way.  One example of this was Dennis Healey arriving in Moscow and finding all the waiting Russians awaited him from the First Class cabin.  He had gone economy.  He felt this reflected on how communism works, equality indeed but some are better than others.  Marx never understood this I feel.
Of course we cannot always trust Dennis, he was after all a politician and had his own opinions.  He had been a communist even while an officer in the war but soon lost that because of what he saw in 'Uncle Joe's' world.  
I recall the educated voice from a 'Socialist Worker,' informing us how we ought to support the miners.  I regret not informing him of my families mining past and questioning what his daddy did for a living.  I presume daddy did not go down a mine.  That particular organisation, like so many other far left groups do tend to be organised and run by the middle classes.  Rarely do we see a Keir Hardie come to the fore these days.  
Anyway, it is years since I was up in Highgate, years since I saw Marx's original grave round the back, years since I could climb those hills again.  Marx is done.  The communist life failed, because human nature does not work in a fantasy.  Human nature has not changed since the beginning, successful politicians, especially liars, understand this and succeed because of it.  Truth, policies, promises are of no account, just tell them what they think is happening, lie about how you will fix it for them according to their desires, and you are in.  This has always been the way.
Truth is better, but lies are simpler and more comforting.  Ask any 'Daily Mail' reader...


  1. Father had his illusions about communism shattered by what he saw of them in Spain.

  2. Fly, Yes, many changed their minds there.


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